Comments for fic no. 083

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[personal profile]runicmagitek, 2021-03-01 [original]


Thank you, lovely anon, for this heart-wrenching piece!! I love the progression of Zack's emotions each time he kisses Cloud and how it becomes something much more to him. AND THE IMAGE OF THE LAST THING HE SEES BEING CLOUD GIVING HIM A SMOOCH???? HOW DARE YOU but no really, thank you - I love these delicious angsty feels

Don't mind me as I melt into a puddle after reading this 💕💕💕

[personal profile]lassarina, 2021-03-03 [original]

oh no

Oh Zack. oh, my heart. This is so good and so heartbreaking and the way it turns back at the end--yes. oh. ow. ;_;

[ profile]Dawnsty, 2021-03-04 [original]

It's very beautiful and bittersweet at the same time.

Thank you for sharing this, I greatly enjoyed reading It! 🥰🥰

[ profile]Goodnight_Sweetheart, 2021-03-06 [original]

This is so tragic and beautiful. The ending, and your description of Cloud waking up to kiss Zack goodbye as he dies, is such a wonderful touch.

[ profile]runicmagitek, 2021-03-12 [original]

Thank you again for the LOVELY fic!! 😍😍😍 I am 100% here for this delicious angst. And all those kisses!!! AH MY HEART. I love where you took this prompt. Absolutely a gem 🥰💕

[ profile]sherry_sweet, 2022-10-12 [original]

Every time I read this it causes a lot of emotions in me, it's just beautiful and tragic ♡