Comments for fic no. 093

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[ profile]LookingForDroids, 2021-05-30 [original]

Awww, I love this. After Kimahri’s exile, having a place where he belonged with no questions asked must’ve meant a lot.

[ profile]venartohru (venatohru), 2021-05-30 [original]

Kimahri finding a sense of belonging in Besaid, along with the assurances that he belonged there? 😭👌

"They later learned the Ronso Fangs kept their own immaculately trimmed."

And I loved this little bit of worldbuilding! Also the fact that those kids had wanted to play with Kimahri, even if it didn't quite go as planned, is a lovely way to show how accepted he is 🖤

[ profile]Verecunda, 2021-05-30 [original]

Oh, my heart! Kimahri finding a new home among people who are quick to let outsiders know that he belongs - gosh, that's so lovely! He might not be close to anyone much beyond Yuna, Lulu and Wakka, but you can imagine others would be quick to notice how gentle he really is. Aww at him trying to play blitzball with the kids, even if it didn't quite work out. XD The detail about the Ronso Fangs trimming their claws was also great. (I just hope none of them ever try to header the ball!)

[ profile]Dee_Moyza, 2021-05-31 [original]

Oh, this is lovely! It just warms my heart to see Kimahri find a home and community after what he'd been through! The love and acceptance inherent in the Besaid villagers calling him one of their own is so beautiful, and exactly what he deserves. Thank you so much for writing this for me! 💕

Also, that little bit about Ronso claws was a delightful touch! I'd never thought of that before, but I love the mental image of the Ronso Fangs tending to their claws before a match! :D