Side Quests

Contents A Bone to Pick A Culinary Pilgrimage A Place for Everyone A Tail to Tell Aiming High All Bark An Eye for an Eye An Inconvenient Truth Bad Blood Bearer of Good News Beast Against Beast Blacksmith's Blues Blacksmith's Blues II Blacksmith's Blues III Blacksmith's Blues IV Carved in Stone Carving Out a Niche Caulk & Ball Crystalline Lifeline Cut from the Cloth Do No Harm Duty Undying Duty Undying II Dying on the Vine Even Weirder Science False Friends Food for Thought For Great Justice For Great Justice II Friend of the People Get Cart Hot Water Laid to Rest Lines in the Sand Lines in the Sand II Litany of Errors Live and Let Live Make Do and Mend More than Words Moving Heaven and Earth Needs of the Many Nobody's Tool Not to be Outdone On Balance Onward to Discovery Payback Phoenix, Heal Thyself Playthings Please Sir, Can I Have Some Morbol Priceless Pride Comes Before a Fall Red Letter Day Rekindling the Flame Rekindling the Flame II Self-Determination Silver Linings Skin Trade Smooth Like Butler Tears of Mercy The Fruits of Her Labors The Root of the Problem The Want Beyond the Wall The Weight of Command The White-Winged Wonder Three's Company Trading Places Trading Places II Trial and Error Under New Management Under New Management II Use Your Loaf Weird Science Welcoming Committee What a Bird Wants Where There's a Will While the Cat's Away

A Bone to Pick

Lady Charon is concerned with Torgal's well-being and wishes to discuss the matter privately.

As it would turn out, the change in Torgal's appetite can most likely be attributed to the fact that Torgal is not merely an overlarge hound, but the descendant of a legendary frost wolf recently awoken to its latent power due to time spent with the Dominants Clive and Jill.

A Culinary Pilgrimage

Yvan, one of the cooks at the Fat Chocobo, asks Clive to help him gather an important ingredient for something called Chancer's Stew. Now he just has to work out what "unwonted violets" might be…

Unwonted violets, as it transpires, are common garden scorpion tails. Once Clive hands them over, Yvan pops them into the pot, and cooks up a Chancer's Stew that sets his head spinning. It tastes somewhat like swamp water, apparently—swamp water with "complex, meaty notes," no less.

A Place for Everyone

Kenneth asks Clive to deliver three more meals to residents of the hideaway. Who will he be serving this time?

Clive successfully delivers meals to three fellow Bearers working in various roles around the hideaway. While going about this task, he learns even more about the spirit of cooperation that keeps Cid's little community going.

A Tail to Tell

Clive receives a letter from Harpocrates that suggests the historian and Prince Dion have a closer relationship than he knew. He journeys to the shelves in search of answers.

Harpocrates reveals that he was once Dion's tutor and, with Clive's help, presents him with a wild wyvern tail—a flower that symbolizes his former charge's brilliance, resilience, and independence. Dion swears to take it only when he has atoned for misdeeds.

Aiming High

The hideaway's children have noticed that after returning from Stonhyrr, Mid is no longer her usual chipper self and are concerned that something might be amiss.

Several minutes of profound pondering have helped Mid navigate the waters of uncertainty to arrive at a conclusion regarding her pursuit of flight—that the people of the realm are better off with their feet planted firmly on the ground…at least until someone worthy of that dream comes along.

All Bark

A nobleman in the fields near Moore orders Clive to save his son from wild beasts—although he seems more irritated at Clive's attitude than concerned for his son's safety…

It transpires that the nobleman and his son have been sending Bearers to their deaths for their own amusement. But they don't get away with it this time—the tables are turned, and the hunters become the hunted…

An Eye for an Eye

Ill rumors being spread about Lady Charon's past has poor Goetz worried sick for his Nan. The gentle giant has asked if Clive might discreetly inquire with her about the veracity of said whispers.

Having learned the source of the rumors, Charon confronts her old associate, the Bauguin, and deals with him swiftly, if not a tad savagely, reaffirming her loyalty to both Goetz and the hideaway.

An Inconvenient Truth

Vivian writes to Clive, asking him to locate a copy of From a Distance, the tome that inspired her to become a scholar.

Clive manages to spirit one of the few remaining copies of the tome from the grasping hands of the Executors. Vivian explains how its author, like herself, was something of a pariah to the orthodoxy of her day—and though her life was a lonely one, it gave her a glimpse at a greater truth. Though Vivian strove to follow in her idol's footsteps, she admits that life at the hideaway—among friends and fellow-thinkers—has its own benefits.

Bad Blood

On the road to Tabor, Clive discovers a gravely wounded republican soldier who tells him of the aetherflood that consumed his unit's nearby encampment, rendering everyone in it Akashic. With his final breaths, the dying man asks Clive to slay his turned brothers-in-arms that they might not hurt any others.

Having dispatched the Akashic soldiers, Clive finds a survivor among their number, only to learn that he is a loyal henchman of Hugo Kupka's, and as such, is hell-bent on avenging his master. While Clive manages to talk him out of fighting for his "honor", he can't quite manage to assuage the grudge the man bears against him.

Bearer of Good News

An innkeeper in Boklad asks Clive to deliver the good news to three of his friends about a particularly fine bottle of wine he's managed to get his hands on.

Clive delivers the news about the wine, and the four friends assemble to enjoy it. Each has their role to play in ensuring that Boklad can go about its everyday business, proving that it's not just the hideaway that relies on community spirit to keep it going.

Beast Against Beast

A man on the road to Eastpool asks Clive to help deal with some wolves, and to go and tell his friend Brice when he has done so.

Clive sees to the wolves as requested, but given the encroaching Blight, more will probably be along before long. Still, the men who asked him to help seem happy enough, even if they aren't exactly polite about him being a Bearer.

Blacksmith's Blues

August wants Clive to find out what's been troubling Blackthorne. While the surly blacksmith isn't usually a big talker, August thinks he might open up to Clive.

It turns out that Blackthorne is upset because of the craftsmanship of a certain cuirass he's seen. However, he soon cheers up when Clive hands over a sample of the leather it was made from.

Blacksmith's Blues II

Clive receives a letter from August asking him to help cheer Blackthorne up again. What could be the matter with him this time?

It seems Blackthorne is upset at the sharpness of a certain single-edged sword he's seen. But Clive hands over the whetstone with which it was honed, and the surly smith's will to work his forging magic is soon restored.

Blacksmith's Blues III

Blackthorne is upset yet again, and as expected, August has approached Clive to look into it. Will this be the last time? One can only hope so…

It transpires that Blackthorne is in a brown study because of a ring he's seen that was made by Zoltan, an old acquaintance. He returns to his hometown, and while the two former fellow apprentices don't end up meeting, Blackthorne does manage to save the place, and earn himself some pit-coal cinder into the bargain.

Blacksmith's Blues IV

August collars Clive again, this time to help with an Akashic invasion in Dravozd. Blackthorne's hometown is in trouble, and only Clive can help.

Blackthorne and Zoltan put aside their differences to save Dravozd from the Akashic invasion. And once that's done, they even rekindle their working relationship—a turnaround for the ages.

Carved in Stone

An aging scholar in Tabor asks Clive to go and look at the ancient engravings dotted around town in order to help him uncover the history of the local people.

The engravings tell the story of a town whose culture grew from the traditions of three distinct peoples. The scholar, pleased to learn of Tabor's eclectic origins, gives Clive a reward to say thank you for his time.

Carving Out a Niche

Sava, an apprentice of L'ubor's, enlists Clive's aid in finding out how to make a carving knife that somehow "embodies the spirit of Dalimil."

Having asked everyone they can think of, Clive and Sava eventually come up with a plan for crafting the carving knife Sava has been asked to make. The result is deemed "passable" by L'ubor, and Sava succeeds in his bid to be employed as a blacksmith.

Caulk & Ball

Hideaway ferryman Obolus estimates his skiff will not last another fortnight before the Blighted water of Bennumere eats straight through its hull and condemns it to the lakebed. Fortunately, he knows exactly what the boat needs to avoid this grim fate…and exactly where Clive can find it.

Though not without its dangers, the journey to Coeurltail Falls ultimately bears fruit, and Clive returns to Obolus with the sticky resin the ferryman needs to patch the Argo's leaky planks and ensure the hideaway's lifeline remains intact.

Crystalline Lifeline

A clumsy fisherman from Martha's Rest has dropped his only crystal, putting his livelihood in jeopardy. To make matters worse, it appears the crystal has been devoured by some of the local fauna… Clive is to find it, by any means necessary.

Clive retrieves the fisherman's crystal from the bog crabs and returns it to him. The episode is a useful reminder of the fact that some people's livelihoods depend on such magical conveniences.

Cut from the Cloth

Hortense is a busy woman, and when she's not seeing that the hideaway's shelves remained stocked, her days are spent hemming kirtles and mending britches. A long-delayed delivery of linen from the draper in Northreach, however, is preventing her from this important task and so she has asked Clive to collect the cloth in her stead the next time he is in northern Sanbreque.

Clive returns to an appreciative Hortense who, upon discovering the several scraps of fine cloth added to the order by the draper, suggests the pieces be given to Jill—"quite the little seamstress" to hear it told.

Do No Harm

Rodrigue, a physicker at the infirmary, is all in desperate need of errmonea—an herb needed to ease the pain of Bearers undergoing the perilous procedure of Brand-removal. Clive has offered to gather some, despite his obvious lack of herblore.

Clive finds some errmonea and takes it back to Rodrigue, who's still extremely apprehensive about the operation he has been asked to undertake. Clive reminds him that would-be Cursebreakers undergo the procedure fully aware of the dangers, and are willing to risk it nonetheless.

Duty Undying

Cyril tells Clive that a team of Undying are conducting a survey of a nearby Fallen ruin as part of the investigations into Ultima, and proposes that he make the short journey to Kretov to observe their work.

On entering Kretov, Clive finds several members of the survey team dead at the hands of echoes. He confronts the survivors for allowing this to happen, but they are strangely blithe as to their brothers' fate, considering that to die in the course of their duty is the greatest honor.

Duty Undying II

Cyril tells Clive that a high-ranking member of his order, the Third Chair, has gone missing in Ash on another of the Undying's so-called "surveys." He directs Clive to Mikkelburg, the acolyte's last known location.

Clive tracks down the Third Chair, who loses his life in defense of a group of cultists who wish to turn Akashic. He reports back to Cyril, and the two men come to a deeper understanding as to what it is to do one's duty.

Dying on the Vine

A field hand at the vineyard in Lostwing turns to Clive to get rid of a monstrous menace. This year's crop looks to be a particularly fine one, but it can't be harvested until the plague of pests is dealt with.

Clive restores order to the vineyard by ridding it of the giant wasps that have been threatening to ruin this year's crop. Thanks to his efforts, the harvest can go ahead—and it looks like it's going to be a vintage to remember.

Even Weirder Science

Owain asks for Clive's assistance in obtaining the spherical echoes he needs to complete a new invention. He has only to venture to three Fallen ruins and retrieve them from their bigger, deadlier cousins.

Clive collects the echoes, which Owain immediately puts to use in building the Telamon furnace. By way of thanks, he replaces the clasp of Clive's potion bag with an unusually elastic metal—allowing Clive to carry more vials with him wherever he goes. Somehow.

False Friends

A recently unmasked Bearer has run away from Martha's Rest due to his true identity having been discovered. The Bearer's former friend Ronald is extremely upset at what he sees as a betrayal and asks Clive to help him locate the missing man.

Clive finds Norreis, the unbranded Bearer who fled Martha's Rest when his true identity was discovered. Judging that the rift with his former friend Ronald is too great to heal, Clive has no choice but to see that Norreis is spirited away to safety.

Food for Thought

Kenneth asks Clive to help him in his work by delivering food to some of the hideaway's residents. Three hungry customers await…

Clive delivers food to three fellow Bearers who've found refuge at the hideaway. In doing so, he sees how each, in their own way, now lives on their own terms.

For Great Justice

Quinten tells Clive that he has heard worrying rumors of late—tales of shadowy figures seen lurking in the woods around Lostwing. Clive sets out to investigate.

Clive discovers that the intruders were in fact Black Shields, and succeeds in putting them down—but rather than being relieved by this news, Quinten comes to the disturbing realization that his nemesis has learned of his location, and that the time to enact his grand plan for revenge grows short.

For Great Justice II

Quinten asks that Clive take those Bearers who cannot join him on his quest for vengeance into his protection, before he sets out to see justice done.

Quinten achieves his aim, but at a terrible cost—his loyal comrades lie slain, and Lostwing beneath an aetherflood. All that he lived for gone, Quinten drifts into despair—till he is dragged from its depths by those very stragglers he entrusted to Clive: the remnants of the Lostwing "family." Together, they swear to found a new village, built on a foundation not of hatred, but of hope.

Friend of the People

Clive is asked to deliver food to various overworked Bearers around Northreach by a certain concerned noble.

Having delivered the food as requested, Clive reports in at the Veil, where he learns that the man known as the Chamberlain is, in fact, a noble of the realm. Apparently, his concern over the ill treatment of Bearers led him to collaborate with the Dame in her efforts to see them better served.

Get Cart

Clive is asked by a pair of mercenaries he meets on the road to Boklad to help them recover a merchant's missing wagon. Apparently, it may well involve dealing with a gang of bandits.

Clive vanquishes the bandits and recovers the merchant's wagon, but upon receiving his reward, gets the distinct sense that the pair of brothers who have engaged his services may not be the straight-shooting innocents they pretend to be.

Hot Water

The owner of a bathhouse in Dalimil bids Clive journey to Doeznov Terraces and investigate the cause of the waters having become too hot for his customers to bear.

The waters are close to boiling point because of the gang of bombs that has taken up residence on the Terraces. But Clive soon clears them out, enabling the baths to reopen, and business as usual to resume.

Laid to Rest

A dying soldier on the road to Stonhyrr asks Clive to deliver his ring to his parents' final resting place. The request made, he expires, hopeful that his soul might find peace at last.

Clive finds the dead soldier's parents' graves in the forest known as Neverturn, and buries the man's ring beside them, just as he was asked.

Lines in the Sand

L'ubor reports that the bandits who previously attacked Dalimil have formed a "League of Outlaws," and are steadily recruiting new members. He asks for Clive's aid in nipping their organizing efforts in the bud.

Clive does as asked, but on returning to Dalimil, finds the town aflame with hearsay that L'ubor is a Bearer. L'ubor confirms the rumor, and pledges to leave in disgrace, that his secret might not distract the townspeople from the true threat that faces them.

Lines in the Sand II

L'ubor asks that Clive take the orphans that he has been caring for into his protection. Clive gladly agrees, but as he does so, they hear the horrifying news that a band of Akashic may soon be at Dalimil's gates.

The strength of the orphans' love for L'ubor convinces the townspeople to give him a second chance, which he uses to lead the defense of Dalimil and save the town from destruction. His skill and loyalty thus proved once more, the Bearer who was stoned and spat at not a day before finds himself elevated to mayor.

Litany of Errors

Herman, a recent recruit to the Cursebreakers seeks to [visit] Ash, no matter what the assignment might be. Clive refuses on the grounds that it is simply too dangerous, but offers to go in Herman's stead.

Clive visits the orphanage where Herman was raised, and discovers records of a shocking past. He retrieves the registry of names of those who were imprisoned there as requested by Herman, who makes a solemn promise upon receiving it that the departed will not be forgotten.

Live and Let Live

A porter in Boklad has had her packs ransacked, and seeks someone to go after the sellsword whose help she enlisted to track down the culprits.

Clive tracked Josef down to a goblin encampment, where he found the singular sellsword teaching the beasts survival skills rather than slaying them.

Make Do and Mend

Geoffroy, the hideaway's head carpenter, needs Clive to fetch him some wood with which to make repairs.

Thanks to the wood Clive brings him, Geoffroy is able to resume his repairs. While helping him, Clive learns the importance of the Fallen ruins in allowing the residents of the hideaway to make their home among the Blight.

More than Words

Once again, Lady Charon is worried about Torgal, pointing to the loyal hound's recent fits of restlessness as a reason for concern.

Clive returns with Torgal to their first "hideaway"—a forgotten shack on a remote island in the Bay of Brangaine—where he finds that loyalty amongst true friends runs deeper than blood.

Moving Heaven and Earth

Bohumil, chief botanist at the hideaway, is missing an assistant and anxious to see her return.

Clive finds Martelle—Bohumil's assistant—in the vineyard in Lostwing, and rescues her from danger. When he brings the soil she'd been sent to collect back to Bohumil, he learns that the chief botanist seems to value vital research materials somewhat more than he does vital research assistants.

Needs of the Many

An old man at the hideaway asks Clive to find his friend Randal, who went to Lostwing to work, and hasn't come back.

Clive is too late to save Randal, who sacrificed himself to save another when goblins attacked. While this is of course the very definition of dying on one's own terms, it also highlights the troubling need for the hideaway's inhabitants to seek out dangerous work in order to support themselves.

Nobody's Tool

Dorys asks Clive to accompany her to the prison of Balmung Dark, where she believes an acquaintance of hers might be interned.

The prison turns out to have been a hellish place where Bearers in their droves were sacrificed in order to train—and even feed—a beast of unimaginable ferocity. While Dorys's childhood friend Chadwick was lost, hope lives on in the form of the little girl he gave his life to save.

Not to be Outdone

Molly, cauldron keeper at the Fat Chocobo, seeks to recreate an ancient recipe for "fried mortress of skyworm." Unfortunately, she's not exactly sure what several of the ingredients are—namely drakesmint and skyworm.

Harpocrates helps Clive figure out the true nature of the ingredients Molly has asked for, and when he brings them back to her, she rustles up a dish that sends Yvan soaring to new heights of gustatory ecstasy, declaring the dish a "maelstrom of flavor and sensation."

On Balance

A scale used in one of Miss Shirleigh's recent lessons has gone missing, and the young instructor is fairly certain her mischievous pupils are behind its untimely disappearance.

Curiosity may be the leading cause of death amongst coeurls, but a necessary evil when it comes to fostering the next generation of inspiring engineers, and what, at a glance, appeared to be an act of mischief was actually an important life lessson. As long as no one asks about the cogwheel.

Onward to Discovery

An excitable scholar of Dzemekian history hires Clive to watch over him while he investigates some ruins near Boklad, then promptly disappears before his newly hired bodyguard can so much as blink.

Clive delivers the scholar from peril at the hands of bandits and beasts, only to discover that he wasn't employed as a bodyguard so much as a sounding board for some extremely involved pontifications on the history of Dzemekys.


A cursory review of the hideaway's ledgers by Gaute has revealed an issue of utmost concern—so concerning, in fact, that he wishes to speak with Clive about it personally.

With each debt paid, Clive learns more of the old hideaway and the colored past shared by Otto and Cid. Otto, haunted by the memories of his old friend, begins to question his worth to the hideaway until Clive reassures him that they would all be lost without him—Clive most of all.

Phoenix, Heal Thyself

Jote confesses her concerns that the medicine Joshua uses to soothe his pain is in short supply.

Clive risks his life to gather the necessary ingredient from the depths of an aetherflood. While Jote is moved by his selflessness, she does wish that both Clive and his brother would put their own well-being first every now and again.


A girl in Moore asks Clive to help her find her pet Chloe. Apparently, she has beautiful white hair, and is "ever such a good girl."

Chloe turns out to be a Bearer, and Clive is forced to confront Lisette with some hard truths about her death.

Please Sir, Can I Have Some Morbol

Unsatisfied by the present potency of his morganbeards, Nigel seeks a means to further invigorate the flowers…and believes the answer lies in the vines of a morbol, preferably one large and violent enough to warrant a billet on the Hunt Board.

Having finely felled the frenzied foliage, Clive returns to the backyard victorious, virile vines in hand. Nigel wastes no time grafting the samples onto his morganbeards, and the results are almost instantaneous—the flowers are now haler than ever, and the essence extracted from them doubly potent.


Joshua is worried that recent events have begun to weigh heavily on Jill and wonders if there is not something he and Clive might do to lift her spirits.

Clive and Jill revisit a bittersweet memory from their childhood only to be reminded that their love for each other has not faded over time.

Pride Comes Before a Fall

Clive is challenged to prove his worth by a pair of soldiers in Northreach. It seems that it doesn't do to call the Imperial Guard's competence into question…

Clive takes on the two soldiers and wins, exposing their misplaced pride, and convincing them that perhaps a little more training might not go amiss. A valuable lesson for all concerned.

Red Letter Day

A courier at the hideaway asks Clive to find some goods he lost, including an important letter for Cid.

Clive delivers the lost goods back to the courier, including Cid's letter, which turns out to be from the Outlaw's very own daughter. Apparently, receiving these missives puts him in a much better mood than usual.

Rekindling the Flame

Martha and Wade have a plan to relocate the Bearers and Guardians who have lately taken refuge in the Rest to Eastpool—their only obstacle, the bandits that have taken up residence there.

With the aid of the Guardians of the Flame, Clive succeeds in driving both bandits and beasts from Eastpool, kindling a flicker of hope in a village marked by tragedy.

Rekindling the Flame II

Martha asks that Clive deliver some gysahl greens seeds to Wade in Eastpool, that their new settlement might at length become self-sufficient.

Clive delivers the seeds, only to find the village under threat from a horde of Akashic. Wade and Martha convince the Bearers to no longer live as slaves, but to join the Guardians in fighting for what is theirs. Together, they not only protect their town, but gain a new understanding of what it is to be free.


Clive receives a letter from Cole expressing his concerns about Dorys's wellbeing, and resolves to speak with her and see what the trouble might be.

Clive follows Dorys on her mission to investigate a certain slaver, and discovers that the woman is in fact Dorys's former master. Luckily, his most trusted Cursebreaker isn't inclined to return to the fold, and instead helps ensure that the woman is sent back to Sanbreque to pay for her crimes.

Silver Linings

Gav has carved a gift for Edda's unborn child, as is tradition in the Northern Territories, but lacks the final piece required to complete it—the feather of a rarely seen silver chocobo.

For Gav, making Edda's gift has reopened old wounds suffered the night his family died, leaving him drowning in a mire of guilt and feelings of inadequacy. It is Clive who extends a hand to pull him free.

Skin Trade

A merchant in Tabor makes Clive an offer he allegedly can't refuse—to hunt a dread aevis, and share in the seemingly considerable profits that its skin will bring when sold.

Clive kills the dread aevis, and takes its skin back to the merchant in Tabor, who is more than pleased to get his hands on such a valuable item. He proposes that he and Clive go into business together, but manages to take it in his stride when his offer is politely rebuffed.

Smooth Like Butler

Wanting to learn more of the state of the realm following the fall of its Mothercrystals and the darkening of its skies, Lord Byron Rosfield does what any man of means might: task one of his servants with the endeavor. That servant, however, now wishes to speak with Clive and urgently requests an audience in Martha's Rest.

After saving two separate seneschals in two separate corners of Storm, Clive returns to Martha's Rest to inform Rutherford that his associates have learned exactly what Byron (and everyone else for that matter) already expected—that the realm is in tatters and teetering precariously on the edge of utter chaos.

Tears of Mercy

Rodrigue begs Clive to help him convince Tarja that she needs to rest. It seems she's been devoting all her time to a certain patient, and not even stopping to sleep.

Clive helps Tarja with the ingredients she needs to make Elysia, and she administers it to her former mentor, sending him peacefully off into the hereafter. To her, this is the least she can do for one who taught her so much.

The Fruits of Her Labors

The apples growing on one of Martelle's old trees are ripe and by all accounts, delicious. Backyard botanist Cormac wants everyone to know just how good they are, and has asked Clive to deliver a basket to the hideaway's hungry Cursebreakers.

The Cursebreakers enjoy the apples, as does Otto. It seems they've grown a lot sweeter since Martelle's earliest attempts—a testament to the love and attention lavished on them by those who succeeded her.

The Root of the Problem

At the hideaway, medicine is in constant short supply, but botanist Nigel is of a mind to change that. If he can get his hands on several samples of morganbeard—a rare flower renowned for its curative properties—he plans to cultivate his own in the backyard…or at least try to.

To show his thanks for the morganbeards, Nigel distills the flowers of several samples into a concentrated essence that, according to the botanist, will fortify Clive's potions and elixirs with but a single drop.

The Want Beyond the Wall

A merchant requires Clive to deliver some good beyond the wall in Northreach, along with a mysterious message about them being "fresh from the master's table…"

The goods Clive is asked to deliver turn out to be contraband crystals. It seems there's a thriving market beyond the wall for even the tiniest specimens.

The Weight of Command

Cole and the party of Cursebreakers under his command have been attacked somewhere near Northreach and Dorys seeks Clive's assistance in learning their fate.

Clive tracks down Cole and his party, and helps free the Bearers they were sent to liberate. When Cole reports back in at the hideaway, Dorys castigates herself for having put him and his people at risk, but he soon convinces her that they did so willingly for the sake of the cause, and would do so again in a heartbeat.

The White-Winged Wonder

Rowan, a merchant based near Martha's Rest, entreats Clive to come to the aid of a flock of noble chocobos that have attracted the ire of a gang of bandits. Apparently, their leader is a certain "Whiteheart…"

The noble Whiteheart turns out to be none other than Ambrosia, Clive's childhood mount, whom he hasn't seen since the attack on Phoenix Gate. The two friends, reunited at last, happily rekindle their much-missed bond.

Three's Company

Lord Byron has a plan to bring order to the realm, and that plan involves his longtime acquaintance, Dhalmekian Field Marshal Eugen Havel. The field marshal, however, has misgivings about linking arms with a known outlaw and first wishes to gauge Clive's character.

Having somewhat put aside their differences, Byron, Eugen, and Quinten agree to forge ahead with Byron's elaborate plan to stabilize the realm and untie its people behind a single purpose—survival.

Trading Places

Eloise has a plan to purchase a large group of Bearers and relocate them to Kasjlok, where they might live free—the only obstacle, the beasts and bogles that have made a nest of the abandoned village.

Clive succeeds in making the village safe to begin the rebuilding work. Theodore is keen to see the mission through to the best of his ability, for with the Silverpeak Consortium circling, it may well be the last time he and his sister work together.

Trading Places II

The rebuilding and restocking of Kasjlok is well underway, but what of the negotiations with the army? Theodore asks Clive to check in with his sister as to when the purchase is likely to be concluded.

Clive learns that the sale has fallen through, thanks to a late intervention by the Silverpeak Consortium. To make matters worse, Kasjlok is under attack. Clive races to Theodore's rescue, but is too late. Eloise pledges to honor her brother's memory by continuing their work at the Crimson Caravans—that they might always be together, as was always her wish.

Trial and Error

Cursebreaker Nazaire has asked for Clive's assistance in the evaluation of a new recruit—specifically one who fancies becoming the hideaway's next best scout.

Albeit by dubious means, Ember successfully completes his trial, much to the dismay of Nazaire, who believes the recruit's liberal bending of the rules should not afford him praise, let alone a spot amongst the Cursebreaker ranks. Clive, however, sees potential in the young man and convinces Nazaire to give him a second chance.

Under New Management

Isabelle requests that Clive speak with the Duke of Oriflamme and convince him of the error of his ways, before his self-interested schemes tear Northreach apart.

Clive speaks with the Duke, but to no avail. The town is split, and threatens to split further. Only Philippe, former captain of the garrison, agrees to part company with the Duke and make the Dame's cause his own.

Under New Management II

With the garrison otherwise engaged in refortifying Northreach and rebuilding Caer Norvent, Isabelle fears that the town wants for sentries, and asks Clive to lend Philippe and his newly formed town watch his aid.

Another horde of thralls attacks Northreach, but just as the town threatens to buckle under the combined pressures of monsters without and mutiny within, the Dame makes an impassioned plea for the soldiers and townspeople to unite behind their common cause. Together, they are able to overcome their enemies, and forge a brighter future for their beloved town.

Use Your Loaf

A baker in Dalimil asks Clive to track down his missing apprentice, who can apparently often be found mooning at what remains of Drake's Fang.

The baker's apprentice is crestfallen at the fall of Drake's Fang, but a few choice words of inspiration from Clive set the wheels of inspiration in motion, and he channels his loss into the invention of a novel bread product.

Weird Science

Owain, denizen of Mid's dungeon, asks for Clive's assistance in obtaining the bomb ash he needs to complete a new invention. He has only to slay a bomb king—a beast so beastly it has earned its own billet on the hunt board.

Clive slays the bomb king and collects its ash, which Owain immediately puts to use in building the Telamon alembic. By way of thanks, he applies a curious compound to Clive's potion bag that increases its elasticity—allowing Clive to carry more vials with him wherever he goes.

Welcoming Committee

One of Quinten's underlings enlists the help of Clive to help two new Bearers settle into Lostwing. Apparently, their former master mistreated them terrible, and they're extremely nervous as a result.

Clive hands over the bread and wine he's fetched from the tavern, and the two new Bearers finally open up. Thanks to this kindness, they may even finally begin to believe that they're finally free.

What a Bird Wants

Clive is asked by Rowan, a merchant making his way to Martha's Rest, to take charge of an urgent delivery.

On delivering Rowan's package to the stable master, Clive learns why the wandering merchant's cart is swamped by chocobos. He has burdened it with rather too much of their very favorite thing in the world—gysahl greens.

Where There's a Will

Joshua has received a message from Cyril, saying that something akin to their father's last will and testament has been found. He suggests that he and Clive make for Tabor to learn more.

Clive and Joshua learn of their father's plans both for the duchy and for his sons. Together, they swear to follow in his footsteps and continue the fight for freedom and justice for all—the love Elwin held for them forever in their hearts.

While the Cat's Away

A band of rowdy ne'er-do-wells are raising a ruckus at the tavern in Martha's Rest and refuse to leave. Clive is enlisted to take out the rubbish.

Clive deals with the bandits causing trouble at the tavern in Martha's Rest. When Martha arrives, she explains that, since becoming subjects of the empire, they've had no choice but to rely on what little mercenary assistance they can afford.