Luzzu’s hand closed around the gysahl greens; another hand immediately came to rest on top of his. He looked up, baffled.

“I’ll be taking these, thank you,” said Belgemine.

Luzzu frowned. “You – I’ve seen you on the road. Aren’t you a summoner? Why do you need these?”

“I keep chocobos,” said Belgemine dismissively, “if you must know.”

Luzzu continued to frown.

“Remiem Temple,” she said. “You won’t have heard of it.”

“It rather looks as if I got here first,” Luzzu pointed out, making sure to keep a tight hold on the greens.

“And what need have you of these?” Belgemine countered. “You’re a Crusader, no? And I don’t believe you’re in the mounted corps.”

“I was sent to fetch them,” said Luzzu. “Would you have me disobey high command?”

“I would have you think for yourself,” said Belgemine, leaning in conspiratorially. “Do you really think you’ll defeat Sin, with all this military might? If that were enough, wouldn’t someone have brought it down before that way?”

Confused by the turn the conversation had suddenly taken, Luzzu furrowed his brow and looked down; and when he looked up again, he realised with no less confusion that Belgemine’s tight grip was no longer against his hand – and, in fact, that she was no longer there at all.

Fortunately, she had left behind the gysahl greens.