Comments for fic no. 100

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[ profile]KrC, 2021-07-13 [original]

Omg I love this! I’ve always loved the relationship between Tidus and Auron!

[ profile]sterilebear, 2023-12-24 [original]

i’ve been reading through your wordlinker series in order for the first time, spamming kudos, and i’m not done yet, but this entire series so far is EVERYTHING. it’s tragic, it’s hilarious, it’s beautiful, it’s EVERYTHING. your ideas and writing are just, like, if there ever were fics that i could magically make canon, it’d be these. the details are pure perfection. the world building, the character moments, and ofc all the auron-isms, just, UGH, SO GOOD. i’m so inspired by your ideas, i legit realized (super embarrassedly) while reading these that i’ve retold a good amount of them them in my own stuff without even realizing it just because of how much they've stuck with and imprinted on me LOLOL. thank you for sharing all this.
and this one specifically is fucking gold of course lol. “He felt himself break into a big, embarrassing grin: Auron was a weird guy, but he really came through sometimes.” god if this isn’t just the best summary of auron and tidus’s relationship ever LMAO. amazing stuff!!