Comments for fic no. 052

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[ profile]moemachina, 2020-12-25 [original]

lol I never previously knew how much I wanted a Terra & Edgar epistolary fic that captures the "oh god it's a car crash and i can't look away" quality of the Jonathan Safran Foer/Natalie Portman 2010s email correspondence, but in fact -- what a fantastic vibe, what dramatic irony, what delusional misreading of all the cues, so much cringing, so great, so good.

[ profile]moemachina, 2020-12-25 [original]

If you're unfamiliar with the Foer/Portman contretremps, LETTER OF REC:

[ profile]Phlyarologist, 2020-12-26 [original]

Oh my god, this is just masterful. I cringed my way through it as I have never cringed before. Your voices for both of them are so great, and the way Edgar keeps escalating, and willfully misreading the way Terra talks about Celes, holy shit. (Also the way she talks about Celes is super cute and their relationship sounds delightful. Good for them.) I don't think I've ever read a story that so elegantly captures the feeling of why are dudes? and why is this dude, in particular?! Edgar please shut up or at least pick someone else to be the recipient of your weird lonely pigeon post, goddamn.

This is brilliant and I'm uncomfortable.

[ profile]moemachina, 2020-12-27 [original]

Am back to leave a slightly less dirtbag comment (although I'm not kidding about my unalloyed delight over the parallels with the Foer/Portman emails, which are some of my FAVORITE THINGS)

Gau is here, too – he asks after you.

The possibilities of Gau living with Edgar are very good, very rich! (And I like that Edgar sees a similarity between his younger self and Gau -- this adds an additional layer of pathos to Sabin's pseudo-adoption of Gau in the game!)

Yes, I’ve had letters from Locke

I like to think that Locke et all have been writing Terra more than they've been writing Edgar. (Perhaps they've done the equivalent of dropping Edgar off the group text?)

There are even rumours that they’re starting to favour him over their king -- soon they’ll be encouraging him to mount a coup.

Edgar is joking about this, but maybe Edgar should be taking this possibility a little more seriously.

And do pass on my good wishes to Celes, if she’s still with you.

oh edgar

Love, (is it appropriate to say “Love” to a king? It’s just how I always sign my letters)

terra no

Strago and Cyan send me letters frequently, Setzer does once in a while, and I occasionally receive an appalling scrawl from Locke that passes for his attempt at sharing news, but I really do enjoy yours the most.

Yeah, they've definitely kicked Edgar out of the group chat without him realizing it.

You were just a frightened little girl when Locke first brought you to meet me

...he said, doffing his fedora.

Fortunately Celes is here to keep me warm!

edgar you've gotta take a hint here buddy

Excuse the style of this letter – I suspect it may lack my usual finesse – but I’ve just been reading over our latest correspondence, and I must ask you this as soon as I can: when will you be able to come and visit me?

oh edgar no

I asked you this in my last letter, but maybe it was too veiled in inconsequential news for you to notice

no edgar no no no

Celes too – it would be lovely to see her, although I’d been wondering if she wouldn’t be happier travelling the world with Locke?

Deep in the recesses of Edgar's skull, two lone brain cells begin to rub together.

Really, I was tired and lonely and I’d been at the wine, and in a vulnerable moment, I penned that excuse for a letter without any regard for the proper etiquette. I hope you’ll forgive my bluntness. Sabin returned yesterday, and that has cheered me immensely, so be sure that you won’t receive any more such desperate correspondence.

I enjoy the subtext here that Sabin showed up and was able to go SHE'S JUST NOT INTO YOU, BRO, YOU GOTTA CUT IT OUT

Sabin tells me it’ll bore you if I write any more about it, so I’ll leave things there for now

EDGAR: "But are you sure????"
SABIN: "Most definitely, bro."

I’ve been thinking, in fact, over the past while, about what you mean to me, and our correspondence has made it very clear to me that you have a special place in my heart – I can only hope that I am anywhere near as dear to you as you are to me.

oh no

Please be assured, then, that as I write this, it is mid-morning, I am entirely sober, and I saw my brother not ten minutes ago.

sabin you had one job

I know Celes is a dear friend to you

"Such a dear friend," Edgar mutters, adjusting the brim of his fedora. "Love to see it! Just gals being pals!!!"

You went through such a terrible upbringing, you were so lost and scared when I first had the pleasure of making your acquaintance, and despite that, you’ve turned out the way you have.

Edgar's continuing obsession with Terra's vulnerability and trauma is such a good, awful little detail in his letters!

I hoped not to have to tell you this by letter, but I need you to understand why it’s so important that we meet: Terra, I love you. I’m certain of it now, and I know it’s not just missing my brother that makes me say it, because he’s just a few rooms away.

...presumably feeling a strange disturbance in the Force even as Edgar pens this misguided letter.

Your letter just arrived, and reminded me I must write – I haven’t read it yet, I’m afraid, as I need to share the news with you as soon as I can!

This feels like a definite lie! Way to be merciful there, Terra!

we’ve been sleeping in the same bed almost since she first arrived here

wink wink, nudge nudge

we’ve only ever come across husbands and wives, not pairs of wives. We thought you might know?

I hope that, in subsequent correspondence, Terra gradually ramps up to demanding that Edgar officiate at the marriage ceremony between her and Celes.

In summary: hahahaha, and I'm glad Sabin is around to cushion the blow and take Edgar out for ice cream later.

[ profile]chacusha, 2020-12-29 [original]

I'm here laughing at Edgar getting thoroughly, utterly friendzoned, like, so hard. XD

[ profile]silveradept, 2021-01-06 [original]

Ah, poor Edgar, unable to read the signs in front of him, but at least he was able to say it rather than to try and deny it and have this unrequited, unconfessed love poisoning him. And in letters where he can be let down gently rather than in person.

[ profile]Literary_Disaster, 2021-02-01 [original]

Oh, my god. This was brilliant! I have never read anything so delightfully cringey for all the right reasons and wanted more!

[ profile]PyroNova, 2021-05-02 [original]

Loved the burgeoning romance between our leading females. Unfortunately Edgar was blind of Terra's affections toward Celes. At least he was able to confess and release his feelings out before they ate him away. I can only imagine what their subsequent letters would look like.

Terra is a gem pretending to have not read his letter before writing hers. At least this time she was extremely blunt to ensure no more misunderstandings.

Loved every moment, even the poor Edgar parts. This was extremely well written and thank you for this.

[ profile]frozenfountain, 2022-07-24 [original]

I'm dead. I didn't know entirely what to expect from the tags here, but this was a brilliantly paced comedy of errors that made me laugh out loud multiple times, even while wanting to bang my head in frustration.

And you know, for being primarily comedic, I'm really impressed with how much characterisation and worldbuilding you managed to pack into this! I loved all the little glimpses of how the rest of the world is faring when freed from Kefka, rebuilding and weathering harsh winter and food shortages with a really touching resilience. You crafted perfect voices for both correspondents that felt distinct and immersive. Terra is so endearingly earnest here, so in love with her new life and determined to stand on her own two feet and provide for herself and her loved ones now she's able. It's a powerful picture of someone reclaiming their agency. Edgar writes with a suitably haughty and regal manner while saying the most head-bangingly stupid things (“but all the kind words you spoke of both of them in your last letter – if I were to apply them to anyone myself, it would unquestionably be you” - how are you not questioning anything here, my dude???). I love any fic that depicts as the smart one holding his twin back from terrible decisions, as well as Gau being passed around between his various long-suffering dads. There's hints he's matured, somewhat, while remained as utterly hapless as ever. I've had similar exchanges with guys myself, especially the whole "Let me remind you repeatedly of all these awful things that happened to you because I love how strong they've made you!" thing. Argh. It's an all too real and genuinely intelligent depiction of how someone who things they mean well can put their own wants first and miss the mark spectacularly on your needs.

Of course, it makes the genuine understanding she finds with Celes all the better. The off-screen development of Terra and Celes' quest to become less useless lesbians was lovely, too. I jest but I think both of them would need a decent period of recovery post-canon before they attempted something as intense as a romantic relationship, and I got a strong sense of this delightful, slow journey towards companionship and hope. I love the image of them reading Edgar's final letter and drafting the response over wine, between bouts of uncontrollable giggling. I almost feel bad for him, but still would very much love to see what a previous commenter suggested and have him officiate their wedding through gritted teeth. Thanks so much for sharing!

[ profile]Ilyria, 2024-01-20 [original]

Reading this in 2024 after reliving my childhood through FFVI Remastered... I read this with my hand on my mouth the entire time thinking "Poor Edgar!!" He and Terra are actually my favourite characters. I did take note of the Unrequited Love tag but read anyway since I love them both. I felt so bad for Edgar! Especially when Terra told him she and Celes agree Sabin is the most kind-hearted man they met. The mentions of Gau becoming civilized (learning how to use a fork besides sticking it in his ear) is adorable. As is Sabin stopping Edgar from nerding out with his tech talk in his letter. Still feel so bad for him!

[ profile]tomefaired, 2024-01-26 [original]

I giggled so much at this. I do feel bad for Edgar, but like. the signs are all there lmao. Terra just isn't into you, even Sabin is trying to tell you... 😂 The letters felt so in-character and I loved the little bits of worldbuilding! And it was so cute seeing Terra and Celes get closer in their relationship through these letters too. I just finished FFVI and this is the adorable fic I needed right now, thank you for writing this!

[ profile]Indig0, 2024-03-23 [original]

This is so beautiful! I love how they take cues from each other for language, but not for emotions. Edgar was trying to make himself clear, but didn't catch the signs Terra was clearly giving him, and she didn't think to explain it any differently because it was so unfamiliar to her! If only she'd read his letter first... But I love that she's able to talk to him so freely!
Great job!