Persons of Interest

Contents Aevis Ambrosia AnabellaAugust Barnabas's Mother BarnabasBenediktaBernard Biast BlackthorneByronCharonCidolfusCliveColeCrowCyrilDesireeDionDorysDrikaEddaEloiseElwinEmberEugen Famiel FerdaGauteGavGerulfGoetz Halek HannaHarpocratesHonzaHugoImreannIsabelleJillJoshuaJoteKennethKihelKonradL'uborMaeveMarleigh Marnek MartelleMarthaMidadolMollyMossNatalie Nektar NigelObolusOlivierOscarOttoOwainPhilippeQuintenRensRodneyRodrigue Rutherford SabineSleipnirSylvestreTarjaTerenceTett The High Cardinal The Hooded Man The Mysterious Watcher The Republican Prime Minister The Silvermane The Tower Theodore Tiamat Torgal Tyler Ultima ViktorVivianWadeYvanZoltan


Affiliation: The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

A Branded soldier for the Holy Empire of Sanbreque, who served alongside Wyvern. None know his true name. He and his band of elite assassins were tasked with taking the head of the Dominant of Shiva, but he was to lose his life to a Crusader's axe in the course of the mission.


First Encounter


Affiliation: The Grand Duchy of Rosaria

Born in the stables of Rosalith Castle, Ambrosia was chosen by the young Clive Rosfield to be his personal steed and raised by him from a chick. She is a proud bird and deeply loyal to her master—quickly turning her beak upon any but he who should attempt to pet her.

The Night of Flames


Affiliation: The Grand Duchy of Rosaria

Clive's personal steed. During the attack on Phoenix Gate, she raced to Clive's rescue, saving him from certain death at the cost of an eye—a price she gladly paid.

As Whiteheart


Affiliation: The Hideaway

Clive's personal steed. After losing her master at Phoenix Gate, Ambrosia found a new flock, and led them in defending honest merchants from beasts and bandits—earning herself the love of the locals and the name "Whiteheart." Indeed, it was one local's insistence that she be defended in turn that led to her happy reunion with Clive.

Anabella Lesage

First Encounter

Anabella Rosfield

Affiliation: The Grand Duchy of Rosaria

Duchess of Rosaria, wife of Archduke Elwin, and mother to Clive and Joshua. While she adores her younger son, she treats Clive and Jill with naught but thinly-veiled contempt.

At Rosalith Castle

Anabella Rosfield

Affiliation: The Grand Duchy of Rosaria

Duchess of Rosaria, wife of Archduke Elwin, and mother to Clive and Joshua. It was not only her beauty but her connection to a bloodline that produced many previous Dominants of the Phoenix that led to her being proposed as a bride for the young Archduke—indeed, the two are cousins. Having known from a young age that her purpose in life was to preserve her Phoenix-bearing bloodline, she dotes on Joshua, and scorns Clive.

After the Fall of Phoenix Gate

Anabella Rosfield

Affiliation: The Imperial Province of Rosaria

Duchess of Rosaria, wife of Archduke Elwin, and mother to Clive and Joshua. It was ever her purpose in life to preserve her Phoenix-bearing bloodline, for which reason she betrayed her husband, that she might enter in league with a force she judged the mightier—the Holy Empire of Sanbreque. It was Anabella's treachery that led to the disaster at Phoenix Gate.

After the Annexation of Rosaria

Anabella Lesage

Affiliation: The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

Former Duchess of Rosaria, now Empress of the Holy Empire of Sanbreque. It was ever her purpose in life to preserve her Phoenix-bearing bloodline, for which reason she betrayed her husband, that she might enter in league with a force she judged the mightier. Now she rules over Rosaria as vicereine of the imperial province, which she rules with a cruelty and contempt for the baseborn that was unknown in Archduke Elwin's day.

As Holy Empress

Anabella Lesage

Affiliation: The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

Empress of the Holy Empire of Sanbreque. Formerly the Duchess of Rosaria, before she betrayed her nation and gifted it to the empire. For a short while after the fall of the duchy, she was taken into the "protection" of the imperial crown—a pretense that ended with her bargained remarriage to Emperor Sylvestre, the birth of Prince Olivier, and her return to rule over Rosaria as vicereine.

Upon Olivier's Ascension

Anabella Lesage

Affiliation: The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

Empress Emeritus of the Holy Empire of Sanbreque, and vicereine of the Imperial Province of Rosaria, which she rules with an iron fist. She also longed[long] labored to see her son, Prince Olivier, seated on his father's throne—a plan that comes to fruition after she schemes with Hugo Kupka to bring an end to Dhalmekia's long siege of Twinside, and sees this triumph ascribed to the young prince.


Anabella Lesage

Affiliation: The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

Former Empress of the Holy Empire of Sanbreque. After the fall of Rosaria and the death of Archduke Elwin, she remarried Emperor Sylvestre and bore him a son, Olivier. It was her dream that together with Sylvestre, she should found a new bloodline—one blessed by both Bahamut and the Phoenix. Alas, her dreams were to be crushed in the wreckage of the Crystalline Dominion, when a maddened Dion slew Olivier—and she was to end her life before the disbelieving eyes of the sons she had betrayed.


Affiliation: The Hideaway

A veteran Cursebreaker, who often leads his own team on Bearer-liberating forays. He also shares his wisdom and experience with Cole in assembling new units and training new recruits. One of Blackthorne's few close friends, who shares the smith's fondness for a tankard or two—indeed, when August isn't on a mission, he can most often be found supping an ale and swapping a story in the hideaway's tavern.

Barnabas's Mother

First Encounter

Barnabas's Mother

The mother of King Barnabas of Waloed—or at least, an Ultima-summoned illusion of her as His Majesty remembers her in life.

Hidden Truths

Barnabas's Mother

One of the few surviving descendants of the Children of Dzemekys, who fled from Valisthea and took refuge in the outer continent, only returning generations later. She and her clan were devout believers in the Circle of Malius, whose teachings she instilled in her son—teachings, and memories, that he treasures to this day. Alas, her beliefs were also to prove her downfall, as she was killed in a raid by the followers of a rival religion.

Barnabas Tharmr

First Encounter

The King of Waloed

Affiliation: The Kingdom of Waloed

The aloof and unshakeable Barnabas Tharmr, first of his name. Few can meet his steely gaze without flinching.

At the Battle of Belenus Tor

Barnabas Tharmr

Affiliation: The Kingdom of Waloed

King of Waloed and Dominant of Odin, the Warden of Darkness. At the battle of Belenus Tor, he not only took personal command of the royal army, but rode into the fray himself—galloping through the air atop his six-legged steed and goading Bahamut into a duel that shook the skies.

Waloed's Ambitions

Barnabas Tharmr

Affiliation: The Kingdom of Waloed

King of Waloed and Dominant of Odin, the Warden of Darkness. Though his nation's isolation in Ash allows Barnabas to remain aloof from the affairs of Storm—and he has oft elected to do precisely that—his movements of late would suggest that he has ambitions on the western continent.

Past Uncovered

Barnabas Tharmr

Affiliation: The Kingdom of Waloed

King of Waloed and Dominant of Odin, the Warden of Darkness. Barnabas is also a feared warrior in his own right. After journeying to Valisthea from the outer continent as a young man, he led his people in overthrowing the ancient Kingdom of Veldermarke that once ruled northern Ash, and established his new Kingdom of Waloed upon its ruins.

Atop Reverie

Barnabas Tharmr

Affiliation: The Kingdom of Waloed

King of Waloed and Dominant of Odin, the Warden of Darkness. Scion of a tribe that crossed the seas to Valisthea from the southern continent many centuries before, Barnabas remains a zealous adherent of their ancient religion, the Circle of Malius. Tasked by his god, Ultima, to assist with the perfection of his vessel, Barnabas put Mythos to the test—at last judging Clive worthy, and surrendering his strength to him with his dying breath.

Benedikta Harman

First Encounter

Benedikta Harman

Affiliation: The Kingdom of Waloed

Commander of the Kingdom of Waloed's elite intelligencers, who sits by her liege's side at the highest tables of state—most recently in their negotiations with the Dhalmeks at the Zirnitra Stronghold. But Barnabas is not the only one with whom she shares a special bond—Benedikta also has eyes, and ambitions, for Hugo Kupka.

With the Royal Intelligencers

Benedikta Harman

Affiliation: The Kingdom of Waloed

Commander of the Kingdom of Waloed's elite intelligencers and a true scholar of the blade, who leads her loyal minions from the front. After attending the negotiations with the Dhalmeks at the Zirnitra Stronghold, where she crushed the hopes of the Republican Army while encouraging those of Hugo Kupka, she parted company with her liege lord in order to lead a secret incursion into imperial territory.

At Caer Norvent

Benedikta Harman

Affiliation: The Kingdom of Waloed

Commander of the Kingdom of Waloed's elite intelligencers and Dominant of Garuda, the Warden of Wind. While her dalliances with Hugo Kupka would appear to be naught but a ruse guided by the hand of King Barnabas, her love for her former Lord Commander Cid was deep and true—and left an equally abyssal hole in her heart when he fled Waloed.

Following Garuda's Defeat

Benedikta Harman

Affiliation: The Kingdom of Waloed

Commander of the Kingdom of Waloed's elite intelligencers and Dominant of Garuda. After Clive took her power at Caer Norvent and the keep was set to fire, she and her comrades were forced into making a hurried retreat, only to be set upon by bandits. What was left of Benedikta's power ran amok, summoning forth the raging whirlwind within which she was at last to lose her life at the hands of Clive Rosfield and his Eikon Ifrit.


First Encounter


Affiliation: The Imperial Province of Rosaria

A carpenter who resides at Martha's Rest, whose speed and skill, together with the surrounding marsh water's deleterious effects on the planks and piles of the village's many bridges, keep his services in high demand.

A Man in Demand


Affiliation: The Imperial Province of Rosaria

A carpenter who resides at Martha's Rest, whose speed and skill, together with the surrounding marsh water's deleterious effects on the planks and piles of the village's many bridges, keep his services in high demand. He was born and raised in Cressida, where his parents lie buried, and has recently engaged to be wed.


Affiliation: The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

Second longest serving of the Bastards, an elite band of slave assassins in service of the Holy Empire of Sanbreque. He and his sergeant Tiamat fought alongside each other for many a year, and Biast trusted him with his life. Alas, there was little Tiamat could do to save him from the boulder that was to fall from the skies during their ill-fated mission to infiltrate the Dhalmekian Republic and take the head of Shiva's Dominant.


First Encounter


Resident blacksmith of Cid's hideaway. A sullen and secretive sort, who prefers to drown his woes in drink than to share them.

At the New Hideaway


Affiliation: The Hideaway

Resident blacksmith of Clive's hideaway, where he keeps the new "Cid the Outlaw" and his allies well outfitted with arms and armor. Though he is usually a sullen and secretive sort, his knowledge he is happy to share with Goetz, who has long been eager to learn the art of smithing.

A Hidden Past


Affiliation: The Hideaway

Resident blacksmith of Clive's hideaway. He originally hails from Dravozd, in the far-flung desert wastes of Dhalmekia, where he and Zoltan both prenticed, though he has not returned for many a year—not least because his former friend still bears him a deep-seated grudge.



Affiliation: The Hideaway

Resident blacksmith of Clive's hideaway. He originally hails from Dravozd, in the far-flung desert wastes of Dhalmekia, where he and Zoltan both prenticed. After an aetherflood filled the nearby mines and the town was set upon by Akashic beasts, he rode to Dravozd's defense, settling the bad blood between them once and for all. Together, he and Zoltan forged the Ragnarok—the legendary blade whose designs were bequeathed them by the master, Vulcan.

Byron Rosfield

Basic Information

Byron Rosfield

Affiliation: The Imperial Province of Rosaria

Younger brother of the late Archduke Elwin and warden of Port Isolde, a thriving trading port in the south of Rosaria. Byron inherited a small fortune from his noble family, which he built into a large one by virtue of his mercantile wiles and adventurous spirit. There is not a trading house—nor a taphouse—in Valisthea and beyond that does not have a tale to tell of Lord Byron Rosfield.

In Port Isolde

Byron Rosfield

Affiliation: The Imperial Province of Rosaria

Younger brother of the late Archduke Elwin and warden of Port Isolde. After the duchy was incorporated into the empire and Byron stripped of his titles, he shut himself away in his manor and gladly volunteered every gil of the onerous taxes and tariffs with which he was newly burdened, all to avoid drawing the empire's ire—and to keep their attentions from his support for the Guardians of the Flame.

Joining Clive's Cause

Byron Rosfield

Affiliation: The Imperial Province of Rosaria

Younger brother of the late Archduke Elwin and warden of Port Isolde. Though he kept his head low during the dark days of imperial rule of Rosaria, now that the Empress Anabella is dead and his nephews returned from the grave, he strikes out once more, enlisting his old friend Eugen Havel, Dhalmekian Field Marshal, to Clive and Joshua's cause.

As Founding Member of the Triunity

Byron Rosfield

Affiliation: The Imperial Province of Rosaria

Younger brother of the late Archduke Elwin and warden of Port Isolde. Together with Field Marshal Eugen Havel and Master Quinten of Lostwing, he founds the Triunity: an accord that sets out how the nobles, armies, and commonfolk of Valisthea shall come together to see the crisises[crises] that blight the realm—want of food, water, security, and shelter—ended, and order restored.


First Encounter


One of Cid's most trusted allies. A merchant who calls the hideaway her home. With a little help from her hardworking yet long-suffering apprentice Goetz, she can source whatever supplies the residents of the hideaway need—provided they are willing to pay. She wears a glass eye in her right socket.

At the New Hideaway


Affiliation: The Hideaway

One of Cid's most trusted allies. After Cid's hideaway was laid waste to by Hugo Kupka and his minions, she and her hardworking yet long-suffering apprentice Goetz followed Clive to the new hideaway in Bennumere, where they serve him in the same capacity they served his predecessor, sourcing whatever supplies her fellow residents are in need of.

A Hidden Past


Affiliation: The Hideaway

One of Cid's most trusted allies. A merchant by trade, Charon was born in lands beyond Valisthea. She came to the Twins as a weapons dealer, selling to anyone willing to pay—an attitude that earned her not only a fortune, but a price on her head. It was while fleeing from her many enemies that she met Cid, who gave her refuge in exchange for her exclusive services. Her hardworking assistant Goetz, who she calls her "right eye," she bought from his neglectful parents.

Cidolfus Telamon

First Encounter

Cidolfus Telamon

Cornered by a battalion of Iron Kingdom Crusaders in the depths of the Nysa Defile, Clive thought his end was nigh—until Cid appeared and spirited him and Jill away to his secret hideaway in the deadlands.

Dominant of Ramuh

Cidolfus Telamon

Founder and leader of the hideaway, where he and his comrades labor to liberate Bearers and Dominants from servitude—a life that Cid knows all too well, as he bears the burden of being the Dominant of Ramuh, Warden of Thunder. No longer does he fight for any one nation, but for all the peoples of Valisthea.

History with Benedikta

Cidolfus Telamon

Leader of the hideaway and Dominant of Ramuh, Warden of Thunder. Born in a land beyond the Twins, Cid journeyed to Valisthea as a sword for hire. It was here that he entered the service of Waloed, awakened as a Dominant and was finally elevated to Lord Commander of the royal army. However, he was soon to abandon his post, and Benedikta, that he might instead create a world where Bearers and Dominants can die on their own terms.

A Shocking Truth

Cidolfus Telamon

Leader of the hideaway and Dominant of Ramuh, Warden of Thunder. In his quest to create a world where Bearers and Dominants can die on their own terms, he unearthed a shocking truth—that the Mothercrystals were the cause of the all-consuming Blight. He makes plans to see the Mothers fall, that Valisthea and her people might be saved.

Cid the Outlaw

Cidolfus Telamon

Leader of the hideaway and Dominant of Ramuh, Warden of Thunder. His plan to create a world where Bearers and Dominants could die on their own terms meant destroying the Mothercrystals—an act of blasphemy that would see him forever denounced as an outlaw. It was during their mission to fell Drake's Head in 873 that Cidolfus Telamon lost his life to a beast from the beyond, passing the title "Cid the Outlaw" on to his protégé Clive.

Clive Rosfield

First Encounter

Clive Rosfield

Affiliation: The Grand Duchy of Rosaria

Firstborn son of Archduke Elwin, ruler of Rosaria. From a young age, Clive dedicated himself to mastering the blade—and his practice paid off when he was appointed First Shield of Rosaria, tasked to guard the Phoenix and blessed with the ability to wield a part of his fire.

At Rosalith Castle

Clive Rosfield

Affiliation: The Grand Duchy of Rosaria

Firstborn son of Archduke Elwin, ruler of Rosaria. Though all expected him to inherit the Phoenix's flames and awaken as its Dominant, destiny instead chose his younger brother Joshua to bear that burden. In search of a role of his own, Clive dedicated himself to mastering the blade—and his practice paid off when he was appointed First Shield of Rosaria, tasked to guard the Phoenix and blessed with the ability to wield a part of his fire.

After the Fall of Phoenix Gate

Clive Rosfield

Affiliation: The Imperial Province of Rosaria

Firstborn son of Archduke Elwin and First Shield of Rosaria. Though it was his sworn duty to protect his father and younger brother, both lost their lives in a tragedy brought about by his mother, Duchess Anabella. Taken into custody by the imperial army, he was branded as a Bearer and forced to serve as a slave soldier.

At the Battle of Nysa


Affiliation: The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

A slave soldier for the Holy Empire of Sanbreque, now in his thirteenth year of servitude. Though drafted as a frontline infantryman, the magical might granted him by the Blessing of the Phoenix quickly saw him promoted to an elite squadron of assassins, where he was assigned the moniker by which he is now known. Their latest mission: to descend into the Nysa Defile, where bloody battle rages between the Iron Kingdom and the Republic of Dhalmekia, and take the head of Shiva's Dominant.

As Imperial Deserter

Clive Rosfield

An imperial Bearer turned deserter after refusing to slay the Dominant of Shiva, choosing instead to turn his blade on his own sergeant. As a force of Crusaders closed around him, his freedom seemed as if it would be short-lived—until the timely intervention of Cid, a man who shared Clive's desire to see the Dominant freed from their clutches. Together, they escape to Cid's secret hideaway.

After Ifrit's Awakening

Clive Rosfield

An imperial Bearer turned deserter, who joined forces with Cid to hunt down the second Dominant of Fire. However, after being drawn into a fierce battle with Benedikta, Dominant of Garuda, the power of the mysterious Eikon Ifrit awakes within him and he discovers that the Dominant of Fire he has long been searching for—the one who killed his brother—was none other but himself.

At Eastpool

Clive Rosfield

An imperial Bearer turned deserter. He and his childhood friend Jill journey to their homeland of Rosaria to learn the truth of the events that shaped their histories. Their path takes them through the village of Eastpool, where they meet with Hanna Murdoch, wife of the late Lord Commander. She presents Clive with a set of clothes that once belonged to his father.

After Joining Cid

Clive Rosfield

An imperial Bearer turned deserter. He returns to the ruins of Phoenix Gate, where his father and brother died thirteen years before, and learns that he is indeed the Dominant of Ifrit—the one who took his brother's life. Anxious to atone for his crimes and filled with righteous anger after witnessing the massacre at Eastpool, he pledges himself to Cid's cause to free all of Valisthea from its bonds—not only those between Bearer and master, but those between man and Mothercrystal.

Five Years On

Clive Rosfield

Affiliation: The Hideaway

An imperial Bearer turned ally of Cid the Outlaw. In truth, however, he is something much more—not only the firstborn of the Archduke of Rosaria, but also the Dominant of Ifrit, with the ability to absorb the powers of other Eikons. In the five years since the fall of Drake's Head and the death of his master, he and Jill have strived to continue Cid's legacy, the light of Ramuh forever in his heart.

At the New Hideaway

Clive Rosfield

Affiliation: The Hideaway

After Cid fell and his hideaway was reduced to rubble at the hands of Hugo Kupka, Clive took on both his predecessor's name and role, becoming the second "Cid the Outlaw" and leader of the reestablished resistance. Together with the other survivors and their new recruits, he continues Cid's mission to emancipate Bearers and rid the realm of Mothercrystals.

As Mythos

Clive Rosfield

Affiliation: The Hideaway

Dominant of the second Eikon of Fire, Ifrit. Unlike the other Dominants, Clive has the curious power to absorb Eikons from their hosts and wield their strength as his own. The being known as Ultima appears to crave this same power—identifying Clive as "Mythos," a vessel for power unlimited. However, Clive refuses to surrender himself to Ultima's will, making of this godlike being another enemy in his fight to build a world where people can live on their own terms.


Affiliation: The Hideaway

Second in command of the Cursebreakers, who assists with the coordination of their troops' Bearer-liberating activities under the supervision of his captain, Dorys. Formerly a slave soldier for the Fist of the Republic before being freed and taken in by those he now calls his brothers- and sisters-in-arms.


Affiliation: The Hideaway

One of a pair of young twins who assist Harpocrates in the hideaway library—or at least, are tasked to. In practice, she spends most of her time reading books and teasing Tomes with her brother Tett. Born a Bearer like her parents, but spared the prejudice and persecution that they were forced to suffer—alas, she was not spared the tragedy of losing both her mother and father when Cid's hideaway was laid low.


First Encounter


Affiliation: The Undying

A senior member of the Undying known as the Bearer of the Burning Quill, who coordinates his order's research into Ultima from their headquarters in the Dhalmekian village of Tabor. At his liege lord Joshua's command, he lends his and his order's strength to Clive.

Following the Tragedy at Mikkelburg


Affiliation: The Undying

A senior member of the Undying known as the Bearer of the Burning Quill. He and his order devote their lives to the service of the Phoenix, and do not fear death, so long as it comes in the course of their duties. Though Clive takes exception to what appears at first glance a pointless waste of human life, the two come to see each other eye to eye—Cyril expressing a deep gratitude for the regard Clive shows his fallen comrades.


Affiliation: The Hideaway

Scribe and secretary for the hideaway, Desiree is also entrusted with the keeping of all donations to the cause from Clive's allies and patrons. Though she could neither read nor write when first she came to the hideaway, Desiree labored night and day to learn her letters, and now the quill is never far from her hand. Her ever-cheerful demeanor is a bright light to those who make their homes atop the blackened mere.

Dion Lesage

First Encounter

Dion Lesage

Affiliation: The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

Leader of the dragoons, the most elite warriors of the Holy Empire of Sanbreque, who are the first to leap into the fray when the empire finds herself under threat—often literally. Dion is also the Dominant of Bahamut, Warden of Light.

At the Battle of Belenus Tor

Dion Lesage

Affiliation: The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

Firstborn son and loyal subject of Emperor Sylvestre, ruler of the Holy Empire of Sanbreque, as well as leader of the empire's most elite fighting force—the dragoons. Dion is also the Dominant of Bahamut, Warden of Light, and has oft been called upon to summon his Eikon in defense of his countrymen—most recently in the Year of the Realm 873, when Odin took to the field against them in the Battle of Belenus Tor.

Following Olivier's Ascension

Dion Lesage

Affiliation: The Holy Knights Dragoon

Prince of the Holy Empire of Sanbreque and Dominant of Bahamut. He is deeply loyal to his father, Emperor Emeritus Sylvestre, and is much pained by His Radiance's recent coldheartedness towards both his people, and himself—a change that Dion learns was largely the result of Anabella's scheming.


Dion Lesage

Affiliation: The Holy Knights Dragoon

Prince of the Holy Empire of Sanbreque and Dominant of Bahamut. Dion led his dragoons in revolt against the perceived treason of Empress Anabella and her son Olivier, but was instead goaded into slaying his own father and driven to madness, transforming into Bahamut and laying waste to much of the Dominion.

Rescued in Twinside

Dion Lesage

Affiliation: The Holy Knights Dragoon

Dominant of Bahamut, Warden of Light. After laying waste to much of the Crystalline Dominion in an Ultima-inspired frenzy, Clive evacuated him to the hideaway, where Tarja labored to mend his wounds. Finally awake, he escaped to the Dominion to survey the damage he had done, and collapsed from shock—awaking again to find himself in the care of a young medicine girl named Kihel.

At the Sack of Ran'dellah

Dion Lesage

Affiliation: The Holy Knights Dragoon

Dominant of Bahamut, Warden of Light. Making good on his promise to Joshua Rosfield to join him in his fight against Ultima, Dion rallies his dragoons to the defense of the Dhalmekian capital of Ran'dellah, saving the city from Akashic assault. He entrusts his troops to Eugen Havel before setting out to pledge his personal loyalty to the Rosfields' cause.

Meeting with Clive

Dion Lesage

Affiliation: The Hideaway

Dominant of Bahamut, Warden of Light. Knowing all too keenly how Ultima's machinations are ushering the world to its doom after the events in Twinside, Dion pledges his allegiance to Clive and Joshua Rosfield, arriving on the Enterprise just in time to ride to the brothers' rescue in Stonhyrr.

A Renewed Resolve

Dion Lesage

Affiliation: The Hideaway

Dominant of Bahamut, Warden of Light. Before he joined the dragoons, Dion spent his youth studying, that he might assist his father in ruling the empire. On returning with Clive and Joshua to the hideaway, he is reunited with his old tutor, Harpocrates, who inspires in him a renewed determination to bring Ultima's evil to an end.


First Encounter


Affiliation: The Hideaway

Born and branded in Rosaria, Dorys now captains the Cursebreakers, directing their Bearer-liberating operations in concert with Cole, her second in command. While she is fiercely committed to the cause, she abhors violence and will only bloody her blade if circumstances demand it.

In the Shadow of the Slave Trade


Affiliation: The Hideaway

Captain of the Cursebreakers, who directs their Bearer-liberating operations. Dorys was raised by a Rosarian slavemaster who treated her branded charges as if they were her own children—teaching them how to read, write, and wield a blade, before hiring out their services to the highest bidder. Though Dorys resents her former master for the terrible deeds she made her do, she thanks her for making her the strong, scrupulous woman she is today.

At Balmung Dark


Affiliation: The Hideaway

Captain of the Cursebreakers, who directs their Bearer-liberating operations. She learns that Chadwick, fellow Bearer and brother-in-arms who helped her escape her former master, met his untimely end in the cursed depths of the Balmung Dark. He died the same hero he was in life, having fought until the bitter end to save the life of a young Bearer girl. Dorys swears to keep fighting herself, that his legacy might live on.


Affiliation: The Dhalmekian Republic

An orphan who lost her parents to the Ironblood's most recent crusade. She fled towards Dalimil, finding a new family in Rens, a fellow orphan, along the way. The two were starving by the wayside when L'ubor found them and took them in, adding a new elder brother to the patchwork family. She is a kind and caring soul who enjoys nothing more than listening in on the conversations of the townspeople—whether they know it or not.


First Encounter


Affiliation: The Kingdom of Waloed

A young woman with child who made her home in the Waloeder village of Eistla—and is now the only surviving member.

At the Hideaway


Affiliation: The Hideaway

A young woman with child who made her home in the Waloeder village of Eistla. After the Arche sky spread across the land, her fellow villagers turned Akashic and departed for Reverie, leaving her alone, afraid, and in hiding. By fortune, she was found by Clive and Gav, who took her back to the safety of the hideaway. It is speculated that the reason she survived is because the child growing inside her is a Bearer, and thus more able to resist the effects of aether.


Basic Information


Affiliation: The Dhalmekian Republic

Owner of the Crimson Caravans, a highly esteemed porterage firm in Boklad. Eloise has a knack for business and a head for figures, which she used to build her business from the ground up into the success it is today.

Her Brother's Savior


Affiliation: The Dhalmekian Republic

Owner of the Crimson Caravans, a highly esteemed porterage firm in Boklad. After her younger brother Theodore awakened as a Bearer, she helped him to flee from their family home and build a new life far from those who would see him consigned to slavery.

In Mourning


Affiliation: The Dhalmekian Republic

Owner of the Crimson Caravans, a highly esteemed porterage firm in Boklad. Eldest child and heir apparent of a successful Kanverian trading house, Eloise abandoned her birthright in order to save her younger brother Theodore, who her parents would have seen branded after his powers awakened. After Theodore lost his life before her eyes, she swore to continue their work to free Bearers, that his death might not be in vain.

Elwin Rosfield

First Encounter

Elwin Rosfield

Affiliation: The Grand Duchy of Rosaria

Archduke of the Grand Duchy of Rosaria and father of Clive and Joshua. Loved by his people for his steadfast leadership both at home and on the battlefield—which he put to good effect in quelling the rebellious Northern Territories.

Warming the Throne

Elwin Rosfield

Affiliation: The Grand Duchy of Rosaria

Archduke of the Grand Duchy of Rosaria and father of Clive and Joshua. Elwin was born before his father, the previous Dominant of the Phoenix, passed away, so he did not inherit the Eikon's powers. Instead, he devoted himself to the study of swordcraft and statesmanship, that he might lead his country from the front—which he did to wide acclaim in leading his armies in quelling the rebellious Northern Territories.

After the Fall of Phoenix Gate

Elwin Rosfield

Affiliation: The Imperial Province of Rosaria

Late Archduke of the Grand Duchy of Rosaria and father of Clive and Joshua. Elwin's reign ended when he was beheaded by servants of the Holy Empire of Sanbreque in their ignoble attack on Phoenix Gate. Known not only for his inspiring leadership and skill with a blade, but his disapproval of the mistreatment of Bearers, his legacy lives on in all those who oppose imperial rule in what remains of Rosaria.

A Hidden Past

Elwin Rosfield

Affiliation: The Imperial Province of Rosaria

Late Archduke of the Grand Duchy of Rosaria and father of Clive and Joshua. During his reign, he strove to bring an end to the mistreatment of Bearers and his people's reliance on magic—a mission that he knew would meet with fierce opposition from the court nobility, and would not be achievable within his lifetime. That his sons might follow in his footsteps, he fashioned for them a pair of matching armbands, to give them strength when all stood against them.


Affiliation: The Hideaway

A Cursebreaker in training who wishes to make of himself a scout, that he might follow in the footsteps of his idol, Gav. Though his test did not proceed entirely smoothly, he showed enough promise to warrant being accepted into the ranks…for now.

Eugen Havel

First Encounter

Dhalmekian Chief Strategist

Affiliation: The Dhalmekian Republic

Chief strategist and former field marshal of the Dhalmekian Republic. While there was a time he took personal command of his troops, Hugo Kupka's rise to prominence led to his being recalled from the battlefield by reason of his advancing age—for which he bears the vainglorious Dominant a deep-seated grudge.

At the Sack of Ran'dellah

Eugen Havel

Affiliation: The Dhalmekian Republic

Former field marshal of the Dhalmekian Republic. While there was a time he took personal command of his troops, Hugo Kupka's rise to prominence led to his being recalled from the battlefield by reason of his advancing age. However, it was the battlefield that was to return to him when a horde of Akashic attacked Ran'dellah, and with the ministers either stupefied or slain, he was left with no option but to coordinate its defense.

As Founding Member of the Triunity

Eugen Havel

Affiliation: The Dhalmekian Republic

Former field marshal of the Dhalmekian Republic. At the insistence of his old friend and rival Byron Rosfield, he was convinced to return to the front lines in the defense of the realm, using his old military connections to bring the dissipated armies of Valisthea back under control.


Basic Information

Hooded Miner

The leader of a trio who appear to be involved in the dusk crystal trade. Any attempt at identifying him is stymied by his hempen hood.

Crystal Trader


The leader of a trio who appear to be involved in the dusk crystal trade. After being chased from the gates of Port Isolde on suspicions of trading in contraband, they fled north, with bandits and beasts in pursuit. Their path took them nigh to the Sagespire, an ancient Fallen tower with which they seem strangely familiar.

At the Sagespire


The leader of the dusk crystal miners. He and his associates Halek and Marnek have long been visiting the Sagespire to claim for their own the bounty of the Magitek Mothercrystal that sleeps within. The darkening of the skies brought with it a sudden efflorescence of crystal, which the miners sought to take advantage of by trading their excess yield on the black market.

After the Sagespire


The leader of the dusk crystal miners. He and his associates hail from an isolated community driven from their ancestral homeland by the spread of the Blight, having long relied on the dusk crystals for their survival. However, on learning that it is the crystals that cause the Blight, and knowing that it is but a matter of time before the authorities of the Twins discover the Sagespire and claim the Mothercrystal inside for themselves, he permits Clive to destroy the artificial heart.


Affiliation: The Dhalmekian Republic

L'ubor's accomplice, who directs the espionage efforts of the Desert Hare's loyal minions from his home in Dalimil. Born poor and turning to banditry at a young age, Ferda was saved from his life of crime by the original Ruzena Dalimil, who gave him a new purpose serving her own, somewhat less felonious endeavors. After Ruzena passed away, he continued to serve L'ubor in the same capacity.


Affiliation: The Hideaway

Otto's loyal lackey, tasked not only with keeping the ledgers, but with reading and sorting the myriad reports that enter the hideaway and arranging assistance for those in need. Born a Bearer, Gaute was kept as a slave to an Oriflamme tavern, whose keeper would beat him bloody. After being thrown out onto the city streets as punishment for a minor mistake, it was his fortune to be found by Otto, who took him back to the hideaway.


First Encounter


Cid's faithful scout, who puts his legendary nose to work in tracking the movements of slavers, soldiers, and any other object of interest to the hideaway—the ever-agreeable fellow only too gladly delving behind enemy lines if he can get a good story or two out of it.

At the Kingsfall


Cid's faithful scout. The ever-agreeable fellow volunteered to follow after the Dominant that Clive had long been hunting—only to find himself being hunted in turn by the imperials. As luck would have it, Clive arrived in the nick of time to save his life, forging an unbreakable bond between them.

At the New Hideaway


Affiliation: The Hideaway

Cid's faithful scout, now one of Clive's closest and most trusted allies. He continues to put his legendary nose to work in service of the hideaway—the information he brings back from his expeditions proving invaluable for the Cursebreakers in their efforts to save Bearers from servitude. Though he lost an eye during Hugo Kupka's attack on the old hideaway, his scouting senses remain undimmed.

A Hidden Past


Affiliation: The Hideaway

Cid's faithful scout, now one of Clive's closest and most trusted allies. Born the youngest son of a large family, he had always longed to be a big brother. However, just as his mother was ready to give birth to the sister he had impatiently awaited, his entire family were slain in an imperial raid on his village. Now, he has a new family in the members of the hideaway, and swears to protect them where his younger self could not.


First Encounter


Affiliation: The Kingdom of Waloed

Second in command of Waloed's Royal Intelligencers serving under Benedikta Harman, with whom he shares a deep bond of trust.



Affiliation: The Kingdom of Waloed

Second in command of Waloed's Royal Intelligencers serving under Benedikta Harman. Killed by footpads while attempting to evacuate the stricken Benedikta from the collapsing Caer Norvent.


First Encounter


One of Cid's trusted allies. A gentle giant who has a warm word for everyone.

In Charon's Service


Apprentice to Charon and ally of the hideaway. A gentle giant who has a warm word for everyone, but is not afraid to put his foot down in the face of injustice. Goetz's every waking moment is spent in service to his "Nan," and he can do little of his own accord without her express permission.

As Prentice Smith


Affiliation: The Hideaway

Apprentice to Charon and ally of the hideaway. After Cid's hideaway was reduced to rubble at the hands of Hugo Kupka, he followed his Nan in joining Clive at their new home on the lake. He has a keen interest in smithing, and spends what little spare time he is granted heating and hammering metal just as Blackthorne showed him.

On the Road to the Dominion


Affiliation: The Hideaway

Apprentice to Charon and ally of the hideaway. He is the proud bearer of a trader's pass that allows him to travel freely across the realm—something that is indispensable in completing the errands that Charon sets him. His latest task—to journey to the Crystalline Dominion in the company of Clive and Jill, using the pass to cross the heavily guarded and fortified border.

Following the Destruction of Twinside


Affiliation: The Hideaway

Apprentice to Charon and ally of the hideaway. He aided Clive and Jill in gaining entry to the besieged Crystalline Dominion by having them pose as sellswords hired to protect an honest merchant visiting Twinside to trade in smithing paraphernalia. Somehow surviving the chaos that was to follow, he was scooped up from the ruined city by Joshua, who transformed into the Phoenix to effect his allies' escape.

A Hidden Past


Affiliation: The Hideaway

Apprentice to Charon and ally of the hideaway. Charon purchased Goetz from his neglectful parents after witnessing how they abused and undervalued their child, and it has been his pleasure to serve her ever since. His Nan feels much the same way about him, going so far as to call him her "right eye"—on the rare occasions she lets her true feelings slip.


One of Famiel's familiars—alongside Marnek—engaged in mining shards of dusk crystal from the Magitek Mothercrystal. His natural nervousness is exacerbated by the perilous situations to which his "chief" is wont to expose him.

Hanna Murdoch

First Encounter

Hanna Murdoch

Affiliation: The Imperial Province of Rosaria

Wife of Rodney Murdoch, Lord Commander of the Rosarian army. Since her marriage, she has resided in the Murdoch manor in Eastpool.

At Murdoch Manor

Hanna Murdoch

Affiliation: The Imperial Province of Rosaria

Wife of Rodney Murdoch, Lord Commander of the Rosarian army. Since her marriage, she has resided in the Murdoch manor in Eastpool—remaining there even after her husband's death at Phoenix Gate. She gladly welcomes Clive and Jill into her home, going so far as to gift Clive a set of clothes that once belonged to his father—a reminder of happier times that she would rather lived on than moldered in a closet.


Hanna Murdoch

Affiliation: The Imperial Province of Rosaria

Wife of Rodney Murdoch, Lord Commander of the Rosarian army. Since her marriage, she resided in the Murdoch manor in Eastpool—remaining there even after her husband's death at Phoenix Gate. Alas, her time was also to be cut short—at the hands of the villainous servants of Empress Anabella.

Harpocrates II Hyperboreios

First Encounter

Harpocrates II Hyperboreios

The hideaway's resident historian, whose love for books has earned him the nickname "Tomes." Harpocrates traveled to Valisthea as a youth, seeking to unearth the secrets of this land of legend, and over the years has developed a deep knowledge of Valisthean geography, history, religion, and folklore.

At the New Hideaway

Harpocrates II Hyperboreios

Affiliation: The Hideaway

The hideaway's resident historian. After Cid's death and the destruction of his home, he joined Clive at the new hideaway, establishing a grand library within the walls of the Fallen ruin from whence he continues to share his knowledge with any who will listen. He has taken the orphaned twins Tett and Crow as his apprentices, though they have yet to prove the most attentive audience.

As Imperial Tutor

Harpocrates II Hyperboreios

Affiliation: The Hideaway

The hideaway's resident historian. Before meeting Cid and moving in with his band of outlaws, Harpocrates dwelled in much grander surroundings: the imperial palace, where he served as tutor to Prince Dion. He bears a deep and lingering affection for his former charge, and on reuniting with Dion in the hideaway, presented him with the gift of a wild wyvern tail that he might be reminded of the goodness within him, and not punish himself unduly.


Affiliation: Honza

An orphan boy of Boklad, strong-armed into pickpocketing travelers by the nefarious Cast Stones. After being released from their clutches, Eloise elected to employ him at the Crimson Caravans to keep him from returning to a life of crime. He pledges to become the first customer of Goetz's forge when the trader becomes a fully-fledged blacksmith.

Hugo Kupka

First Encounter

Hugo Kupka

Affiliation: The Dhalmekian Republic

Kupka's awakening as the Dominant of the Eikon Titan thrust him to the forefront of Dhalmekian politics, winning him influence over both the republic's armies and its policy making—as well as a personal fortune. He has little love for his country, taking advantage of his position to benefit himself and himself alone. His love for Benedikta Harman, however, is absolute, and he would gladly betray his every ally just to be with her.

Revenge Exacted

Hugo Kupka

Affiliation: The Dhalmekian Republic

Kupka's awakening as the Dominant of the Eikon Titan thrust him to the forefront of Dhalmekian politics, winning him influence over both the republic's armies and its policy making—as well as a personal fortune. His greatest treasure, however, was always Benedikta Harman—so when a servant of Waloed informed him that his love had been slain by Cid, his fury toward the outlaw and his allies knew no bounds.

In Pursuit of Cid

Hugo Kupka

Affiliation: The Dhalmekian Republic

Permanent Economic Advisor to the Dhalmekian parliament and Dominant of Titan. He has little love for his country, taking advantage of his position to benefit himself and himself alone. After learning that Cid the Outlaw—the man who slew the love of his life Benedikta Harman—still lives, he tasks his personal guard with capturing and torturing Bearers in order to draw out his nemesis and take his revenge.

At Rosalith Castle

Hugo Kupka

Affiliation: The Dhalmekian Republic

Dominant of the Eikon Titan, Warden of Earth. On learning the identity of the one who slew his beloved Benedikta, he sends his forces to ransack Rosalith—capital city of Rosaria and Clive's former home—in the hope of drawing him out. Clive takes up the offer, and is able to best Kupka in battle, cutting off his hands in the process. But before Clive can deal the finishing blow, the helpless Hugo is spirited away by a mysterious man from Waloed.

Final Breaths

Hugo Kupka

Affiliation: The Dhalmekian Republic

Dominant of the Eikon Titan. After losing his hands to Clive's blade in the crypt of Rosalith Castle, he was spirited back to Dhalmekia by his enigmatic Waloeder ally, Lord Harbard. Clive followed after, storming Kupka's stronghold in the heart of Drake's Fang to finish him once and for all. The duel that ensued—first with Titan, then with something even more terrible, led not only to Kupka's long-awaited demise, but to that of his nation's Mothercrystal.

High Priest Imreann

First Encounter

High Priest Imreann

Affiliation: The Iron Kingdom

Patriarch of the Crystalline Orthodox, who conducts his sinister ceremonies in the Comraich—the holy sanctuary built around the heart of Drake's Breath. A zealous believer in the Orthodox's teachings that Bearers and Dominants are unclean creatures born of sin.


High Priest Imreann

Affiliation: The Iron Kingdom

Patriarch of the Crystalline Orthodox. A zealous believer in the Orthodox's teachings that Bearers and Dominants are unclean creatures born of sin, he conducted the sacrificial slaughter of Bearers, claiming that he was "merely cleansing them of their corruption." Slain by Jill Warrick on her return to the Iron Kingdom, in answer not only for the crimes he committed, but those he forced her to commit in the name of his crusade.


A Woman of Mystery

The Dame

Affiliation: The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

An ally of Cid's cause who makes her home in Northreach. It was she who informed the hideaway of the redeployment of the Sanbrequois legions following their chastening by Waloed at Belenus Tor—and it is she who will secure Clive's passage through the Northreach checkpoint.

First Encounter


Affiliation: The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

Proprietress of the Veil, Northreach's foremost house of ill repute, and one of Cid's trusted collaborators. Isabelle is much admired by the populace for her elegance and refinement—qualities that have earned her the title "the Dame."

A Hidden Past


Affiliation: The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

Proprietress of the Veil, Northreach's foremost house of ill repute. Before coming to Northreach, she was "Carla," courtesan to the nobility in the Crystalline Dominion. However, she was forced to flee when she fell in love with a Bearer. The Veil took them in, and though her love was not to survive, her gratitude to the people of Northreach lives on to this day.

Jill Warrick

First Encounter

Jill Warrick

Affiliation: The Grand Duchy of Rosaria

Born a princess of the Northern Territories, Jill was made a ward of Rosaria after her homeland's incessant raids were quelled by the duchy. She was raised in Rosalith Castle alongside Clive and Joshua, who came to love her as a sister.

After the Fall of Phoenix Gate

Jill Warrick

Affiliation: The Imperial Province of Rosaria

Born a princess of the Northern Territories, Jill was made a ward of Rosaria after her homeland's incessant raids were quelled by the duchy. She was raised in Rosalith Castle alongside Clive and Joshua, who came to love her as a sister. When she waved the brothers farewell on the day they departed for Phoenix Gate, little did she know of the misfortune that awaited both them—and her.

At the Battle of Nysa

Jill Warrick

Affiliation: Iron Kingdom

Dominant of Shiva and Clive's childhood friend. In the depths of the Nysa Defile, the two came to blows at the orders of the armies that enslaved them—Jill fighting to defend the priests of the Iron Kingdom, Clive obeying the empire's orders to take the head of Shiva's Dominant. Exhausted from her battle with Titan, Jill came close to falling to her assassins' blades, but was spared at the last moment when Clive's memories of their time together came flooding back.


Jill Warrick

Affiliation: Iron Kingdom

Dominant of Shiva and Clive's childhood friend. In the wake of the tragedy at Phoenix Gate, Jill was taken prisoner by the Ironblood army that marched on Rosalith and held captive on heir[their] islands. It was there that she awakened as the Dominant of Shiva and was forced to serve as the Crusaders' weapon in their holy wars.


Jill Warrick

Dominant of Shiva and Clive's childhood friend. After Clive and Cid spirited her away from the battlefield where she was being forced to fight for the Ironblood, Jill was placed in the care of the hideaway's resident physicker, Tarja, who nursed her back to health. Finally awake after her long period of convalescence, she sets out with Clive to discover the truth of their past.

Five Years On

Jill Warrick

Affiliation: The Hideaway

Dominant of Shiva and Clive's childhood friend. After Clive and Cid spirited her away from the battlefield where she was being forced to fight for the Ironblood, Jill was placed in the care of the hideaway's resident physicker, Tarja, who nursed her back to health. Five years have now passed since the fall of Drake's Head, and she and Clive continue Cid's mission to emancipate Bearers and rid the realm of Mothercrystals.

At the New Hideaway

Jill Warrick

Affiliation: The Hideaway

Dominant of Shiva and trusted confidant of Clive, leader of the new hideaway. Together, they continue Cid's mission to emancipate Bearers and rid the realm of Mothercrystals.

On the Shadow Coast

Jill Warrick

Affiliation: The Hideaway

Dominant of Shiva and trusted confidant of Clive, leader of the new hideaway. After Clive was bested by Barnabas in the bed of the Naldia Narrow, the two fled to the Shadow Coast. It was there that she entrusted her Eikon to him, that he might have the strength to fight their fate to the last.

A Hidden Past

Jill Warrick

Affiliation: The Hideaway

Dominant of Shiva and trusted confidant of Clive, leader of the new hideaway. Born a princess of the Northern Territories, Jill was made a ward of Rosaria after her father the Silvermane's incessant raids were quelled by the duchy. She entrusted her Eikon to Clive after he was bested by King Barnabas, that he might have the strength to fight their fate to the last.

Joshua Rosfield

First Encounter

Joshua Rosfield

Affiliation: The Grand Duchy of Rosaria

Second son of the Archduke of Rosaria, Joshua was appointed heir to the ducal throne by virtue of his awakening as the Dominant of the Phoenix. His love and admiration for his older brother Clive is absolute, and he is only too proud to have him serve as his First Shield. His love for carrots—less so.

After the Fall of Phoenix Gate

Joshua Rosfield

Affiliation: The Imperial Province of Rosaria

Second son of the Archduke of Rosaria and heir to the ducal throne. Upon the night of the imperial invasion of Phoenix Gate, the shock of seeing his father slain before his disbelieving eyes led to him losing control of his Eikon and setting the castle alight. From the flames rose a second Eikon of Fire, whose murderous rampage laid both the castle, and the Phoenix, low.



A mysterious hooded man who many believe to be a Dominant of Fire. He is never seen outside the company of his faithful attendant. After being captured by Benedikta's intelligencers and imprisoned in Caer Norvent, he slipped free from his bonds and escaped to Phoenix Gate.


Joshua Rosfield

Dominant of the Phoenix and former heir to the ducal throne, Joshua was thought to have died at the hands of the second Eikon of Fire during the disaster at Phoenix Gate. However, he is very much alive, traveling the realm even now, his true identity hidden by a heavy cowl and an assumed name—that of Lord Margrace.

After Drake's Head

Joshua Rosfield

Dominant of the Phoenix and former heir to the ducal throne, Joshua was thought to have died at the hands of the second Eikon of Fire during the disaster at Phoenix Gate. However, he somehow survived—appearing before his brother once more some thirteen years later in the inner sanctum of Drake's Head, and saving Clive from Ultima's advances by calling upon the power of the Phoenix to seal the being within himself.

Following the Destruction of Twinside

Joshua Rosfield

Affiliation: The Hideaway

Dominant of the Phoenix and former heir to the ducal throne. Though he and Clive trod their separate paths for many years, the brothers were finally reunited amid the ruins of the Crystalline Dominion.

Idol of the Undying

Joshua Rosfield

Affiliation: The Hideaway

Dominant of the Phoenix and younger brother of Clive. After surviving the disaster at Phoenix Gate, he devoted himself to uncovering the truth behind the emergence of the second Eikon of Fire. With the help of the Undying, he obtained a copy of the Journal of Moss the Chronicler, from whose pages he learned of the existence of Ultima—the creature he was later to meet with and seal away inside himself in the sanctuary of Drake's Head. Now reunited with his brother, he and Clive fight as one to defeat Ultima and forge a new fate for mankind.

United Against Ultima

Joshua Rosfield

Affiliation: The Hideaway

Dominant of the Phoenix and younger brother of Clive. His researches into Ultima culminate in the revelation that the creature's true form is one and the same with Ifrit Risen, the creature he and his brother transformed into in the skies above the Crystalline Dominion. His grip upon the creature he sealed away inside himself by the altar of Drake's Head ever fading, he swears to stand with Clive and fight their fate until the end.


First Encounter

Attendant to Margrace

Servant of a man who goes by the name Lord Margrace. Together, they travel across the Twins to some unknown end.


Attendant to Joshua

Companion and protector of Joshua Rosfield, Dominant of the Phoenix. As loyal as she is dangerous, her blade is ever at the ready for any who might mean her master ill—and her tonics ever at hand to heal the sickly prince's hurts. Joshua addresses her by the name "Jote," but it is unclear whether this is her true name or another pseudonym.



Affiliation: The Undying

A member of the Undying, a secret society sworn to protect and serve the Rosfields of Rosaria and the Dominant of the Phoenix who is always born in their line. After her order rescued Joshua Rosfield from the ruins of Phoenix Gate and nursed him back to health, Jote was tasked by her order to accompany and protect him on his journey to uncover the truth of Ultima.

A Greater Duty


Affiliation: The Undying

A member of the Undying, a secret society sworn to protect and serve the Rosfields of Rosaria and the Dominant of the Phoenix who is always born in their line. While it is her sworn duty to serve and protect Joshua Rosfield, her true feelings for him run far deeper. Even after Joshua relived her of her obligation to protect him and tasked her to protect Clive's hideaway instead, still she worries for the sickly prince's health.


First Encounter


Chief cook at Cid's hideaway. Though the range and quantity of ingredients on offer in their hidden deadland home is limited at best, Kenneth finds opportunity in adversity, concocting toothsome fare from whatever happens to be at hand.

The Taste of Home


Chief cook at Cid's hideaway, who lost his life on the night of Hugo Kupka's attack. He was well-loved both for his ever genial nature and the toothsome fare he concocted from the limited ingredients available in their deadland home. Indeed, many of Kenneth's dishes remain on the menu in Clive's new hideaway.


First Encounter

Medicine Girl

An orphan girl who pays for her bread by making and selling medicines.

After Finding Dion


An orphan girl who pays for her bread by making and selling medicines. Her travels took her from Dhalmekia to the Crystalline Dominion, where she nearly lost her life when the city was all but destroyed by Bahamut. After the flames died down, she labored to mend the wounds of the injured townspeople—eventually coming across a collapsed Prince Dion, who she nursed back to health.


Affiliation: The Dhalmekian Republic

Master of the Dalimil kitchens, where he serves filling yet inexpensive fare to the people of the town and the miners of Drake's Fang. After his town was set upon by bandits, Konrad led the faction pushing for the recruitment of mercenaries to take bloody revenge. However, he was convinced to look instead at forming a town guard drawn from the citizens of Dalimil—of whom he became the inaugural leader.


Basic Information

The Desert Hare

Affiliation: The Dhalmekian Republic

An old ally of Cid's who fell out of contact with the resistance after his death. The Desert Hare spoke with Cid and Cid alone, leaving the other members of the hideaway with few clues as to their true identity—only this pseudonym, the name "Ruzena," and the memory that Cid met them in Dalimil.

First Encounter


Affiliation: The Dhalmekian Republic

Forgemaster of the Briar's Kiss, the finest smithy in Dalimil. L'ubor is also the Desert Hare—an ally of Cid's who once went by the name of Ruzena Dalimil.



Affiliation: The Dhalmekian Republic

Forgemaster of the Briar's Kiss, the finest smithy in Dalimil. Known to those in the know as the "Desert Hare," from whose long ears no secret is safe. The leadership he displayed in dealing with the bandits' attacks led to his being proposed as a prime candidate to become the new mayor—but when the townspeople discovered that he was a Bearer, they elected to drive him out of town instead.

As Mayor


Affiliation: The Dhalmekian Republic

Forgemaster of the Briar's Kiss, the finest smithy in Dalimil, and mayor of the town. After his Bearerhood was revealed, he was almost driven from Dalimil by the disapproving townspeople. However, they were convinced to change their preconceptions after L'ubor led the defense of the town from a horde of Akashic bandits—and with the support of both the town guard and the merchants' guild, he won the mayoralty.


Affiliation: The Hideaway

Landlady of the Tub and Crown, the hideaway's much-loved alehouse. Though she was born in Rosaria, her enslavement as a Bearer saw her transported to Sanbreque to work its wheat fields. However, when the farmer was unhappy with the harvest and thought to make an example of her for her fellow slaves, the Cursebreakers stepped in to instead teach him the error of his ways.


Affiliation: The Iron Kingdom

Born in the Grand Duchy of Rosaria, Marleigh was kidnapped by the Ironblood during their invasion eighteen years before and taken back to the island of Drustanus, where she was forced to serve as a handmaiden for the priests of the Crystalline Orthodox. There she met the young Jill Warrick, and took her under her wing, caring for the terrified child as if she were the mother Jill never knew.


One of Famiel's familiars—alongside Halek—engaged in mining shards of dusk crystal from the Magitek Mothercrystal. Being strong of thew and sunny of spirit, he finds himself well-suited to physical tasks—and a good thing, too, for those in Famiel's employ often find themselves having to run for their lives at a moment's notice.


A young Bearer who assisted Bohumil in his research into growing crops in the Blighted soil of Cid's hideaway. Alas, she was gravely wounded during Kupka's attack on their home. Though she was able to escape the wreckage with some of the saplings that were the fruit of their labors, she succumbed soon after. The trees were replanted in Clive's new hideaway, and the apples they bore named "Martelle" in her memory.


First Encounter


Affiliation: The Imperial Province of Rosaria

Landlady of the Golden Stables, the tavern at the heart of Martha's Rest. She is also a friend of Cid's cause, keeping the hideaway supplied with both victuals and information on developments in western Storm—a second string to her business that she strives to keep secret from the imperial authorities.

After Reclaiming Eastpool


Affiliation: The Imperial Province of Rosaria

Landlady of the Golden Stables, the tavern at the heart of Martha's Rest. The village became overcrowded after an aetherflood in the Lazarus drove the Guardians of the Flame and the Bearers they had rescued from the Black Shields' raids to seek shelter there. To make space, she worked with Clive and Wade to resettle them in Eastpool, where she has been supporting them ever since.

Dreaming of a Better World


Affiliation: The Imperial Province of Rosaria

Landlady of the Golden Stables, the tavern at the heart of Martha's Rest. Her efforts to save Bearers from the bonds of thralldom began before she met Cid, and like him, she dreams of a world where Bearers can live on their own terms. To this end, she nourishes the seeds of a better world that she and the Guardians of the Flame have planted in Eastpool.

Midadol Telamon

First Encounter

Midadol Telamon

Affiliation: The Hideaway

Student of engineering at the University of Kanver. She is as well versed in the secrets of modern and Fallen technology as any scholar in the Twins, and means to put that knowledge to use in service of the hideaway.

Cid's Daughter

Midadol Telamon

Affiliation: The Hideaway

Daughter of Cid, and student of engineering at the University of Kanver. From a young age, Mid showed the same passion for invention as her father, and an even greater aptitude. She is as well versed in the secrets of modern and Fallen technology as any scholar in the Twins, and means to put that knowledge to use in service of the hideaway.

As Captain

Midadol Telamon

Affiliation: The Hideaway

Daughter of Cid. Raised in the hideaway, Mid learned all she could of engineering and invention from her father, before leaving for university to learn all she couldn't. Her studies all but complete, she put her skills and knowledge to use in building the Enterprise, a mythril engine-powered vessel of her and her father's design, which she captains in service of Clive's cause.

Her Dream of Flight

Midadol Telamon

Affiliation: The Hideaway

Adoptive daughter of Cid, who saved her from the streets as a girl and raised her as his own. And raise her as his own he did, the young Mid following in her father's footsteps in perfecting his design for the mythril engine. Though she fears the completed engine might be used for ill if the designs were to fall into the wrong hands, the dream of flight that she and her father shared is too great to see confined to the dustbin of history. And so, she continues to labor, that one day that dream might become reality.


Affiliation: The Hideaway

Chief cook at Clive's hideaway, who inherited the role from Kenneth after he lost his life in Titan's attack. Molly's true passion lies in the baking of pastries and other sweetmeats, but alas, shipments of sugar to the hideaway are few and far between. Instead, she pushes the boundaries of her culinary repertoire by assisting Yvan in reviving the questionable dishes proffered by his questionable cookbook.

Moss the Chronicler

Basic Information

Moss the Chronicler

Far-fabled scholar of Valisthean history and legend. Even to this day, much of the surviving knowledge of the distant antiquity of the Twins issues from his quill. In his later years, his writings attracted fierce criticism from certain scholarly circles, which resulted in him removing himself from public life.

As Chronicler

Moss the Chronicler

Far-fabled scholar of Valisthean history and legend. It was Moss's writings that inspired Harpocrates to pursue his own career as a scholar of all things Valisthean. In his later years, he delved into the hidden history of Ultima and the Circle of Malius, but alas, his findings were denounced as baseless speculation in certain scholarly circles. As a result, Moss's theories received little widespread notice, and were all but stricken from the historical record.

A Hidden Past

Moss the Chronicler

Far-fabled scholar of Valisthean history and legend. When Harpocrates was but a boy, Moss visited his village on the outer continent. Perhaps seeing something of himself in the young scholar-to-be, the great master took him under his wing. However, their time together was soon to come to an end, for one day Moss and his journal were gone, leaving nothing but a note behind—one which read "seek knowledge." The young Harpocrates took these words to heart.


Affiliation: The Dhalmekian Republic

Veteran trader of the Dalimil markets, turned leader of its new league of merchants—the group responsible for filling and maintaining the town's collective stores. Though she loathes violence, and argued vehemently against the plan to hunt down the bandits who attacked Dalimil, she is passionate about protecting the town and its people. When the bandits returned, she was the first into the fray.


Affiliation: The Hideaway

The hideaway's resident moogle, whom Cid found trapped between Fallen ruins and brought back to his deadland home. While all others hear its words as naught but a succession of adorable "kupo"-like cries, Clive is somehow able to make sense of them—learning that the creature professes to be a mighty hero who would see the terrible fiends that plague the realm laid low. For which purpose, it persists in drawing Clive's attention to the Hunt Board.


Affiliation: The Hideaway

The hideaway's resident botanist, whose research into the medicinal properties of the flora of the Twins and how one might go about growing specimens of interest in the middle of a Blighted lake is invaluable to Clive's cause.


Affiliation: The Hideaway

An old friend of Otto's from his merchant seaman days, now serving as ferryman between the shores of Bennumere and Clive's hideaway. Knowing him to be a trustworthy and tight-lipped fellow, Otto invited him to join their cause after Cid's death, that he and his trusty skiff might help them build and operate their new hideaway in the lake.

Olivier Lesage

First Encounter

Olivier Lesage

Affiliation: The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

Second son of Emperor Sylvestre of the Holy Empire of Sanbreque, and third of Empress Anabella, making him half brother to both Prince Dion and Clive. His mother has involved him in the affairs of the imperial court since he was a small child.

Following Olivier's Ascension

Olivier Lesage

Affiliation: The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

Second son of Emperor Sylvestre of the Holy Empire of Sanbreque, and third of Empress Anabella. After Anabella's machinations saw the Dhalmeks' siege of the Crystalline Dominion broken and the victory ascribed to the young prince, Sylvestre was convinced to surrender his throne to their beloved son, anointing him Emperor Olivier, first of his name.


Olivier Lesage

Affiliation: The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

Son of Sylvestre and Anabella Lesage. Thanks in large part to his mother's machinations, Olivier was anointed emperor of the Holy Empire of Sanbreque—a fact that triggered his half brother Prince Dion to launch a coup against him. It was Olivier's sinister goading that drove Dion to madness and led to his own demise—pierced through the heart by Dion's spear. As the boy died, his body crumbled into dust—proof that he had become naught but another puppet of Ultima.


First Encounter


Affiliation: The Hideaway

Nephew of Rodney Murdoch, late Lord Commander of the Rosarian army. Though he served under Sir Wade in the Guardians of the Flame, he had always dreamed of following in his uncle's footsteps and squiring to a scion of the Rosfields. His wish is granted when Clive accepts him as squire and brings him back to the hideaway, that he might learn from Cid the Outlaw's example.

After Reclaiming Eastpool


Affiliation: The Hideaway

Nephew of Rodney Murdoch, late Lord Commander of the Rosarian army. Clive accepted him as squire and brought him back to the hideaway, that he might learn from Cid the Outlaw's example. However, after the Guardians of the Flame took back Eastpool, Clive bade Oscar return to the village where his Aunt Hanna is buried and lend his strength to the restoration efforts.


First Encounter


Chief steward of Cid's hideaway, who manages the day-to-day running of their operation in his friend's stead—Cid often being taken far and away by his Bearer-liberating activities. Even when Cid is at home, he prefers to leave such busywork to Otto—much to the hard-pressed purser's indignation.

At the New Hideaway


Affiliation: The Hideaway

Chief steward of Clive's hideaway. Otto continues to serve the same role he did under Cid, being the primary person in charge of all monies and information coming into and going out of the hideaway.

A Hidden Past


Affiliation: The Hideaway

Chief steward of Clive's hideaway, and Cid's hideaway before it. He first met Cid aboard the trading ship he worked as purser, and the two became fast friends. However, after his firstborn awakened as a Bearer and his family gladly condemned the son he loved to a life of slavery, Otto could no longer turn a blind eye to the suffering of those touched by the aether. His friend rallied to his cause, and together, they swore to save Otto's son and others like him.


Affiliation: The Hideaway

One of Mid's assistants, tasked with bringing to life her designs for new inventions that might assist the residents of the hideaway in their day-to-day lives—and one day, perhaps, all the people of the Twins.


First Encounter


Affiliation: The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

Imperial soldier of the Northreach garrison, whose heart pines for none other than Isabelle. He leads the stand against the threats Northreach faces and inspires his fellow soldiers to do the same.

Fighting for Northreach


Affiliation: The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

Former imperial soldier of the Northreach garrison who left his post after the Duke of Oriflamme took over. He elected instead to form a new town watch, that he might better protect the town and those he loves—Isabelle chief among them. After leading the defense of Northreach against a throng of thralls, he reconciles with the duke, and they pledge to combine their forces to see the town safe.


First Encounter


Affiliation: The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

The inscrutable landlord of Lostwing's tavern, and the leader of the village.

A Hidden Past


Affiliation: The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

The inscrutable landlord of Lostwing's tavern, and the leader of the village. Once a high-ranking member of the Sanbrequois judiciary, Quinten was ousted from his post and his family slain on the orders of the Lord Chief Justice. Quinten swore to bring his own brand of justice upon his nemesis's head, and it is to this end that he recruits like-minded Bearers to his cause.

As Head of the Family


Affiliation: The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

The inscrutable landlord of Lostwing's tavern. Though he succeeded in taking his revenge against the Lord Chief Justice who put his family to the sword, he was left bereft after the greater number of his loyal comrades lost their lives in the process, and Lostwing was swallowed by an aetherflood. However, with the support of his surviving Lostwing "family," he swore to see the town rebuilt.

As Founding Member of the Triunity


Affiliation: The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

The inscrutable landlord of Lostwing's tavern. After the village was swallowed by an aetherflood, he and the survivors of his Lostwing "family" labored to build a new village in Gaultand's Bales. However, Clive convinces him to join his uncle's Triunity, and put his oratorial skills to use not merely in leading Lostwing, but in restoring order to the entire realm.


Affiliation: The Dhalmekian Republic

An orphan who lost his parents to the Ironblood's latest crusade. He fled towards Dalimil, finding a new family in Drika, a fellow orphan, along the way. The two were starving by the wayside when L'ubor found them and took them in, adding a new elder brother to the patchwork family. He is a frank and forceful soul who enjoys nothing more than watching the townspeople at work and helping them with their tasks—whether they need it or not.

Rodney Murdoch

First Encounter

Rodney Murdoch

Affiliation: The Grand Duchy of Rosaria

Lord Commander of the Rosarian army. Not only is he a skilled warrior and loyal guardian of the Rosfield household, he is also a fine tutor—indeed, it was he who trained Clive in the secrets of swordplay. While he may be a hard taskmaster, his belief and trust in the Shields that serve under him make him a much-loved leader.

At Rosalith Castle

Rodney Murdoch

Affiliation: The Grand Duchy of Rosaria

Lord Commander of the Rosarian army, outranked only by Archduke Elwin, who is not only his liege lord, but his firm friend. The two share an unshakeable bond of trust—Elwin consulting with Rodney on all military matters.

The Night of Flames

Rodney Murdoch

Affiliation: The Grand Duchy of Rosaria

Lord Commander of the Rosarian army, outranked only by his firm friend Archduke Elwin. Murdoch and his Shields accompanied Elwin and Joshua to Phoenix Gate to perform the Rite of Ancestral Communion, only to be set upon first by imperial infiltrators, then a second, shadowy Eikon of Fire, within whose flames Murdoch was engulfed.

Hidden Truths

Rodney Murdoch

Affiliation: The Imperial Province of Rosaria

Lord Commander of the Rosarian army, outranked only by his firm friend Archduke Elwin. When Clive manifested into Ifrit during the attack on Phoenix Gate, Murdoch lost his life to the Infernal Eikon's flames.


Affiliation: The Hideaway

Tarja's youthful and inexperienced assistant. A caring yet timid soul, he is committed to saving the lives of his patients, and so quails when asked to perform life-threatening treatments such as the removal of Bearer brands or the administration of the potent Tears of Elysia. While he admires Tarja's indefatigability, he fears for its effect on her health, and is shamed that he cannot yet do enough to relieve her burden.


First Encounter


Affiliation: The Imperial Province of Rosaria

Manservant to Lord Byron Rosfield. His daily duties touch all aspects of running his master's manor—whether that be the welcoming of guests, the preparation of meals, or the polishing of the intrepid nobleman's trophy collection.

Out and About


Affiliation: The Imperial Province of Rosaria

Manservant to Lord Byron Rosfield. In normal circumstances, his daily duties touch all aspects of running his master's manor. Of late, however, Byron has bade him leave the safety of Port Isolde to conduct a survey into the political, military, and economic situation of Storm—a task in which he has enjoined the assistance of several of his fellow butlers to the nobility.


First Encounter


Affiliation: The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

Only daughter of the Duke of Oriflamme who escaped from the disaster at Twinside and took refuge in Northreach. Her extensive education in all matters spiritual and political, as well as her overbearing demeanor, rival that of her father. Her opinion on the duke's plan to fortify Northreach at the townspeople's expense, however, differs from his greatly, and she attempts to enjoin Isabelle's help to rally the people against him.

Fighting for Northreach


Affiliation: The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

Only daughter of the Duke of Oriflamme, who fomented revolt against her father's plans to fortify Northreach at the townspeople's expense. After the duke is convinced of the error of his ways, the two are reconciled, and pledge to work together with the people of Northreach to build a town for all her citizens.

Sleipnir Harbard

First Encounter

Royal Knight Lord Commander

Affiliation: The Kingdom of Waloed

Lord Commander of the Kingdom of Waloed's armies. He accompanied his liege to Fort Zirnitra in the Republic of Dhalmekia to negotiate the provision of reinforcements from the Royal Order of Knights.

At Drake's Fang

Lord Harbard

Affiliation: The Kingdom of Waloed

Lord Commander of the Kingdom of Waloed's armies, Harbard is known to many as the Constant Knight, by reason of his unchangingly icy demeanor, and his unwavering loyalty to his liege. Indeed, he appears to command Barnabas's complete trust, having been gifted full command of the Royal Order of Knights despite his apparent youth. The capacity in which he evacuated Hugo Kupka from Rosalith Castle, however, remains a mystery.

In Old Kanver

Sleipnir Harbard

Affiliation: The Kingdom of Waloed

Lord Commander of the Kingdom of Waloed's armies, Sleipnir was known to many as the Constant Knight, by reason of his unchangingly icy demeanor, and his unwavering loyalty to his liege. Bested by Clive Rosfield after he and his master slaughtered the guildmasters and republican ministers in the Kanverian Agora.

At the Ironworks

Sleipnir Harbard

Affiliation: The Kingdom of Waloed

Lord Commander of the Kingdom of Waloed's armies. Despite apparently falling to Clive Rosfield's blade outside the Kanverian Agora, he appeared again in the Ironworks, conjuring countless doubles of himself that set upon Clive and his allies—proving Joshua's theory that the Constant Knight was no mere swordsman, but a magical creation of King Barnabas.


Sleipnir Harbard

Affiliation: The Kingdom of Waloed

Lord Commander of the Kingdom of Waloed's armies. He was in fact a magical creation of Odin—and when his master primed, Sleipnir followed, taking the form of the Eikon's six-legged steed. But an egi cannot exist without its Eikon, and when Barnabas died, so too did he.

Sylvestre Lesage

First Encounter

Sylvestre Lesage

Affiliation: The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

Emperor of the Holy Empire of Sanbreque, who won his throne at least partly by virtue of his son, Dion, having awakened as the Dominant of Bahamut.

Following Olivier's Ascension

Sylvestre Lesage

Affiliation: The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

Emperor Emeritus of the Holy Empire of Sanbreque. In the wake of the events of Phoenix Gate, he married Anabella Rosfield and sired a second son, Olivier, with her. Anabella and Olivier's influence in the affairs of the imperial court was to only grow over the years, until Sylvestre was finally convinced to surrender his throne to the young prince, announcing him to be the latest in the long line of earthly incarnations of Greagor.


Sylvestre Lesage

Affiliation: The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

Emperor of the Holy Empire of Sanbreque, who plotted with Anabella Rosfield to slay Archduke Elwin of Rosaria and unite their nations under the imperial banner. Together they bore a son, Olivier, to whom Sylvestre was beguiled into forfeiting his throne—much to his first son's displeasure. Sylvestre lost his life to Dion's spear when he leapt to Olivier's defense in the throne room of the Twinside capitol.


First Encounter


Resident physicker of Cid's hideaway. Tarja is an expert in all manner of medicines and medical interventions—skills that are indispensable in their deadland home, where they cannot call on healing magicks. After Cid brings an unconscious Jill back to the hideaway from his expedition to the Nysa Defile, she is placed into Tarja's care.

At the New Hideaway


Affiliation: The Hideaway

Resident physicker of Clive's hideaway, and trusted ally of the cause. Branded as a Bearer from birth and forced to serve as a battlefield healer, Tarja put her surgical training to use in removing her own branda procedure she has since perfected, and offers to any other escaped slave.

A Hidden Past


Affiliation: The Hideaway

Resident physicker of Clive's hideaway, and trusted ally of the cause. She learned much of her knowledge of non-magical interventions in the southern isles, where she served as a Branded healer—with her magic next to useless in the Blighted land, a man she called her mentor taught her the true physicker's art. Fate brought the two together again in her mentor's final hours. Long past healing, it was all Tarja could do to use the skills he had taught her to ease his passing.

Sir Terence

First Encounter

Attendant to the Crown Prince

Affiliation: The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

Second in command of the dragoons, the foremost fighting force of the Holy Empire of Sanbreque. His sword remains ever at the ready should anyone be foolish enough to make an attempt on the life of his liege lord, Prince Dion.

By Dion's Side

Sir Terence

Affiliation: The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

Second in command of the dragoons, the foremost fighting force of the Holy Empire of Sanbreque. His sword remains ever at the ready should anyone be foolish enough to make an attempt on the life of his liege lord, Prince Dion. Born to a family of minor nobles, Terence entered the prince's service as a squire before climbing the dragoons' ranks. He and Dion are lovers.

At the Sack of Ran'dellah

Sir Terence

Affiliation: The Holy Knights Dragoon

Second in command of the dragoons, Terence is both Prince Dion's faithful bodyguard and his lover. He joined the prince in his ill-starred coup in the Crystalline Dominion, and after somehow surviving the disaster that followed, went with him again in the relief of Ran'dellah. It was here that Dion finally released Terence from his service, begging him to care for the orphan girl Kihel, that those to whom he is indebted might be spared further danger.


Affiliation: The Hideaway

One of a pair of young twins who assist Harpocrates in the hideaway library—or at least, are tasked to. In practice, he spends most of his time reading books and teasing Tomes with his sister Crow. Though their parents were both Bearers, Tett was spared that burden—alas, he was not spared the tragedy of losing both his mother and father when Cid's hideaway was laid low.

The High Cardinal

First Encounter

The High Cardinal

Affiliation: The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

First and foremost of the five cardinals who make up the Council of Elders, second only to the Holy Emperor in the imperial government. It is his role to lead the council in governing Sanbreque in the emperor's stead—and providing the latter does not overrule his decisions, his authority is absolute.

Following the Destruction of Twinside

The High Cardinal

Affiliation: The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

First and foremost of the five cardinals who make up the Council of Elders, second only to the Holy Emperor in the imperial government. After the fall of the Crystalline Dominion and the collapse of said government, His Eminence reappeared in Northreach. Now going by his noble title, the Duke of Oriflamme, he drafted both the soldiery and the commonfolk into his plans to turn the town into a new capital for a new Sanbreque.

For Northreach

The High Cardinal

Affiliation: The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

First and foremost of the five cardinals who make up the Council of Elders, second only to the Holy Emperor in the imperial government. After the fall of the Crystalline Dominion and the collapse of said government, His Eminence reappeared in Northreach, planning to turn the town into a new capital for a new Sanbreque. However, when the people rallied behind Isabelle instead, he realized that he must work with the commonfolk, not lord over them.

The Hooded Man

First Encounter

The Dominant of Fire

A mysterious figure who was first seen amid the chaos of the imperial invasion of Phoenix Gate, immediately before the appearance of the second Eikon of Fire—the very Eikon that slew the heir to the ducal throne. Clive believes this man to be the Dominant who murdered his brother, and has sworn to take his revenge.

At Caer Norvent

A Man Named "Margrace"

A mysterious man that many believe to be a Dominant of Fire. He is rarely seen without his heavy robe, nor his loyal attendant. The two journey together far and wide across the realm to an unknown end.

At Ifrit's Awakening

The Hooded Man

A mysterious man that many believe to be a Dominant of Fire. Clive first saw him at Phoenix Gate on the night of the imperial invasion, and for years believed him to be the Dominant of the Eikon that killed his brother—but to Clive's eternal chagrin, he is proved otherwise.

The Mysterious Watcher

Affiliation: The Dhalmekian Republic

Scion of a lesser noble family of Dhalmekia, tasked by Hugo Kupka to trace the whereabouts of Cid the Outlaw, the man he believes slew Benedikta Harman. His investigations lead him to Eastpool, where he overhears Clive and Gav's conversation and follows them back to Cid's hideaway.

The Republican Prime Minister

First Encounter

The Republican Prime Minister

Affiliation: The Dhalmekian Republic

Leader of the Dhalmekian parliament, and eldest and most experienced of its members—those elected by the states of the republic, plus the Dominant of Titan, who serves as an official advisor. Alas, Hugo Kupka does not take kindly to his "advice" being ignored.

At Ran'dellah

The Republican Prime Minister

Affiliation: The Dhalmekian Republic

Leader of the Dhalmekian parliament. Not seen since the collapse of the republican government following the death of Kupka and the fall of the Fang—whether he was killed in the chaos or fled to save his own skin, no one knows.

The Silvermane

Chieftain of the Northern Territories and Jill Warrick's father. After his homeland's raids into Rosaria were finally quelled by the duchy, his daughter was taken as a ward of the Rosfield family to ensure that he would never raise arms against them again.

The Tower

Basic Information

The Tower

The voice of the Sagespire—or at least, one heard echoing throughout its halls. It regards Clive and his allies as unwelcome intruders and seeks to remove them—not merely from the tower itself, but from existence. Its cold inhumanity suggests that it has no human consciousness at its core—it is naught but another diabolical device of the Fallen's creation.

Hidden Truths

The Tower

The voice of the Sagespire—or at least, one heard echoing throughout its halls. It is an artificial intelligence that controls the functioning of the tower's divers contrivances, sending wave after wave of Magitek monstrosities to eliminate Clive and his allies. However, Clive is not so easily eliminated, and after destroying the heart of the man-made Mothercrystal, the voice falls silent.


First Encounter


Affiliation: The Dhalmekian Republic

Porter and guard for the Crimson Caravans, the porterage firm that he runs with his beloved sister Eloise.

Indebted to Eloise


Affiliation: The Dhalmekian Republic

Porter and guard for the Crimson Caravans, the porterage firm that he runs with his beloved sister Eloise. Many beasts and bandits have eyed his company's caravans, but to date, he has cut them all down. Theodore is also a Bearer, but was spared the brand after awakening late and being spirited away from his family home by his sister—an act of kindness and self-sacrifice for which he is forever grateful.

A Bitter Choice


Affiliation: The Dhalmekian Republic

Porter and guard for the Crimson Caravans, the porterage firm that he runs with his beloved sister Eloise. Theodore lost his life to his own blade after being taken by an aetherflood whilst trying to protect the haven he had built for Bearers from a rampaging dragon—wishing his sister a long and happy life with his final breaths.


First Encounter


Affiliation: The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

A Bearer in service of the Holy Empire of Sanbreque, Tiamat is the leader of the elite assassin squadron to which Wyvern is assigned—the Bastards. Their latest mission—to take the head of the Dominant of Shiva. To this end, they infiltrate the Nysa Defile, where the forces of the Republic of Dhalmekia and the Iron Kingdom are aligned against each other. Though none know his true name, rumor has it that the man now known as Tiamat was born a scion of a noble Sanbrequois family, and abandoned to his fate after his powers awakened.



Affiliation: The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

A Bearer in service of the Holy Empire of Sanbreque. Tiamat—or the man who now bears the name—is the leader of the Bastards, a squadron of elite assassins. It was on a mission to take the head of Shiva's Dominant in the Nysa Defile that his subordinate Wyvern—real name Clive Rosfield—turned upon him and cut him down.


First Encounter


Affiliation: The Grand Duchy of Rosaria

Clive's faithful friend. Brought back from one of Archduke Elwin's expeditions to the frozen Northern Territories, where he was found half-starved and shivering in a snowfield, having presumably been separated from his pack. Elwin gifted the puppy to Clive upon his return, and the two became nigh inseparable.

After the Fall of Phoenix Gate


Affiliation: The Imperial Province of Rosaria

Clive's faithful friend. Brought back from one of Archduke Elwin's expeditions to the frozen Northern Territories, where he was found half-starved and shivering in a snowfield, having presumably been separated from his pack. Elwin gifted the puppy to Clive upon his return, and the two became nigh inseparable—until the tragic events at Phoenix Gate tore them apart.

At the Battle of Nysa


Clive's faithful friend, now fully grown. After the tragic events at Phoenix Gate, Clive believed that Torgal was lost to him forever. However, their paths were to cross again some thirteen years later when Torgal's new master Cid came to Clive's rescue in the depths of the Nysa Defile. Despite their long years apart, the two knew each other as if not a single day had passed since their separation.

Reunited with Clive


Clive's faithful friend. The two were separated on the night of the tragedy at Phoenix Gate, yet reunited thirteen years later in the depths of the Nysa Defile. In the intervening years, Torgal not only grew into a fine hound, but met with Cid, who trained him to work as a hunting dog. After meeting with Clive again, Torgal gladly returns to the service of his former master.

At the New Hideaway


Affiliation: The Hideaway

Clive's faithful friend. He is fiercely protective of him and his allies, loath as he is to lose his best friend again, and never strays far from Clive's side—putting the hunting skills Cid taught him to use in fending off foes and picking up trails.

A Fine Hound


Affiliation: The Hideaway

Clive's faithful friend, who is fiercely protective of him and his allies. When Jill came close to death in the courtyard of Rosalith Castle, something awoke within him, transforming Torgal into something akin to an Eikon.



Affiliation: The Hideaway

Clive's faithful friend, who is fiercely protective of him and his allies. However, it emerges that he is much more than a mere scent hound—he is a rare frost wolf, imbued with a sorcerous strength that he is able to call upon to defend his allies in times of crisis.

The Blood of Fenrir


Affiliation: The Hideaway

Clive's faithful friend. He is a rare frost wolf, imbued with the same sorcerous strength as his ancestor Fenrir, which he calls upon to defend his allies in times of crisis. Though the manner in which he primes into his Fenriric form is reminiscent of Dominants summoning their Eikons, Torgal calls not on his own Eikon, but upon the powers of those who have walked beside him over the years, and with whose aether he has become imbued.

A Hidden Past


Affiliation: The Hideaway

Clive's faithful friend. After the two were separated in the tragedy at Phoenix Gate, Torgal continued to search for his missing master—sniffing out anything that bore Clive's scent and carrying it home to their secret island hideaway. It was during one of his forays on the mainland that he encountered Cid, who took the lonely Torgal in, fashioning an anklet for the lovelorn pup which he treasures to this day.

Sir Tyler

First Encounter

Sir Tyler

Affiliation: The Grand Duchy of Rosaria

A loyal Shield of Rosaria and scion of a noble family. Tyler followed in his father's footsteps in entering the service of the duchy, rising to the position of right-hand man to the Lord Commander. He was chosen by Lord Murdoch to accompany Clive on his expedition to Stillwind—a level head who could be trusted not only to obey the young lord marquess's orders and keep him safe, but to help keep the fiery Sir Wade in line.

The Night of Flames

Sir Tyler

Affiliation: The Grand Duchy of Rosaria

A loyal Shield of Rosaria, who accompanied Clive on his expedition to Stillwind. Though he did everything in his power to assist Joshua and Archduke Elwin's flight from Phoenix Gate on the night of the attack, his years of distinguished service were to come to a close when he was swallowed by the flames of the rampaging Phoenix.




An otherworldly being that Clive encountered in the inner sanctum of Drake's Head. He addressed Clive as "Mythos" before attempting to merge their consciousnesses. However, Clive was able to summon the will to resist the creature, before Joshua returned from the dead to imprison it in a cage of flame that he sealed away in his own heart.

Following the Destruction of Twinside


The otherworldly being behind much of the tragedy and turmoil that has plagued Valisthea. He means to claim Clive as his vessel, "Mythos," by purging his will—a will strengthened by the ties of consciousness that bind Clive with others. He unleashes Primogenesis upon the world, shrouding it in darkness and turning thousands Akashic, that these ties of consciousness might at last be loosened.

Joshua's Findings


The otherworldly being behind much of the tragedy and turmoil that has plagued Valisthea. Ultima requires a vessel in which to inculcate his disembodied soul, and Clive's curious ability to absorb the powers of other Eikons suggests that he is the very "Mythos" that Ultima has long awaited. He wills Clive to absorb the other Eikons, that his vessel might be perfected.

To Whom Kings Kneel


The otherworldly being behind much of the tragedy and turmoil that has plagued Valisthea—and the creature King Barnabas of Waloed worships as his god. Ultima requires a vessel in which to inculcate his disembodied soul, and Clive's curious ability to absorb the powers of other Eikons suggests that he is the very "Mythos" that Ultima has long awaited. He wills Clive to absorb the other Eikons, that his vessel might be perfected.

Within the Interdimensional Rift


One of a race of ancient, godlike beings. It was their creation of magic that led to the rise and spread of the Blight—the few survivors of their race fleeing to the unspoilt land of Valisthea to attempt to remake the world. For this, they created the Mothercrystals to harvest huge amounts of aether, and sowed the seeds of humanity, that it might one day produce a vessel strong enough to channel it. That the humans would one day develop wills of their own, they did not foresee.

Hidden Truths


One of a race of ancient, godlike beings. Long ago, sixteen survivors of their species journeyed to Valisthea on a ship called Origin, that they might lay the foundations for casting a supremely powerful spell—one that might revive their fallen brethren and remake the world. The "Ultimas" share a single consciousness, and are able to combine their already immense powers into a singular, transcendental form.


First Encounter


Affiliation: The Dhalmekian Republic

A friend of Cid's, and later Clive's, who keeps an ever-attentive vigil on the comings and goings in Dhalmekia from his hometown of Kostnice.

In Dalimil


Affiliation: The Dhalmekian Republic

A friend of Clive's cause who keeps an ever-attentive vigil on the comings and goings in Dhalmekia. After being caught up in the bandits' raids on Dalimil during an excursion to its famous markets and lending Clive and L'ubor his aid in bringing the town together, Viktor developed a fondness for the place. He began making regular visits, becoming firm friends with L'ubor and earning the trust of the townspeople.

Vivian Ninetales

First Encounter

Vivian Ninetales

Affiliation: The Hideaway

A scholar and strategist who makes her home in the hideaway, analyzing every shred of information that comes in from the wider world in order to divine the dispositions of the realm's armies and those who lead them. She offers her insight to Clive, that he might better understand the lay of the land. The moniker "Ninetales," of which she herself is fond, was gifted her by her fellow scholars in recognition of her ability to speak at length on almost any subject.

At the Hideaway

Vivian Ninetales

Affiliation: The Hideaway

A scholar and strategist who makes her home in the hideaway, offering her insight to Clive that he might better understand the lay of the land. Once a professor at the University of Kanver, her dogged pursuit of the truth earned her the enmity of some of her less scrupulous colleagues. After learning of a plot on her life, she fled to the hideaway, and has been slowly but surely warming to her new surroundings ever since.

Sir Wade

First Encounter

Sir Wade

Affiliation: The Grand Duchy of Rosaria

A loyal Shield of Rosaria, chosen by Lord Commander Rodney Murdoch to accompany Clive on his expedition to Stillwind. Once but a lowborn page, Wade was inspired to join the ranks after a woodpile fell on him, and his life was saved by a young Joshua.

The Night of Flames

Sir Wade

Affiliation: The Grand Duchy of Rosaria

A loyal Shield of Rosaria, chosen by Lord Commander Rodney Murdoch to accompany Clive on his expedition to Stillwind. Though he did all he could to return the favor that he owed to Joshua for saving his life as a boy during the attack on Phoenix Gate, Wade was to meet the same fate as the prince.

As Leader of the Guardians of the Flame

Sir Wade

Affiliation: The Guardians of the Flame

A loyal Shield of Rosaria. Though he was thought to have died during the attack on Phoenix Gate, he somehow survived not only the disaster but the imperial conquest that followed. He and other like-minded Shields took up residence in the abandoned Lazarus and formed the Guardians of the Flame—brothers-in-arms who fight for the restoration of the duchy.

Joining Forces with Martha

Sir Wade

Affiliation: The Guardians of the Flame

A loyal Shield of Rosaria and leader of the Guardians of the Flame, who fight against imperial rule in the duchy—sheltering Bearers from the Black Shields' cullings. After the skies turned, their base in the Lazarus district outside Port Isolde was swallowed by an aetherflood, leading them to seek shelter in Martha's Rest. In return for Martha's hospitality, the Guardians aid the Bloodaxes in defending the village.

After Reclaiming Eastpool

Sir Wade

Affiliation: The Guardians of the Flame

A loyal Shield of Rosaria and leader of the Guardians of the Flame, who fight to see the duchy restored. After Clive assisted him and his fellow Guardians in driving the bandits from Eastpool, they and the Bearers they saved from the Black Shields' purges relocated to the village, where they prepare not only to rebuild it, but to rekindle the spirit of Rosaria.

As Warden of Eastpool

Sir Wade

Affiliation: The Guardians of the Flame

A loyal Shield of Rosaria and leader of the Guardians of the Flame, who fight to see the duchy restored. In Eastpool, he finds a new purpose—to not merely lead his Guardians against their enemies but to lead his village in pursuit of a brighter future for man and Bearer both.


Affiliation: The Hideaway

A freed imperial Bearer. After the wounds he suffered in his escape were healed, he began a new life in the hideaway, working in the kitchens. Through this, he encountered a cookbook entitled Valisthea – A Culinary Pilgrimage, which inspired in him a passion for making mincemeat of monsters—literally.


First Encounter


Affiliation: The Dhalmekian Republic

The feared and respected chief of the smithing town of Dravozd, where he and Blackthorne learned their craft. After the master who the two prenticed under breathed his last, they came to blows over the future of the town, and have exchanged nary a word since.



Affiliation: The Dhalmekian Republic

Chief of the Dhalmekian smithing town of Dravozd, whose skill in etching metal far eclipses Blackthorne's own. After the latter aided Zoltan and his town in overcoming the twin threats that faced them—an absence of aether that rendered their forges useless, and a surfeit of it that unleashed an Akashic horde against its gates—the two were reconciled at last, each gaining a newfound admiration for each other's talents.