FF fics by word count
On this page, my FF fics are sorted from longest to shortest. (Fics with translations are listed according to the wordcount of the original version; the wordcount for the translation is normally pretty close to this.)
no. 242 A Shot At Life (in progress)
no. 044
no. 123 Everybody’s got somebody to lean on
The most promising of the young warrior monks of Yevon gradually learns that some things are more important than his career. Pre-pilgrimage.
Notes: 2021 retrospective note: just managed to get this one edited and posted before the year rolled over, having started work on it in October. The get-together fic of my heart, with all the [unnecessarily dark and dramatic] themes I love, for my OTP whom I’m obsessed with. I definitely wrote this entirely for myself and I have no shame.
no. 055 CES Game
Only three of the party go to Kefka’s tower. Magic vanishes from the world before Locke has a chance to revive Rachel, and reuniting with his friends doesn’t go smoothly. Having failed both his quests, there seems little choice but to succumb to despair.
Notes: 2021 retrospective note: this fic was a sort of farewell to FF6, or at least to writing unprompted Celes/Locke, which was one of my principal themes of 2020 (and I have stalking the FF6 fandom to thank for this change of direction). I wrote it in a weird rush of inspiration while self-isolating at the beginning of the year and sat on it for about two weeks before posting, simply because it was so much darker than anything I’d written before. Then I started writing stuff about Some Dead Guy and that was no longer a concern, ha.
no. 118 Things Come Together
Olivier survives the events in Twinside, and is freed of Ultima’s possession. At last, he might ask his brother about the glorious dragoons.
Notes: Written for yuletide 2023, a gift for raininshadows. I’ve concocted an explanation for Olivier’s survival that may not align with canon lore around Ultima etc., but please suspend disbelief for the purposes of this AU.
no. 049 Two Dimensions
no. 150 I Will Survive
Several years after Yuna’s mother decides not to visit her people, the family moves to Besaid. Braska and his wife find their marriage under pressure, faced with suspicion in their new community, their teenage daughter’s rebellious behaviour, and Braska’s nascent feelings for a dear friend. When Yuna declares her intent to take the summoner’s pilgrimage, the stakes are raised, and they find themselves not content with the mere defeat of Sin, but actively trying to destroy it.
Notes: Written for fffc, in response to prompt, somebody lives/not everyone dies. Additional notes here.
no. 103 Repute
Vargas’s relationship with his father deteriorates as he begins to forge a connection with Sabin. But that isn’t the whole story, and over the years he comes to realise that Sabin doesn’t understand him either.
Notes: Written for challengeonthebigbridge 2021. Both Vargas and Sabin are kind of dickish in this, and the ending isn’t particularly cheerful, given that the last we see of Vargas in the game is Sabin summarily dispatching him. I like to think he survives, though!
2021 retrospective note: this is my Problematic fic of the year, an attempt to deal with the weird FF6 plothole of Duncan’s “death” with bonus slash. I like to think I managed it well enough.
no. 042
Sabin takes his freedom, and leaves the castle, but the people who control Figaro are determined not to let him get any further. Wounded and grieving, he battles through the pain in the only way he knows.
Notes: (Mostly) fits with game canon but not with some details of extended canon. This story is my attempt to answer two questions: 1. Why did Sabin never get any further than South Figaro? 2. What are the actual effects of a potion?
no. 199 Love Conquers All
When Izeel’s father suggests that she marry her friend and fellow warrior monk Auron, it seems like one of Bevelle’s better arranged marriages; but Izeel is already in a relationship, and is adamant that she won’t marry a man she doesn’t love.
Notes: Written for candyheartsex 2023, a gift for Verecunda. About thirteen hours before reveals I started writing this fic for a specific Auron request, and then spent pretty much that entire thirteen hours writing it apart from a brief break to attend a rehearsal … I mean, what can I say, backstory about young Auron based on a single line from the game, that’s my kind of shit. Particularly enjoyable aspects of writing this included imagining an Auron who is actually not at all bitter or traumatised as a result of earlier events (really a novelty for me – even in the “Braska’s pilgrimage” setting as I normally write it, he’s, er, been through some stuff), as well as writing the whole thing from the POV of a female character who has cause a couple of times throughout the story to reflect on how she maybe fancies him, a little bit, but that’ll never lead to anything because she’s in love with someone else. Also a lot of this was about class differences and Wen Kinoc being a little shit, both of which also come under the category of “things I like to think about”.
no. 158
The night before the Final Summoning, Auron and Braska confess their feelings.
Notes: I just wanted to write about my boys having sex and being sad, as one does, and then I ended up concocting an entire additional chapter based on a throwaway line in the first one, which is effectively a completely separate story where the being sad remains at the forefront but the sex doesn’t. tl;dr there is only One Porn, just a heads up I guess? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
no. 218
no. 221
no. 054 In the belly of the beast
no. 217
no. 198 The Zack Fair Fan Club: Post #3
That’s right, post #2 has hit 40 pages so it’s time for a brand new post! Share the gossip about our favorite up-and-coming SOLDIER First Class, Shinra’s cutest, Zack Fair!!
Notes: Written for candyheartsex 2023, a gift for Banah. This was a lot of fun and, while I was grabbing all the relevant CSS, taught me one or two cool things about the Chrome developer tools! Once I uploaded it to AO3 I found myself having to remove a lot of the finer points of the CSS to make it function properly as a workskin, so the version on my website is a bit closer to the intended design. I had a great time coming up with cringey 2000s-style forum signatures (actually, cringey everything) for this (and also ended up creating a dubious manip of Zack and Cloud and an old computer … if I had more than 0 art skills I’d have just drawn this, and if it wasn’t instrumental to the ✨Plot✨ I’d have left it out altogether, but what can you do).
no. 099
no. 183 Don’t you think we tried to stop her?
no. 052 Staying in touch
Edgar and Terra keep up a correspondence.
Notes: Written for yuletide 2020, a gift for moemachina. Prompt: Good news, Kefka has finally been defeated! Bad news, Edgar finds it’s not as much fun being a dissolute playboy techno-king anymore. Also, Terra won’t return any of his calls.
no. 153 Before The Storm
Faced with the spheres of his past, Auron struggles. Rikku tries to help.
Notes: 2022 retrospective note: One of the few unprompted fics I posted this year, inspired by this gorgeous piece of fanart in which Auron is suffering; strangely enough, I was immediately moved to write a fic in which, once again, Auron is suffering. Weaving this fic into the events of canon was fun although surprisingly challenging, and I enjoyed writing the Auron & Rikku interactions, which gave me a new appreciation for Rikku as a character.
no. 039 a night at the saucer
no. 113 At a time like this
Now that it’s just the two of them, Celes begins to pay attention to Sabin, and to how he and she can support each other.
Notes: Written for press_start_comm 2021, a gift for mako_lies (wingeddserpent).
no. 197 Different Futures
Baralai pays Gippal a visit, and they clear up some misunderstandings.
Notes: Written for candyheartsex 2023, a gift for ryulynn. I enjoyed thinking about the positions of the different sides trying to control Spira’s future during the game – it was fun using that as a rationale for the failure of communication in Baralai and Gippal’s relationship, and there’s something very satisfying about writing “getting back together after a de facto breakup” fic.
no. 165 Taking Flight
Setzer dreams of flying.
Notes: Written for press_start_comm 2022, a gift for wingsyouburn.
no. 164
no. 156
no. 053
no. 046
no. 111
no. 234
no. 038
no. 236
no. 112 Tagma
no. 214
no. 117
Auron’s sword is confiscated almost as soon as he arrives in Zanarkand.
Notes: Written for press_start_comm 2021, a gift for wingsyouburn.
no. 162
Edgar’s brother has returned; Locke can’t help but distrust him.
Notes: Written for challengeonthebigbridge 2022. Based on a draft from late 2020. 2022 retrospective note: It was great fun to revisit an old writing style. And to write about these dweebs again!
no. 228 Distraction
“It’s remarkably satisfying to spin, though,” Braska murmured. “Reminds me of a game we used to play at Home.”
Jecht watched him suspiciously. “You – no way. You used to play spin the bottle?”
Notes: Written for Final Fantasy Kiss Battle 2024, in response to cindybug’s prompt, Auron/Braska/Jecht, spin the bottle.
no. 163
no. 161
no. 233
no. 066
no. 222 Job Interview
When it comes to the recruitment of his knights, His Highness has some dealbreakers.
Notes: Inspired by a conversation on the Teredio Brainrot discord server, and particularly by alraune’s comment: “Do you think Dion would fail anyone from the job interview who says they signed up to follow their idol, Sir Terence? 🫣”
no. 225
no. 045
no. 036
no. 235
no. 144 The Persistence Of Memory
no. 226
Call it, they said when they reached the plains. Summon the aeon, and vanquish Sin. But he could not call her, knowing she was his mother, and knowing she would be used for nothing but the renewal of this spiral of death.
Notes: Written for yuletide 2023, a gift for Salamander.
no. 219
Byron buys Dion a drink. Dion remains convinced he is undeserving of kindness.
Notes: Written for no_true_pair September 2023 round, in response to prompt, Byron & Dion – when the cat’s away ….
no. 088
no. 074
Terra meets Strago in a pub. Others would take it as a sign.
Notes: Written for chocolateboxcomm 2021, a gift for azurefishnets.
no. 148 Final Pass
On the way down Mount Gagazet, Auron wishes Jecht was with him.
Notes: Written for Final Fantasy Kiss Battle 2022, in response to shanaqui’s prompt, Jecht/Auron, not gently. 2022 retrospective note: Only my second Auron/Jecht fic, although I have a lot of fondness for this pairing! Fun fact: both these fics are in present tense, and oddly enough, so are two of my four Jecht-POV ones. There’s something about him that demands it. He’s very immediate.
no. 143
Braska agonises over how to tell Yuna he is taking the pilgrimage – but it turns out that she understands his vocation.
Notes: Written for Final Fantasy Kiss Battle 2022, in response to althea_valara’s prompt, Braska & Yuna, shared destiny. 2022 retrospective note: the events in this fic don’t fit my headcanon re Braska and Yuna’s reasons for taking the pilgrimage, but I had a lot of fun writing it anyway!
no. 035
no. 206/212 Bon rétablissement
Summary: Biggs receives a visitor. Un ami rend visite à Biggs.
Notes: Written for Semaine de la fic française. Versions in both French and English available. As far as I’m aware, Ms Folia has no canonical first name, so I invented one that isn’t intended to have any particular significance.
no. 145
no. 208
no. 149 Coreopsis
no. 230
no. 147
Cloud recovers in Holzoff’s cabin.
Notes: Written for Final Fantasy Kiss Battle 2022, in response to enemytosleep’s prompt, Cloud & Any (comfort).
no. 076
no. 200
no. 220
Dion and Jill talk at the remembrance ceremony.
Notes: Written for no_true_pair September 2023 round, in response to prompt, Dion & Jill – try the best that we can ….
no. 106
Discovering the nature of her friends’ relationship makes Yuna realise her own loneliness; but there is a solution.
Notes: Written for multifandomdrabble 2021 round 2, a gift for vendettadays.
no. 068
no. 157 Very strong. Extremely strong.
no. 100
no. 168
no. 114
no. 173
no. 119
no. 227
no. 184
no. 079
Maria wishes she didn’t have to spend the evening going over her lines.
Notes: Written for Final Fantasy Kiss Battle 2021, in response to wallwalker’s prompt, Setzer/Daryl/Maria, saying goodnight after the show.
no. 185
no. 175
no. 101
no. 152
no. 166
no. 182
Auron gives all he can in battle. Braska watches.
Notes: In response to prompt at fail_fandomanon: verge of collapse. 2022 retrospective note: for this prompt I just went all out with my favourite kind of whump: the kind where there isn’t any graphic injury but just, idk, some guy having a bad time and nearly fainting. (And where the guy is Auron.)
no. 215
no. 159
no. 083
When Zack breaks Cloud out of the mako tank, his first instinct is to kiss him.
Notes: Written for Final Fantasy Kiss Battle 2021, in response to runicmagitek’s prompt, Cloud/Zack, hold on.
no. 174
no. 232
no. 176
no. 167
no. 128
no. 201
Auron and Jecht bicker.
Notes: In response to prompt at fail_fandomanon: … a spare scene: maybe you cut it from a longer work, or you’re hoping to build a longer fic around it, or you’ve got no plans to expand on it, but you still like it anyway. This is one of several scenes from my current WIP that no longer fit in neatly, so here’s a just-about-standalone version.
no. 062
no. 170
no. 110
no. 171
no. 202
Wedge and Barret go plateside.
Notes: Written for no_true_pair March 2023 mini-round, in response to prompt, Barret & Wedge – “brighter than expected”.
no. 169
no. 231
no. 172
no. 229
no. 216
no. 178
None of Yuna’s guardians are as taken by their surroundings, apart from Tidus.
Notes: Written for seasonsofdrabbles autumn 2022 round, a gift for DJFishHead.
no. 146
no. 258
Notes: Written for threesentenceficathon 2025, in response to necrophilia’s prompt, Final Fantasy XV, any, dewdrops at dawn.
no. 194 Feline Healing
Wedge makes Cloud an offer he can’t refuse.
Notes: Written for threesentenceficathon 2023, in response to raisedbymoogles’s prompt, any, any, it’s cheaper than therapy.
no. 134
Auron ought to be able to let Braska go.
Notes: Written for threesentenceficathon 2022, in response to raisedbymoogles’s prompt, any, any, “there’s a million reasons why I should give you up / but the heart wants what it wants”.
no. 142
He was just doing it for the money; until he wasn’t.
Notes: Written for threesentenceficathon 2022, in response to word_devourer’s prompt, Any, Any, “I just wanted to get paid”.
no. 192
no. 190
no. 141
The Al Bhed can’t own property, but there are ways of getting around it.
Notes: Written for threesentenceficathon 2022, in response to ravenlilyrose’s prompt, any, two characters that aren’t dating, marry me?.
no. 191
no. 138
The journey north across the Moonflow is quiet.
Notes: Written for threesentenceficathon 2022, in response to rionaleonhart’s prompt, Any, any, accidentally falling asleep on each other. 2022 retrospective note: this is an absolute banger of a trope, which I couldn’t pass up.
no. 082
There is Yevon, then there is Braska, and then there is nobody.
Notes: Written for threesentenceficathon 2021, in response to notapaladin’s prompt, Any, any, religious devotion.
no. 257
Notes: Written for threesentenceficathon 2025, in response to tempusfugate’s prompt, Any, any, life after the end of the world.
no. 137
Staying in the office late allows Reeve to work on what matters.
Notes: Written for threesentenceficathon 2022, in response to mad_madam_m’s prompt, any, any, working late.
no. 252
no. 081
Cyan can’t just eat as if everything is normal.
Notes: Written for threesentenceficathon 2021, in response to prompt, any, any, Are ya gonna eat that?.
no. 195
no. 136
no. 078
Rinoa should have thought about the girls sooner.
Notes: Written for threesentenceficathon 2021, in response to wallwalker’s prompt, Final Fantasy VIII, Quistis/Rinoa, slowdance.
no. 139
It made sense for Yuna to be the one who went her own way.
Notes: Written for threesentenceficathon 2022, in response to ravenlilyrose’s prompt, any, any, breaking tradition.
no. 193
It’s the sight of Terra that convinces Celes to leave.
Notes: Written for threesentenceficathon 2023, in response to prompt, Any, any, loss of trust.
no. 126
no. 188
The pilgrimage never really changes.
Notes: Written for threesentenceficathon 2023, in response to raisedbymoogles’s prompt, any, any, those days are gone forever / I should just let ’em go, but –.
no. 067
He could never blend in, so he learnt to stand out.
Notes: Written for threesentenceficathon 2021, in response to prompt, FFVII, Sephiroth, loneliness.
no. 127
no. 060
no. 135
no. 189
no. 061
no. 196
no. 179
Genesis begins to degrade; Angeal swears to hold him together.
Notes: Written for seasonsofdrabbles autumn 2022 round, a gift for Eratoschild.
no. 177
If there’s any time, any place, that might permit some relaxation, it’s now, here, on this beach.
Notes: Written for seasonsofdrabbles autumn 2022 round, a gift for DJFishHead. 2022 retrospective note: maybe I’m biased, but I felt very successful fitting the Besaid Mood™ into the 100-word format.
no. 155
no. 154
no. 120
no. 108
no. 096
An exchange of letters, at short notice.
Notes: Written for multifandomdrabble 2021 round 1, a gift for Phlyarologist.
no. 095
no. 094
no. 093
no. 092
By the time they land, Reno’s opinion of his partner has changed.
Notes: Written for multifandomdrabble 2021 round 1, a gift for Eratoschild.
no. 091
Black magic could come in handy.
Notes: Written for multifandomdrabble 2021 round 1, a gift for Phlyarologist.
no. 072
He found himself dead and aged, at the same time.
Notes: Written for threesentenceficathon 2021, in response to edenfalling’s prompt, Any, any, transitions.
no. 070
Barret returns to North Corel.
Notes: Written for threesentenceficathon 2021, in response to wallwalker’s prompt, Final Fantasy VII, Barret, the hero’s grand comeback.
no. 187
Zack can’t get a break.
Notes: Written for threesentenceficathon 2023, in response to raisedbymoogles’s prompt, any, any, beach episode.
no. 073
no. 080
no. 063
The Falcon stutters back to life.
Notes: Written for threesentenceficathon 2021, in response to tiny_ninja’s prompt, Final Fantasy VI, Setzer Gabbiani, luck (good or bad).
no. 086
Her daemon dies first.
Notes: Written for threesentenceficathon 2021, in response to notapaladin’s prompt, Any, any/any, daemon AU.
no. 131
Lulu gains new powers on the road.
Notes: Written for threesentenceficathon 2022, in response to elementalraven’s prompt, any, any, new magical powers.
no. 140
Relm’s hair is different, but Celes tries her best.
Notes: Written for threesentenceficathon 2022, in response to wickedlittletown’s prompt, any, any, hair braiding.
no. 064
no. 186
Cloud and Tifa gain a feline friend.
Notes: Written for threesentenceficathon 2023, in response to prompt, Any, any, accidental cat acquisition.
no. 058
The boys like Quistis.
Notes: Written for threesentenceficathon 2021, in response to prompt, final fantasy viii - quistis trepe - compulsory heteronormativity.
no. 069
Their bickering hides a secret.
Notes: Written for threesentenceficathon 2021, in response to prompt, any, any, frenemies with benefits.
no. 124
Jessie knows what to spend her money on.
Notes: Written for threesentenceficathon 2022, in response to raisedbymoogles’s prompt, FF7R, Jessie, “we are living in a Materia world, and I am a Materia girl”.
no. 132
no. 130
Braska decides to turn back.
Notes: Written for threesentenceficathon 2022, in response to raisedbymoogles’s prompt, any, any, fixit.
no. 133
Might as well give the poor creature another chance at life – as long as nobody’s looking.
Notes: Written for threesentenceficathon 2022, in response to prompt, Final Fantasy VII, Aeris, The other side of the coin to healing is necromancy.
no. 071
Mobliz seems busier now.
Notes: Written for threesentenceficathon 2021, in response to conuly’s prompt, Any, any, this haiku: The snow is melting / and the village is flooded / with children.
no. 059
The belts are very important.
Notes: Written for threesentenceficathon 2021, in response to sandinmyboots’s prompt, final fantasy, any, so why DO they all dress with 800 zippers and belts (nomura era) or infinite paisley scarves (amano era)?.