Comments for fic no. 162

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[ profile]Phlyarologist, 2022-09-10 [original]

Oh boy, this is a treat. Locke's resentment and distrust of Sabin is a believable mix of legitimate and petty grievances. I particularly like how you set up his protectiveness of Terra (from Edgar) and then he pivots into wanting to protect Edgar from his thoughtless dirtbag brother who made him do a miserable job alone for so long! And like, he's so convinced that he knows Edgar best and so worried that he's losing his place in Edgar's esteem and it comes out as "I don't like what you're doing to his vocabulary"? Delightful. Flawless.

I love how Locke thinks Sabin is a jerk, Sabin admits he hasn't been the ideal brother, and Edgar is like "nonsense, Sabin has done nothing wrong in his entire life :)" Terra's bemusement is entertaining, too - just great group dynamics in all directions.

Also a big fan of “Don’t make any promises to him, he’s got a long memory.” Understatement of the year...

Thanks for posting this, it's great!

[ profile]MoogleTerra, 2022-09-16 [original]

Oohoohoo! I LOVED how you portrayed everybody in this! Locke is such a jealous dweeb! This was a fun read, thanks for sharing!

[ profile]CloudFullOfEyes, 2022-11-11 [original]

Very very very sweet :)) loved it! Thank you for sharing your lovely work with us!

[ profile]PositionTimingAngle, 2023-08-06 [original]

This is really precious, I could read this dynamic all day!

[ profile]Indig0, 2024-03-25 [original]

He's not wrong, but I'm glad Locke seems to be willing to give Sabin a chance for Edgar's sake!