Comments for fic no. 229

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[personal profile]anonymous, 2024-03-23 [original]

Aaaaaahhhhhh, very good, nonny. ♥

[personal profile]anonymous, 2024-03-23 [original]

Just beautiful, and exactly as bittersweet as these two should be. ❤❤❤

[ profile]Danko_Kaji, 2024-03-24 [original]

There's something super charming about the brevity, the casual and underwhelming air of achievement. It's started, this big sanctimonious enterprise, but it's also kind of lamentable, too.

I really enjoyed your dialogue, the subtle details of their movements, showing Yuna Bahamut in the fields of the Calm Lands. Aww. 💕

Overly charming. Thank you~