Comments for fic no. 039

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[ profile]HerrscherOfTsundere, 2020-08-03 [original]

Ah this is perfect! I have been looking for the perfect dynamic between them! Every one of Aeriths little antics had me saying ‘Uh I love her’ she’s so lively. And Tifa and her gay awakening at the fair - golden. The friendship between them here is it. This is the Aerti inspiration I needed. Thank you!

[ profile]shiny_glor_chan, 2020-08-08 [original]

Girlfriends. <3

[ profile]WinstonTA, 2020-08-09 [original]

Wonderful! <3 I really enjoyed how you wrote their dynamic

[ profile]breethingin, 2020-08-22 [original]

Aaaaaaa this was so cute and gay and I love it! I really hope this happened in a universe where the forbidden city doesn't quite happen the same so they can be happy! I loved this! Thank you for writing and sharing it!!

[ profile]Jalenqa, 2021-03-31 [original]

Oh boy oh boy oh boy, Tifa is overthinking it again ! She's lucky Aerith knows what she wants and goes for it :3

Thanks <3