Mysteries of the Realm

ContentsAdamantiteAetherAetherfloodsAetherial ToleranceAirshipAkashicAlliantsAncient MuralArete StoneAstrologerBardBearerBeastmenBeastsBotany in the DeadlandsBrandBrand RemovalBrandedBranded SoldierCid the OutlawCrystalCrystal FettersCrystal RationsDominantDusk CrystalsEchoesEgisEikonEikonoklastesEngineeringFirst ShieldFrom a DistanceFrost WolfGilGlazheim WallGreat BeastsGysahl GreensHeart of the MothercrystalLiving FleshLogosLost MothercrystalsMagicMagicked BarriersMagitekMagitek WeaponryMan-made HeartMarksMetiaMissivesMunicipal ShardsMythosMythril EngineNew WorldNotorious MarksObeliskOrchestrionPrimingPrimogenesisSemi-primingSinSlave TradersSlavemastersSpecimensThe ArcheThe Blessing of the PhoenixThe Bonds of ConsciousnessThe Children of DzemekysThe Continental AccordThe Crystal FlowerThe Crystals' CurseThe CullingsThe DeadlandsThe Deluge of BloodThe EinherjarThe EnterpriseThe ExecutorsThe FallenThe First WyrmThe FounderThe Inner SanctumThe Journal of MossThe Liberation of BearersThe MothercrystalsThe Remaking of the WorldThe Rosarian National AnthemThe Saint and the SectaryThe Savior MythThe Ultima CivilizationThe UnbrandedThe Valisthean CalendarUltima's SpellUltima's ThrallsValisthea – A Culinary PilgrimageVesselWillWyvern Tail


One of the hardest known materials in the Twins. Seams of its ore have only been found in the far-flung reaches of Ash, where the forces of first Veldermarke, then Waloed, often warred with the orcs who claimed the lands as their own. Though the metal makes for fine arms and armor, the rarity of both its ore and craftsman [craftsmen] versed in the particularities of its forging ensure that adamantite weapons remain the preserve of the rich and powerful.


The life force of the land and the source of all magic. The amount of aether a spell consumes depends on its strength, with those manifesting more potent forces over a wider area coming at a greater cost. Larger crystals can channel more aether than smaller ones, and thus can be used to cast more powerful magicks. One might use a small, rationed shard to grill a fish, but would require a large, municipal crystal to fire a blacksmith's forge.


Pools of concentrated aether that forms on the land's surface, thought to be caused by an imbalance in its diffusion beneath. Though aether is usually invisible, at flood-level concentrations it takes on a blue glow. Those with a natural aetherial tolerance can survive exposure to a flood, at least for a short time, but most living things will eventually succumb to its effects, losing their minds and turning Akashic.

Aetherial Tolerance

The ability to resist the effects of aetherial exposure. This is higher in Bearers and Dominants, allowing them to survive concentrations of aether that would turn any human who lacks their gift. Some animals, including chocobos, also have a natural resistance to the effects of aether—but one of the many reasons why the birds are so beloved across the Twins.


Basic Information


Legend has it that the people of the Fallen once sailed through the skies in the bellies of these ships, though all now lie shattered and silent on the surface below. The town of Lostwing is built around such a ruin.

Clive's Hideaway


Legend has it that the people of the Fallen once sailed through the skies in the bellies of these ships, though all now lie shattered and silent on the surface below. The men and women of the present day are wont to repurpose these ruins for their own use—both the village of Lostwing and Clive's hideaway in Bennumere being built around the wreckage of a fallen airship.

Hidden Truths


Legend has it that the people of the Fallen once sailed through the skies in the bellies of these ships, though all now lie shattered and silent on the surface below—the Invincible in which Clive and his allies have built their new hideaway being one such relic. So advanced was the Fallen's technology it was nigh indistinguishable from magic, leading a historian of the early modern era to remember them as the "Menne of Magitek," or "men of magical technology." It is Mid's dream to bring this technology back to life, that humanity might take flight once more.

The Fallen

The Fallen

Legend has it that the people of the Fallen once sailed through the skies in the bellies of these ships, though all now lie shattered and silent on the surface below. The ruins that litter the lands around Dzemekys lend weight to the theory that they were also used to wage war—as does the presence of several similar craft in the Sagespire, a veritable factory of death-dealing armaments.


Basic Information


The irreversible change brought about by a living being's overexposure to aether. Creatures are stripped of any intelligence or sense of self they may once have had, and become suffused with life force—usually manifesting as extreme strength and aggression. Flora can also turn, resulting in their twisted overgrowth. Those with aetherial tolerance, however, such as Dominants and Bearers, are less likely to turn Akashic.



The irreversible change brought about by a living being's overexposure to aether. Creatures are stripped of any intelligence or sense of self they may once have had, and become suffused with life force—usually manifesting as extreme strength and aggression. Though most regard men who turn Akashic as naught but mindless monsters, Barnabas and Sleipnir claim they are, in fact, "divine."

Hidden Truths


The irreversible change brought about by a living being's overexposure to aether. Creatures are stripped of any intelligence or sense of self they may once have had, and become suffused with life force—usually manifesting as extreme strength and aggression. Ultima's casting of Primogenesis turned much of mankind directly, gifting Barnabas his Akashic army—and with the despair they wrought, he sought to strip the wills of the rest, making them, in his eyes, "pure."


Those who do not call the hideaway their home, but nevertheless lend their strength to Cid's cause. There are many in the Twins who balk at the persecution of Bearers, but cannot find within them the energy to oppose it, knowing what fate awaits them should their sympathies be exposed. Others take that risk, aiding Cid's Bearer liberation efforts with information sent by stolas, monetary assistance, or direct action.

Ancient Mural

Basic Information

Ancient Mural

A wall painting found in the depths of the Apodytery under Phoenix Gate. Who created it, and for what purpose, is unknown, but the celestial being in the center suggests some connection to a long-lost religion.

A Religious Image

Ancient Mural

A religious image found across Valisthea: not only in the Apodytery under Phoenix Gate and in the Comraich, near the heart of Drake's Breath, but upon a tapestry in Tabor, too. It depicts the Eikons arranged in adoration of a central figure believed to be Ultima, the god that rules above them all.

A Mural Intact

Ancient Mural

A religious image of the Circle of Malius, an ancient faith that worshipped Ultima. It depicts the Eikons arranged in adoration of a central figure thought to be Ultima himself, the god that rules above them all. The image is found across Valisthea, but it was only on encountering a fully intact copy deep beneath Ash that Joshua discovered that the Phoenix does not appear among the Eikons depicted.

Hidden Truths

Ancient Mural

A religious image of the Circle of Malius, an ancient faith that worshipped both the Mothercrystals and Ultima. It depicts the Eikons arranged in adoration of a central figure thought to be Ultima, the god that rules above them all. Joshua discovers an unblemished version in the depths of the Waloeder stronghold of Gjallarhorn, and learns that the figure thought to be Ultima is in fact that of Ifrit RisenIfrit and the Phoenix united as one.

Arete Stone

Basic Information

Arete Stone

A mysterious ceramic tablet that stands in the hideaway. Of a similar construction to other relics of the Fallen, yet seemingly not a part of the airship proper, its imposing appearance suggests some important function that has been lost to time. Whatever strange secrets lies within it, it seems to react to Clive's presence and urges him to unlock his hidden potential.

Hidden Truths

Arete Stone

A mysterious ceramic tablet that stands in the hideaway. Though it closely resembles a relic of the Fallen, the way in which it reacts to Clive's presence and urges him to unlock his hidden potential suggests some connection to Ultima. It is likely that this stone—as well as other towers of similar construction that dot the landscape—were created by the creature before he entered his slumber, in order to aid in the perfection of his vessel, Mythos.


Affiliation: The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

Members of the Greagorian clergy who divine the future from the movements of the heavens. It has long been custom for the astrologers of the imperial court to share their auguries only with the emperor, granting them significant political influence—provided, that is, that the emperor of the day shares Sylvestre's inclination to heed their advice.


Traveling minstrels who journey from place to place, performing in hostelries across Valisthea to the accompaniment of lute or lyre. They provide not only entertainment but information on the state of the realm, oft singing of significant events and important personages. The hideaway has its own resident bard, that the illiterate amongst its residents might remain informed.


Basic Information


A person with the power to cast magicks without a crystal. In Valisthea, men and women who awaken as Bearers are enslaved. They are marked with a brand upon their cheek and used as tools—a cheaper alternative to the scarce and precious shards. This system of slavery has persisted for centuries, and has become so ingrained in Valisthean life that few take pity upon the Bearer's plight, seeing them as less than human.

A Cursed Fate


A person with the power to cast magicks without a crystal. In Valisthea, men and women who awaken as Bearers are enslaved—branded with a mark on their cheek that leads some to call them by the pejorative moniker "Branded." Though their powers do not begin to approach those of the almighty Dominants, they too suffer from the crystals' curse—gradually turning to stone over a lifetime of channeling aether for others.


A somewhat derogatory nomen given that the collective group of demi-humanoid beings that includes goblins, orcs, and minotaurs, among others. Beastmen tend to differ from most wild creatures in demonstrating a distinct intelligence—possessing the capacity for spoken and sometimes even written language, as well as complex tool-building—and many have developed unique, albeit simple, civilizations of their own. With civilization, however, will always come the desire to expand, and it is this ambition that has resulted in countless clashes with humanity over the centuries.


Animals whose evolution has been warped by exposure to aether, some gaining the ability to cast magicks. Unlike Bearers, however, they seem to have developed little aetherial tolerance, so it is not uncommon to encounter Akashic beasts in the vicinity of aetherfloods. Wild beasts are sometimes tamed by humans for use in warfare—the soldiers of Sanbreque having a particular fondness for those descendants of ancient dragons.

Botany in the Deadlands

Affiliation: The Hideaway

The deadlands are true to their name, in that no plant nor animal can survive for long in lands swallowed by the Blight. At least, that is, without effort and ingenuity. In Cid's hideaway, Bohumil and Martelle found some success in growing crops in deadland soil, and others continue their legacy in the new hideaway. Mid's filters, for instance, make the blackened waters of the mere fit for human consumption—and, much to Nigel's relief, irrigation.


Basic Information


The mark applied to the cheeks of Bearers, identifying them as something other than human. The great nations of Valisthea have a longstanding accord to brand their Bearers in this way, that the slaves might be traded across borders.



The mark applied to the cheeks of Bearers across Valisthea, identifying them as something other than human. Newborn babes are checked at birth—those who are found to be Bearers being branded and taken into the custody of the state. Rarely, Bearers evade this test—either because their parents hide them, the testers are lax in their duties, or their powers do not awaken until later—yet most do not remain unbranded for long.

Brand Removal

Affiliation: The Hideaway

The painstaking process of slicing away the Bearer brand so that no mark remains. Tarja, the hideaway's resident physicker, has mastered the procedure, though it stil entails a good deal of pain, and of risk—indeed, the brand is written in poison ink, that any attempt to remove it should result in death. Given this, many choose to forgo the process, even though their brand precludes them from ever leaving the hideaway.


A common pejorative term for Bearers marked with the brand. Newborn babes are tested at birth, and those found to have the knack are branded on the cheek and taken into the custody of the state.

Branded Soldier

Basic Information

Branded Soldier

Bearers forced to fight for the nations that enslaved them. Able to cast powerful magicks yet entirely disposable, they are often placed on the front lines in battle, or assigned to highly dangerous scouting or assassination missions.

An Inescapable Fate

Branded Soldier

Bearers forced to fight for the nations that enslaved them. To stymie the urge to flee, the penalty for desertion is death, and soldiers are encouraged to keep a close watch on each other to prevent others from doing so—the Brand upon a soldier's cheek presenting an additional obstacle. And so most follow their orders, turning steadily to stone with each draw on the aether—to lose one's life to the curse being lauded as a hero's death.

Cid the Outlaw

Leader of the faction believed responsible for the shattering of Drake's Head in 873. With this single act of infamy, Cid's name quickly spread to the four corners of Valisthea and beyond.


Basic Information


One of the most valuable materials known to mankind, thanks to its ability to channel ambient aether from the air, allowing those without an innate power to do so to cast magicks—and as most Valistheans cannot live without magic, its supply and distribution is heavily regulated by governments across the Twins. A given shard can only channel a certain amount of aether before it shatters, so the need for new crystals is incessant.

The Black Market


One of the most valuable materials known to mankind, thanks to its ability to channel ambient aether from the air, allowing those without an innate power to do so to cast magicks—and as most Valistheans cannot live without magic, its supply and distribution is heavily regulated by governments across the Twins. Though the penalties for illicit trade in crystal are severe, with demand far outstripping supply, many still dabble in the black market.



One of the most valuable materials known to mankind, thanks to its ability to channel ambient aether from the air, allowing those without an innate power to do so to cast magicks. After Ultima cast Primogenesis and the skies over Valisthea darkened, many of the municipal crystals that fired forges and filled wells began to fail. In certain areas, even those rationed shards that the people relied on in their everyday lives lost their spark, making life all but unlivable.

Supply and Demand


One of the most valuable materials known to mankind, thanks to its ability to channel ambient aether from the air, allowing those without an innate power to do so to cast magicks. After Ultima cast Primogenesis and the skies over Valisthea darkened, the unbalance in the aether rendered many shards unusable, and all but ended the largesse of nations in sharing what shards remained with their populaces. Yet such was the people's reliance on crystals that they looked to other, less reputable means of securing them.

Crystal Fetters

A restraining device for Bearers and Dominants that uses precisely arranged and activated shards of crystal to disrupt the flow of aether through their flesh, thus preventing them from priming or casting magicks. So valuable are the materials from which they are made, and so rare the skill required to craft them, there are very few specimens in existence, and they are only employed when absolutely necessary.

Crystal Rations

Shards of crystal small enough to be held in the hand, which allow those who are not born Bearers to cast magicks. The nations of the Twins see such shards mined from the Mothercrystals and distributed to the populace, so that every man and woman of good character—Bearers, criminals, and other undesirables not included—might enjoy the gift of magic. It is common for people to keep them about their persons in a protective case.


Basic Information


Those within whom sleeps the power of an Eikon. Though they look and think no differently to any other man or woman, they can not only cast elemental magicks without a crystal, but also transform themselves into beasts of world-shattering strength at any moment—a quality for which they are honored, worshipped, and feared the realm over.



Those within whom sleeps the power of an Eikon. Though they look and think no differently to any other man or woman, they can not only cast elemental magicks without a crystal, but also transform themselves into beasts of world-shattering strength at any moment. There is only ever one Dominant for each Eikon—a new Dominant only awakening after the previous dies. Some awaken at birth, while others are chosen later in life, but once one is chosen, one's life changes forever.

Hidden Truths


Those within whom sleeps the power of an Eikon. The Dominants are but a stepping stone in the creation of Ultima's perfect vessel, Mythos. When Ultima sowed the seeds of humanity, he imbued those assigned to protect each Mothercrystal with an elemental affinity—a power that would amplify over the generations until the Eikons eventually emerged. Though the memory of their power remains even after it is absorbed into Mythos, it takes an increasing toll upon their persons to summon it.

Dusk Crystals

Basic Information

Dusk Crystals

Shadowy shards that can be used to cast magicks just like any other crystal, but are far less resilient, cracking after only a few uses. They appeared on the black market soon after the skies darkened, and it was from here that Charon obtained her sample.

The Sagespire

Dusk Crystals

The shadowy shards that line the walls of the Sagespire. Famiel and his associates have long mined these crystals to provide for their people—the sudden outgrowth that accompanied the darkening of the skies providing a bounteous yield that they elected to sell for profit. Their close resemblance to those shards that make up the Mothercrystals suggests that they, too, are linked to a heart—one that sleeps somewhere within the tower.

After the Destruction of the Heart

Dusk Crystals

The shadowy shards that once lined the walls of the Sagespire. They were the product of the Fallen's ambition to replicate the original Mothercrystals—and though their reproduction was far from its model equal in terms of the strength and stability of its shards, they faded just the same when their heart was destroyed.


Basic Information


Strange clockwork constructs often encountered in Fallen ruins. The question of whether or not they are truly alive is open to debate, as they do not appear to require water, nor do they feed on the flesh of their victims as beasts do, and seemingly exist solely to protect their habitat from intruders. All echoes are encased in protective plating that is made from the same material as the ruins, and thus cannot be destroyed…though repeated blows will cause individual plates to dislodge, eventually causing the entire construct to collapse on itself.



Strange clockwork constructs often encountered in Fallen ruins. The question of whether or not they are truly alive is open to debate, as they do not appear to require water, nor do they feed on the flesh of their victims as beasts do, and seemingly exist solely to protect their habitat from intruders. Though it is widely assumed that they are vestiges of the Fallen civilization, some of the structures they preside over, such as the Apodytery and the sanctuaries at the heart of the Mothercrystals, seem to predate even that bygone age. In the aftermath of Primogenesis, beneath the blackened skies that followed, they emerged from the ruins at last, and can now be seen wandering the entirety of Valisthea.

Hidden Truths


Strange clockwork constructs often encountered in and near Fallen ruins. They were once only ever found protecting such structures, but in the aftermath of Primogenesis, beneath the blackened skies that followed, they emerged from the ruins at last, and can now be seen all over Valisthea. Though widely assumed to be vestiges of the Fallen civilization, it seems they were in fact originally servants of Ultima, created by him in a time lost to memory, and that it was only over long years of scavenging wreckage from Fallen ruins that they took on their current form. Since Ultima's reawakening, they have been guided by his will, and his will alone.

The Fallen


Strange clockwork constructs often encountered in and near Fallen ruins. Though originally servants of Ultima, created by the entity in a time lost to memory, the Fallen appear to have employed Magitek to successfully engineer replicas eerily identical in both appearance and functionality, casting doubt upon the hypothesis that an echo's form is somehow a result of scavenging ruins. Despite being masterless for the better part of a millennium and a half, the automachina continue to dutifully attend to the tasks bestowed upon them before the Fall.


Dating back to antiquity, the term "egi" has historically been used to describe those aetherial entities that can be conjured by Dominants. Egis are capable of casting potent magicks corresponding to the elemental alignment of their creators. Though unquestionably formidable, they will fade immediately should the Dominant who gave them being happen to be slain.


Basic Information


Magical beings of godlike strength who dwell within human hosts known as Dominants, only emerging when the Dominant primes. History records eight Eikons in total, each with a unique elemental affinity. It is commonly held that two Eikons of the same element cannot coexist, but as none has ever witnessed all of these rare creatures together, the conjecture is yet to be proved.

Elemental Aspect


Magical beings of godlike strength who dwell within human hosts known as Dominants, only emerging when the Dominant primes. History records eight Eikons in total, each with a unique elemental affinity—one warden each of fire, water, thunder, ice, wind, earth, light, and darkness. The common belief that two Eikons of the same element cannot coexist was shaken by the appearance of a second Eikon of Fire during the imperial attack on Phoenix Gate.

Hidden Truths


Shattered aspects of Ultima's power given flesh by human hosts. It is the two Wardens of Fire, Phoenix and Ifrit, who together comprise his perfect form—the Eikons of the lesser elements serving as sacrifices to Mythos's altar in order to test and bolster the vessel's strength.


Basic Information


By far the mightiest of the many Magitek weapons produced by the Fallen civilization. The name "Eikonoklaste" means "destroyer of the divine," and this is exactly the purpose for which they were created—to overthrow the gods, that humanity might rule over all creation.

Hidden Truths


By far the mightiest of the many Magitek weapons produced by the Fallen civilization. Scholars believe that numerous Eikonoklastes of differing designs were produced by the Fallen's rival factions, yet all were destroyed during the Magitek War and the ill-fated invasion of Dzemekys that followed. The discovery of Omega, however, raises the possibility that other Eikonoklastes may still survive, their world-shattering power but an unlucky archaeologian's misstep away.


The technology of the Fallen civilization was highly advanced, and though many an archaeologian and engineer has sought to study the workings of the curious contraptions they left behind, little light has yet been shed on their secrets. Engineers of the present day largely learn from each other. Indeed, the knowledge that Mid learned in the University of Kanver, she now shares with the children of the hideaway, that they might one day stand on her shoulders.

First Shield

Affiliation: The Grand Duchy of Rosaria

Title granted to the mightiest and most stalwart Shield of the Rosarian army. The First Shield is entrusted with the personal protection of the Dominant of the Phoenix, and is gifted a portion of the Eikon's power over flame—a boon known as the Blessing of the Phoenix.

From a Distance

A tome that lays bare the buried truth of the avarice and vanity of mankind. Upon its publication, the powers that be did everything in their power to inherit once more—along with its author. It tells the history of the Bearers—those once worshipped and adored as "bearers of the heavenly blessing," earning them the moniker they hold to this day—and how they came to be despised, oppressed, and enslaved by the unblessed masses. The shadowy Executors seize any copy that surfaces, in order to protect humanity from the painful knowledge contained within its pages—or so they claim.

Frost Wolf

A rare breed of wolf from the frozen Northern Territories that is said to be able to conjure magicks. An ancient fable from the region prominently features a frost wolf by the name of Fenrir who was companion to the "Queen of the Snows"—most likely an allusion to the Dominant of Shiva—and defended her not with tooth and claw, but with bolts of ice.


Gil has been the common currency of Valisthea ever since the signing of the Continental Accord many centuries ago. The Accord entrusted the administration of the currency to the realm's most trusted merchant guild, headquartered in what would later become the Free Cities of Kanver. The new currency took its name from the founder of said merchant guild, the legendary trader Gilbard the Golden. Trade flourished around the newly established mint, and over time, the worship of money grew into a full-fledged religion—the Great Bank of Gilbard the [Great] Lender.

Glazheim Wall

Affiliation: The Kingdom of Waloed

A vast aetherial dome created by King Barnabas Tharmr using the power of the Eikon Odin. It is not only capable of repelling assaults both corporeal and magical, but will also consume any whom might endeavor passage across its bounds. Spanning from the mining settlement of Eistla in the south to Frigg's Calm in the north, the barrier effectively blocks any approach to the Waloeder capital of Stonhyrr for hundreds of leagues.

Great Beasts

The behemoths and Fafnirs of the realm—large, dangerous beasts to whom all others bow. These creatures ruled for generations as the kings of great forests or tall peaks, only to be driven from their homes by the Blight and forced into unwelcome contact with humanity. They tend to have little tolerance for aetherial exposure, so it is common for them to turn Akashic on the merest contact with an aetherflood.

Gysahl Greens

The leafy green vegetable loved by chocobos. Such is the birds' attraction to its scent, traders who transport them by the wagonload must seal the boxes tightly, lest they should find themselves accosted by a flock of wild 'bos on the road. Though most gysahl greens are grown for chocobo fodder, they can be eaten by humans, too—provided one trims away the toughest fibers and boils the fleshy leaves in salt water until soft.

Heart of the Mothercrystal

Basic Information

Heart of the Mothercrystal

The brightly shining convolution of shards that sits at the center of each Mothercrystal. When a heart shatters, so too does the mountain around it. Since time immemorial, sanctuaries have been built around the hearts for the worship and protection of these irreplaceable treasures.

A Stalwart Defense

Heart of the Mothercrystal

The bright convolution of shards that sits at the center of each Mothercrystal. When a heart shatters, so too does the mountain around it. Since time immemorial, sanctuaries have been built around the hearts for the worship and protection of these irreplaceable treasures. The hearts, however, have their own methods of self defense, replying to any attack upon them with unique and deadly magicks.

Living Flesh

Basic Information

Living Flesh

A gruesome gore found clinging to the walls of the upper reaches of the Sagespire. Pulsating organically and glistening like lifeblood, its similarity to the flesh of the strange beasts Clive and his allies encountered in the lower levels suggests that they may have been crafted from this very substance.

Hidden Truths

Living Flesh

A gruesome gore found clinging to the walls of the upper reaches of the Sagespire. The Fallen were attempting to grow crystals using beasts and beastmen as seeds, and this substance appears to be a byproduct of those experiments—its strength and malleability proving the ideal material from which to craft living weapons. It appears that the disturbance in the aether resulting from Ultima's casting of Primogenesis overwhelmed whatever infernal engine produced it, resulting in its runaway growth throughout the facility.


Where Ultima uses "Mythos" to describes the vessel he has long awaited—one into which he can pour his soul and cast his supreme spell, "Logos" indicates its blasphemed form—a vessel over which the will of another has complete claim, making of itself a false god.

Lost Mothercrystals

When Cidolfus Telamon put his plans to destroy the Mothercrystals in motion, five of their number towered over the Twins—three less than existed eons past. The Mothercrystal of Dzemekys was the first to fall, followed by Drake's Horn in Southern Ash, and Drake's Eye in the Northern Territories. Now, nothing remains of them save for the scars left behind by their passing.


Basic Information


The art of channeling aether to make one's imagination manifest. This can take the aspect of one of the eight elements—fire, water, wind, earth, ice, thunder, light, and dark—or more rarely, be unaspected. While Bearers and Dominants can cast spells at will, others require a crystal to do so. Magic is a part of everyday life for the people of Valisthea, making it all but unlivable when they are deprived of its gift.



The art of channeling aether to make one's imagination manifest. Bearers and Dominants can cast magicks without a crystal, but this comes at a cost relative to the amount of aether channeled—the crystals' curse that petrifies their flesh. For this reason, Ultima's incorporeal form prevents him from casting the supremely powerful spell with which he means to remake the world—and so he seeks a vessel strong enough to withstand the torrents of aether required.

Magicked Barriers

Some Dominants have the ability to call upon a part of their Eikon's power to summon a ward—a nigh impervious barrier that no magic nor matter can cross. However, its maintenance requires a continuous channeling of aether through the summoner's flesh, taking a heavy toll upon them—the larger the barrier, the greater the burden.


Basic Information


A term that appears in early histories of the Fallen civilization and describes their highly advanced magical technology, of which the airship is the best known example. They also produced weapons all but indistinguishable from living beings—yet whose destructive power rivaled that of the gods of legend. The early chroniclers labeled these beasts the "Eikonoklastes," and it is from this term that the Eikons of the present day take their moniker.

In the Sagespire


A term that appears in early histories of the Fallen civilization and describes their highly advanced magical technology. Though it was long believed that the Eikonoklastes mentioned in early histories were lost to the ages, one such abomination was discovered in the Sagespire, along with the heart of the Magitek Mothercrystal that powered its world-crushing wrath.

Magitek Weaponry

Basic Information

Magitek Weaponry

Arms produced by the Fallen many centuries past, using materials and methods far more advanced than those available today. Their capacity for destruction likewise eclipses that of the deadliest weapons of the modern era—which goes some way to explaining why the Fallen are no longer with us.

The Sagespire

Magitek Weaponry

Arms produced by the Fallen many centuries past, using materials and methods far more advanced than those available today. These weapons come in myriad shapes and sizes, from miniaturized magical cannons intended to be wielded by footsoldiers, to failed experiments into breeding crystals repurposed as living weapons, to the Eikonoklaste Omega—a self-propelled Magitek monstrosity designed to overthrow the gods themselves, powered by the stolen secret of creation.

Man-made Heart

Basic Information

Man-made Heart

The heart of the artificial Mothercrystal that sleeps within the Sagespire. It closesly resembles the hearts of the true Mothercrystals, although the Fallen chose to keep theirs inside some manner of Magitek shielding system.


Man-made Heart

The heart of the artificial Mothercrystal that sleeps within the Sagespire. It closesly resembles the hearts of the true Mothercrystals, although the Fallen chose to keep theirs inside some manner of Magitek shielding system—until, that is, Clive and his allies came too close for comfort and the tower's intelligence ordered it evacuated to an inner chamber.

Hidden Truths

Man-made Heart

The heart of the artificial Mothercrystal that slept within the Sagespire. Like the hearts of the true Mothercrystals, it leeched huge quantities of aether from the earth. The Fallen, however, designed their own to conjoin with their ultimate Magitek monstrosity, Omega, inspiring it to even greater limits of destructive power. Yet even with the heart's strength at its disposal, Omega was no match for the might of Clive and his allies. After the Eikonoklaste met its brutal end, so too did the heart.


Emblems that Cid's allies distribute to those in their circle of trust. It is common for the rich and powerful of Valisthea to pin such marks to the Bearers in their possession, that the slaves might go about their master's business unmolested.


The burning red star that sits beneath the moon. Folklore ascribes to Metia the role of message-bearer to the moon, so it is common custom across Valisthea to wish upon the star, that one's heartfelt desires might be conveyed to the heavens and beyond.


The second simplest method of long-distance communication used in Valisthea, after whispering one's message to a traveling trader and trusting in the strength of their memory. Though letters are more prone to interception than stolases, they have the advantage that they can be sent to those one does not know. Their major disadvantage—that the majority of the commonfolk of the Twins can neither read nor write, limiting their exchange to those of a certain level of education. Efforts are underway to offer such an education to the Bearers of the hideaway, and many are already more confident readers and writers than their former masters.

Municipal Shards

Large shards of crystal that are entrusted to towns and cities across Valisthea in order to serve the populace. Where those shards rationed out to individuals might suffice to fill a cup or light an oven, municipal shards fill wells, fire forges, and light the streets of the great cities of the Twins.


Basic Information


The name by which Ultima addresses Clive. It appears to be his title for the "vessel for limitless power" that he means to make of the young lord marquess—but to what end he requires such a thing, only Ultima knows.

Clive's Power


The name by which Ultima addresses Clive. It appears to be his title for the "vessel for limitless power" that he means to make of the young lord marquess. The being identifies Clive as the "Mythos" he has long sought by virtue of his awakening as the Dominant of Ifrit, and having the power to absorb the aether of other Eikons.

The Vessel's Completion


Ultima's name for the "vessel for limitless power" that he has long awaited. He identifies Clive as this "Mythos" by virtue of his awakening as the Dominant of Ifrit, and having the power to absorb the aether of other Eikons. Ultima manipulates his servants into pitting Clive against the other Dominants that he might drink of their strength and bring Mythos closer to perfection.

Hidden Truths


Ultima's name for the "vessel for limitless power" that he has long awaited. He identifies Clive as this "Mythos" by virtue of his awakening as the Dominant of Ifrit, and having the power to absorb the aether of other Eikons. The being created humanity for this very purpose—that it might one day yield a vessel strong enough to cast the spell that would revive his dying tribe and remake the world in their image. Now he pits Clive against the other Eikons, that he might drink of their powers and bring his vessel ever closer to perfection.

Mythril Engine

Affiliation: The Hideaway

The technology designed to propel the hideaway's flagship, the Enterprise, across the seas at heretofore inconceivable speeds. It is not fueled by magic, but by mythril—a hard, inert substance refined from deadland soil. Inert, that is, unless burned at blistering temperatures, whence it releases all the energy stored within—for which reason, cooling is required in the form of a three-piece thermal displacement stack.

New World

The paradise Ultima seeks to summon into creation—one free from the Blight that almost ended his race. Though Barnabas believed that he and his fellow faithful would be allowed to join his deity there, he was mistaken. Only Ultima and his kin shall have a place in this new paradise—a paradise freed not only from Blight, but from humanity.

Notorious Marks

Affiliation: The Hideaway

While afield on their expeditionary excursions, the Cursebreakers will oft learn of creatures (or somewhat unsurprisingly humans) that, for reasons varying from the loss of natural habitat or a lack of food to overexposure to aether, have begun to exhibit uncharacteristically violent behavior. Due to the threat they pose to the realm and her peaceable inhabitants, these terrors are deemed "notorious marks" and a bounty placed on their heads.


Basic Information


Ancient relics found across Valisthea. Their construction closely resembles the "airships" of the Fallen, but unlike them, they do not appear to have fallen from the sky, rather to have stood in place since time immemorial. They illuminate when Clive approaches—though for what reason, it is unknown. After once being lit, they continue to shine with the same blue glow night and day, making them ideal for use as waypoints.

Hidden Truths


Ancient technology of the Ultima collective, set in place upon their advent to Valisthea in order to guide the flow of aether toward the Mothercrystals, that the land's life force might be harvested all the more readily. The obelisks are separate entities to the Mothercrystals themselves, so the latter's destruction does not affect the former's function. After Ultima cast Primogenesis, the resulting imbalance in the aether made these obelisks glow all the brighter.


Basic Information


A curious clockwork contraption that is able to perform several different musical compositions at the flick of a switch.

Mid's Opus


Affiliation: The Hideaway

A curious clockwork contraption that is able to perform several different musical compositions at the flick of a switch. It was designed and constructed by a young Mid, and Cid labeled it her first true masterpiece of engineering. He hid his own masterpiece inside it—the final part that his daughter would need to complete the calibration of the mythril engines the two designed together.


Basic Information


The act of a Dominant transforming their living flesh into that of their Eikon. Dominants most often prime during times of war, using the immense strengths of their Eikons to turn the tides of battle. Though it is usually done deliberately—the Dominant remaining in control of the Eikon even when primed—on occasion a Dominant will lose control of their powers and see their Eikon run riot.

The Eikons' Toll


The act of a Dominant transforming their living flesh into that of their Eikon. Priming does not require a continual draw on the aether—it is rather maintained by the constant channeling of the cast quantities of aether imbued within the Dominant's own body. This allows Dominants to remain primed even when they enter the aetherless deadlands—but also results in the crystals' curse taking a heavy toll on them with every act of priming.


Basic Information


A spell cast by Ultima that cast a roiling pall over all Valisthea.

Its Effect on the Land


A spell cast by Ultima that cast a roiling pall over all Valisthea. The unbalance in the aether that resulted not only sapped the potency of crystals and magic in those lands that remained livable, but filled the rest not only with his glowing thralls, but with aetherfloods, turning men and beasts into mindless, merciless Akashic.

Hidden Truths


A spell cast by Ultima that cast a roiling pall over all Valisthea. The unbalance in the aether that resulted not only sapped the potency of crystals and magic in those lands that remained livable, but filled the rest not only with his glowing thralls, but with aetherfloods, turning men and beasts into mindless, merciless Akashic—all to sap the wills of mankind and make all of humanity into his soulless servants.


The act of a Dominant calling upon a part of their Eikon's power without fully transforming into the legendary beast itself. It does not require nearly as much aether as to fully prime, taking less of a toll on the Dominant's flesh. Upon semi-priming, the host takes on some aspects of their Eikon—sprouting wings or becoming clad in stone.


In Ultima's eyes, mankind's greatest sin is the awakening of free will—his servants straying from the path their creator laid out for them and forging one of their own. However, Clive contends that this is a sin by which Ultima is equally bestained—and indeed, if humanity is indeed Ultima's creation, does not their every action, every emotion stem from him?

Slave Traders

Those who make their coin buying and selling Bearer slaves. While the trade is highly regulated, a slave is a valuable asset, and so there is a thriving black market in stolen and unregistered Bearers. Dorys's former master was just such a black market trader, who trained her abducted charges as killers for hire—knowing that if the Branded was caught in the act, their ownership records could not lead the constabulary to her door.


Those who own and manage Bearer slaves. A Bearer must always obey the orders of his or her master, and are largely forbidden from acting independently—even from speaking without express permission. When it is necessary to relinquish supervision of a Bearer—such as when dispatching one on an errand—masters will often affix the emblem of their house or business to the slave's clothing, that they are not mistaken for an escapee.


Basic Information


Beasts and beastmen captured by the Fallen and held prisoner in the Sagespire. The variety of species on display suggests that they were collected from across the length and breadth of Valisthea. Many are barely recognizable from their modern-day counterparts, though whether this is the result of those creatures who escaped imprisonment changing over the ages, or of the experimentation conducted on those unlucky few who did not, remains unclear. What is clear, however, is that upon being released from their cells, they will duitfully obey the tower's orders to exterminate intruders.

Research & Development


Beasts and beastmen captured by the Fallen and held prisoner in the Sagespire. Research logs left behind by their captors suggest they were intended to be used in the Fallen's experiments into crafting crystals from an organic seed. Those on the lower levels appear to have escaped much of this experimentation, being released from their cells to drive out intruders. Those on the upper levels, however, exhibit strange, crystalline structures conjoined to their flesh—proof if any more were needed of the Fallen's ambitions for them.

Living Machines


Beasts and beastmen captured by the Fallen and held prisoner in the Sagespire. Research logs left behind by their captors suggest they were intended to be used in the Fallen's experiments into crafting crystals from an organic seed. The existence of the Magitek heart and the dusk crystals shows that their research succeeded—the unlucky byproducts of their experiments being repurposed for military means.

The Arche

The dark, ill-omened skies unleashed when Ultima brought about Primogenesis. The word "Arche" is used only on Ash, where the coming of the cursed skies has long been foretold as a harbinger of the end of all things.

The Blessing of the Phoenix

Affiliation: The Grand Duchy of Rosaria

The boon Joshua bestowed upon his brother upon Clive's ordination as First Shield, allowing him to wield fire-aspected magic without a crystal. It has long been custom in Rosaria for the Dominant of the Phoenix to share a part of their power in this way, performing this "Rite of Rejuvenation" upon those they appoint as their protectors that they might serve them the better.

The Bonds of Consciousness

The fellow feeling that binds a person with those they love, and who love them. So long as these bonds remain strong, so too does a human's grip upon their will. Ultima cast Primogenesis in order to sever these bonds of consciousness, that humanity might lose their wills and turn Akashic, and that his vessel might be perfected.

The Children of Dzemekys

The tribe who once dewelled in the lands surrounding the lost Mothercrystal of Dzemekys. This Mothercrystal communicated directly with Origin, from whence Ultima kept watch on the world from his slumber, and so those people who lived around it had a closer relationship with their creator than most. It was they who founded the Circle of Malius to keep the word of their lord and future savior alive. After the Tragedy of Dzemekys and the first fall of humanity, the few survivors of the Children of Dzemekys fled to the outer continent, where they continued to worship their god and await the day when they would join him in paradise.

The Continental Accord

An international pact made at the dawn of the present era, in which such matters as the treatment of Bearers and the establishment of a realm-wide currency were laid out. It formed the basis of much of Valisthean society as it stands today, including the branding of Bearers and their status as non-persons. It also put in place a universal calendar, marking a symbolic fresh start for mankind—albeit one which put magic-users at a crippling disadvantage.

The Crystal Flower

When Drake's Tail came under attack by a maddened Bahamut, the heart of the Mothercrystal responded by delving into its attacker's innermost thoughts and summoning into creation that which most plagued his tortured soul—the wyvern tail that represented the trust Prince Dion's father placed in him and his duty to the realm.

The Crystals' Curse

The price Bearers and Dominants pay for channeling aether through their bodies—the gradual petrification of their flesh. It does not affect those who use a crystal to cast magicks. Beginning with a stiffness and ache in the extremities, as the curse progresses, limbs are rendered immobile and the pain unbearable. At last, the victim turns completely to stone and their body crumbles into dust. There is no known cure.

The Cullings

Affiliation: The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

After being made vicereine of the newly annexed Rosarian territory, the empress Anabella quietyl established a host of loyal imperial soldiersthe Black Shields—to maintain order. Though branded as keepers of the peace, their true purpose is to carry out what has come to be known as "cullings," or brutal massacres of provincial Bearers and those who show them sympathy. The killing is swift and indiscrimiate, with the shields dispatched serving as judge, jury, and executioner, and the chaos left in their wake is usually enough to deliver entire settlements to ruin.

The Deadlands

Basic Information

The Deadlands

Barren wastes bereft of aether, where no life stirs, and magic is all but unusable. Here, both earth and water are stained black, preventing any seed from quickening. In recent years, the Blight has spread ever more widely, displacing whole nations before it, driving once peaceable fauna to violent desperation, and leaving silent devastation in its wake.

Hidden Truths

The Deadlands

Barren wastes where the aether has dried up entirely, and no longer gives the land life. Not only does this render magic all but unusuable, but the ground and water are also stained darkest black, and not even the smallest seedling grows. Little to the knowledge of most Valistheans, the spreading Blight is in fact driven by the Mothercrystals that drain away the land's aether for Ultima's ends. Though the beings flew to Valisthea to escape the Blight, overuse of magic by the human civilizations that followed only succeeded in despoiling this last unblemished land.

The Deluge of Blood

A great war that occurred in ancient times between the "few who bear the blessing" and the "many who do not." It ended in decisive victory for the unblessed masses and the signing of the Continental Accord, which cemented the systematic subjugation of the "Bearer" minority.
It was not until a hundred years later that the first Eikons were to emerge—their human hosts being named "Dominants" after the savior myth of the Circle of Malius, which held that the lord's return would be heralded by the appearance of "His heavenly servants most wondrous and most dominant." Such was the awesome power of these creatures that the authorities had no option but to exempt them from the system of slavery—announcing them to be something other than a lowly Bearer and deserving of the highest honor—lest they should side with their fellow oppressed and bring a second deluge upon the masters' heads.

The Einherjar

Basic Information

The Einherjar

Affiliation: The Kingdom of Waloed

The flagship of the Waloeder navy, also known as the Black Galleon. Alongside the Royal Cavalry, it is the pride of Waloed, and is capable of swiftly delivering elite troops onto enemy soil to make war in the name of the mighty Odin.

On the Naldia Narrow

The Einherjar

Affiliation: The Kingdom of Waloed

The flagship of the Waloeder navy, also known as the Black Galleon, is a vast, seven-masted vessel constructed of three conjoined galleys, and could aptly be described as a floating fortress. Alongside the Royal Cavalry, it is the pride of Waloed, and is capable of swiftly delivering elite troops onto enemy soil to make war in the name of the mighty Odin. Jill was kept prisoner here after being captured by King Barnabas.

The Enterprise

Basic Information

The Enterprise

Affiliation: The Hideaway

The hideaway's mythril engine-powered flagship. Designed by the father and daughter team of Cidolfus and Midadol Telamon, the ship is currently under construction in a hidden cove on the outskirts of Kanver.

Her Completion

The Enterprise

Affiliation: The Hideaway

The hideaway's mythril engine-powered flagship. Designed by the father and daughter team of Cidolfus and Midadol Telamon to serve as a last hope for humanity should all of Valisthea be lost to the Blight. Mid recuirted a team of shipwrights and supervised the secret construction of the ship in the Telamon Ironworks on the outskirts of Kanver, with a little help from Byron Rosfield's bottomless purse.

Her Maiden Voyage

The Enterprise

Affiliation: The Hideaway

The hideaway's mythril engine-powered flagship. Designed by the father and daughter team of Cidolfus and Midadol Telamon to serve as a last hope for humanity should all of Valisthea be lost to the Blight, and constructed in secret in the Ironworks on the outskirts of Kanver. The mythril with which it is fueled is a highly concentrated source of energy, allowing the ship to achieve speeds thrice that of a galleon at full mast.

The Executors

A shadowy cabal who control the truth of the realm by collecting and concealing any knowledge they believe should remain hidden. They appear to view themselves as the guardians of humanity, protecting people from what would only cause them pain. From a Distance, the shameful history of the enslavement of Bearers, is but one of the books the Executors would see expunged from the public record.

The Fallen

Basic Information

The Fallen

An ancient yet highly advanced civilization, whose relics can be found across the length and breadth of Valisthea. The material from which these relics are constructed is far sturdier than steel, and cannot be worked by modern methods, so the people of the modern day have elected to build inside and around them instead.

Ruins Everlasting?

The Fallen

An ancient yet highly advanced civilization, whose relics—said to be the remains of airships that once soared through the skies—can be found across the length and breadth of Valisthea. Cid's hideaway is but one of many settlements to take a Fallen ruin as its foundation, taking advantage of the sturdiness of the ceramics, immune to the passage of time, and so the hideaway is in need of constant repairs.

Hidden Truths

The Fallen

An ancient civilization that thrived some thousands of years before the present day. Though no direct records of the Fallen remain, early legends in the modern corpus speak of them as the "Menne of Magitek," the pinnacle of whose "magical technology" was the airship—enormous cities that soared through the skies. Comparisons of the ruins of these airships and other ancient structures connected to Ultima reveal slight but marked differences, suggesting the former is but a close copy of the latter. Alas, it seems their pursuit of Ultima's most closely guarded secrets led to their downfall, when they sent their fleet against Dzemekys, and ushered in the tragedy that saw their civilization fall.


The Fallen

An ancient civilization that thrived some thousands of years before the present day. Their "Magitek" technology began by aping those wonders left behind by Ultima many aeons prior, and ended in their attempts to divine those secrets most inseparable from divinity: the means of crafting a Mothercrystal, and the terrible strength of the Eikons.

The First Wyrm

Having conceived their plan to siphon the land's aether and use it to restore the planet, Ultima's brethren transformed themelves into the Mothercrystals and the hearts contained within them, leaving only Ultima behind. To hide their true purpose, Ultima then named each Mothercrystal after the parts of an ancient dragon, and left mankind with the legend that remains today.

The Founder

Affiliation: The Imperial Province of Rosaria

"Fear and uncertainty reigned in those early years following the Sins of Dzemekys. Not wanting to further incur the wrath of the heavens, the few who survived the Fall took to wandering the land, spurning magic and staying to the shadows. And so they lived for decades.
"One man, however, grew tired of this life—if it could be called that—and after bidding his companions farewell, climbed a grassy knoll overlooking a forest of beech and alder. Here, he gathered a pile of rubble and used it to build a humble shelter in which he spent the night. The next morning, however, instead of abandoning his work (as was his people's wont), he gathered more rocks, adding to the structure until the shelter had become a shack. This, he continued for days, weeks, until the shack had become a home.
"At first, those few wanderers who passed the knoll would shun him, cursing the man under their breaths for his hubris. But as his estate grew, and one building became two, and two, three, the people began to slow their steps, and it was not long before some took to joining him on that knoll. Gathering stones. Building new lives. New destinies.
"This they did without magicks or machines. Without boon or blessing. They relied on naught but their hands, their backs, their wills, and each other. And slowly house gave way to village, village to town…and town to nation.
"The man would one day die, as all men do, but those who remained continued his legacy—expanded upon it. And though his name was eventually forgotten, his spirit lives on to this day in the hearts of all Rosarians."
Legend of the Founder, Moss the Chronicler

The Inner Sanctum

Basic Information

The Inner Sanctum

Sacred chambers in which the hearts of the Mothercrystals are enshrined. Believed to have been created before the time of the Fallen, they retain a portentous air even now, long after mankind has forgotten their significance.

Hidden Truths

The Inner Sanctum

Sacred chambers in which the hearts of the Mothercrystals are enshrined. Erected far before the time of the Fallen, when humanity was still in its infancy, their original purpose was to simply provide protection for the fragile cores. As time passed, however, they were slowly transformed into places of worship.

The Journal of Moss

Basic Information

The Journal of Moss

The annals of Moss the Chronicler, a scholar of Valisthean history noted not only for his singular insight, but for the lyricism of his writing—an exceptionalism that earned him the enmity of his fellow scholars and drove him from public life. Such were their misgivings towards him that only a handful of copies of the Journal were ever produced, making the tome a prized find among collectors.

Joshua's Findings

The Journal of Moss

The annals of Moss the Chronicler, a scholar of Valisthean history noted for his singular insight—indeed, Moss's Journal is one of the few histories to speak at any length concerning the ancient Circle of Malius and the creature they worshipped as their god—Ultima. Both Moss and his Journal were all but removed from public life at the insistence of rival scholars, but at Joshua's request, the Undying were able to track down a copy of the prized tome.

A Hidden Past

The Journal of Moss

The annals of Moss the Chronicler, a scholar of Valisthean history who unearthed many of the buried secrets of Ultima and the Circle of Malius. Shortly after he encountered a young Harpocrates in the outer continent and inspired the boy's own pursuit of learning, Moss returned to the Twins, where his long years of wandering from ruin to relic in pursuit of the vestiges of Valisthea's past finally drew to a close.

The Liberation of Bearers

That which Cid and his allies strive to do—save Bearers from slavery. To this end, they gather information about masters who most mistreat their "property," that they might focus the rescue efforts on those most in need. Freed Bearers are brought back to the safety of the hideaway—and though many are unsure what to do with their newfound freedom, the combination of a warm welcome, warm food, and a warm bed helps to calm their cares.

The Mothercrystals

Basic Information

The Mothercrystals

Enormous glassy mountains, five of which tower over the lands of Valisthea. They are the source of all the crystals that the people of the Twins rely on in their everyday lives. Not only that, but the lands surrounding them are rich with aether, making the magicks the crystals cast even more potent. For these reasons, great nations have sprung up around each Mothercrystal and have long warred with each other for possession of their blessings.

Their Tax on the Land

The Mothercrystals

Though the people of Valisthea rely on the crystal mined from these mountains in their everyday lives and flock to the aether-rich lands around them in pursuit of their Blessing, Cid posits that it is in fact the Mothercrystals and their ability to draw aether from the earth that is the reason for the deadlands' advance. The few who learn the truth are hunted down by those in positions of power—those whose power rests on their control of this crucial resource.

Their True Purpose

The Mothercrystals

Enormous glassy mountains that once towered over the lands of Valisthea, providing the crystal that the people of the Twins relied upon in their everyday lives, while at the same time leeching aether from the earth. Clive and Joshua learn that they were planted here by Ultima for that very purpose, that the creature might accumulate enough aether to cast a supremely powerful spell—one that would remake the world.

The Remaking of the World

Many of the savior myths of the Valisthean tradition speak of the "Raise"—the ascension of the faithful to paradise. Assuming these myths have their roots in the teachings of the Circle of Malius, one might assume that this feat is one and the same with the spell that Ultima requires his vessel to cast—though Ultima's "Raise" will not save his faithful, only revive his own race and usher them and them alone to the remade world.

The Rosarian National Anthem

Affiliation: The Grand Duchy of Rosaria

Perhaps the most beloved ditty in the duchy, the Rosarian National Anthem was written for the occasion of the new nation's founding, and is filled with patriotic imagery of rolling meadows, rising flames, and stirring song. It was oft heard raising the rafters of ducal alehouses, particularly close to closing time, where disputes over the lyrics to the less practiced third verse would occasionally end in fisticuffs.

The Saint and the Sectary

A beloved Valisthean fable wherein the good knight Sir Crandall of Camelot, servant of Saint Sybil the Unshod, does battle against the evil warlock Madu. The story was a favorite of the young Clive Rosfield, and he would often act out scenes with his unclethe young knight naturally taking the role of Sir Crandall, and his rumbustious Uncle Byron making a convincing Madu.

The Savior Myth

Among the teachings of the Circle of Malius is the story that the lord almighty delivered unto his children a prophecy of their future salvation before hiding himself away in the heavens—a myth that lived on in many of the folk religions that would later supplant it. Though long considered to be naught by a legend, it is possible that this reflects a real, historical event—Ultima's final words to his humanity before he entered hibernation deep beneath Valisthea.

The Ultima Civilization

The ancient civilization of the godlike Ultima collective. Their discovery of magic helped them to thrive, but came at a terrible cost—the onset of the Blight. After their cities fell and their people perished, the few survivors fled to the untouched land of Valisthea to lay the groundwork for their future revival. The Apodytery beneath Phoenix Gate and the tower of Reverie in Waloed are both relics of their civilization, and far predate those of the Fallen.

The Unbranded

Most Bearers are identified soon after birth and marked with the slave brand, but a fortunate few are not, and remain unbranded. An unbranded Bearer can live like any other man or woman, so long as their knack for magic remains a closely guarded secret. Should it be revealed, however, they are denounced as liars and imposters, and dealt the severest punishment.

The Valisthean Calendar

The dating system used throughout the Twins, which marks the "Years of the Realm" that have passed since the signing of the Continental Accord some eight hundred years ago. In the centuries since, nations have risen and fallen and the concord between them has faltered, but the calendar persists.

Ultima's Spell

The magick that Ultima means to cast to raise his fallen brethren from their eternal slumber and remake the world. To cast it, he requires both an enormous amount of aether, drawn from the land over the centuries by his Mothercrystals, and a vessel strong enough to withstand its channeling—the entity known as Mythos.

Ultima's Thralls


Ultima's Thralls

Twisted, glowing blue creatures that awaited Clive and Jill deep within Phoenix Gate to try and prevent them from gaining the innermost recesses of the Apodytery.


Ultima's Thralls

Soulless automata largely composed of aether whose only drive is to see that their creator's will is done. They appeared all over Valisthea after Ultima brought about Primogenesis, and the skies of the realm fell dark.

Hidden Truths

Ultima's Thralls

Soulless automata largely composed of aether whose only drive is to see that their creator's will is done. Ultima gave them life upon first arriving in Valisthea and immediately tasked them with defending the realm's shores from any outside forces that might seek to interfere in his endeavors. The deity now employs them solely to test the strength and durability of his self-proclaimed vessel, Mythos.

Valisthea – A Culinary Pilgrimage

An ancient recipe book that instructs one how to make toothsome fare from the game of the realm—though the outdated tongue in which it is penned makes it difficult to divine precisely what beast is being proposed for the pot. It was discovered in the shelves by Yvan as he hunted for inspiration to expand his culinary repertoire.
And expand it he did, summoning forth the "Chancer's Stew"—a piquant, some might say putrid ragout of scorpion tails, whose flesh was as soft as the silt of the swamps in which they live, and the flavor similarly comparable.
The hideaway's head chef Molly was not to be outdone, however, drawing from the Pilgrimage's pages a "Fried Mortress of Skyworm." The dish, consisting of wyvern livers sautéed with saint's bonnet, was heralded a tour de force among those who tasted it.


A name that the being known as Ultima gives to Clive. It appears to be synonymous with "Mythos."


That which separates humans from animals and is given shape by consciousness: a sense of self, and a freedom of thought. Even when one is deprived of other freedoms, it is one's will that drives the pursuit of true liberty. To Ultima, however, human will is a sickness that prevents them from taking their proper, divine form—that of the Akashic who blindly serve his own purposes. To this end he casts Primogenesis, transforming much of humanity into his soulless servants.

Wyvern Tail

Basic Information

Wyvern Tail

Affiliation: The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

The elegent, white flower that is a symbol of the Holy Empire of Sanbreque.

Their Use in Branding

Wyvern Tail

Affiliation: The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

The elegent, white flower that is a symbol of the Holy Empire of Sanbreque. From its roots is distilled the dye with which the Bearer brand is inscribed. The dye is highly poisonous when it enters the bloodstream, and so it [is] not uncommon for Bearers to lose their lives either upon receiving their brand, or during an inexpert attempt to remove it. While cultivated wyvern tails bear white blossoms, those that grow in the wild adopt a purple hue.