Comments for fic no. 044

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[ profile]calytrix, 2020-10-27 [original]

I have to come back and leave a longer, more coherent comment when it’s not 4:30AM—but I absolutely loved this! I really enjoyed you exploring the different relationships and dynamics Celes would have with the other characters. You write beautifully! Thank you for sharing this with us, and keep up the great work! 😍🙏🏻💞

[ profile]Account Deleted, 2020-11-03 [original]

this is so so amazing, i love it ♥♥♥

[ profile]sunlitmao, 2022-03-23 [original]

i cant stop coming back to this fic, i love it so so much and you characterised everyone so perfectly! locke and celes are so special to me thank you so much