Wall of Memories

ContentsAmbrosia's TackBriar's Kiss SignboardCharred Sparring SwordCid's GobletClayhearth SignboardContinental CenserCrimson Caravans SignboardDusk ShardGuardians ScarfHanged Man SignboardMartelle ApplesMartha's Rest SignboardMedicine ChestModel AirshipRusted BattlehelmScholar's BonnetSnow Daisy GarlandStolas QuillThe Circle of MaliusThe OathThe Triunity AccordVeil SignboardWinter Mead

Ambrosia's Tack

A saddle and blinders crafted specifically for Clive's childhood chocobo, Ambrosia. Even after being separated from her master, the noble steed served the people of Rosaria in his stead—protecting the defenseless from the merciless, just as a good Shield should.

Briar's Kiss Signboard

The emblem of the Briar's Kiss, the finest forge in Dalimil, run by its puckish and precocious young forgemaster, L'ubor. He inherited both his forge and the role of Desert Hare from his predecessor, Ruzena Dalimil—though the mayoralty of Dalimil, he won entirely by his own merits.

Charred Sparring Sword

Clive's old sparring sword, salvaged by Torgal in the aftermath of the Ironblood invasion and hidden at Clive's "original" hideaway, the rookery. It is a reminder of who Clive once was and who he has become—as well as of the unbreakable bond between lifelong friends.

Cid's Goblet

Miraculously undamaged in the attack on the old hideaway, Otto held onto the featureless clay cup to remind him of his lost friend, before giving it to Clive, knowing that Cid would have wanted the proud bearer of his legacy to have it.

Clayhearth Signboard

The emblem of the Undying's headquarters in Tabor. The Undying are a secret society sworn to serve House Rosfield—and more particularly, the Dominants of the Phoenix that are born into the Rosfield line. Such is their acolytes' faith in the Phoenix, they will glady surrender their lives if it should be for the benefit of their master.

Continental Censer

An ornate brass censer from beyond the outer seas, gifted to Clive by Charon for his assistance in clearing her name. According to the cantankerous shopkeep, when packed with herbs and ambergris and left to smolder, the fragrant smoke produced can ward off everything from insects to the plague, protect a home from thieves and demons, and heal any number of ailments, all while bringing love and fortune.

Crimson Caravans Signboard

The emblem of the Crimson Caravans—porters of wide renown based in the market town of Boklad. It depicts a laden chocobo. After the death of her brother and confidant, Theodore, Eloise chose to continue the work they had begun together—freeing Bearers from slavery, just as she had freed him so many years before.

Dusk Shard

A subtle reflection of mankind: fiery yet flawed, brilliant yet brittle—and its future: clear yet clouded. How the crystal endures despite its "mother" having faded is perhaps a sign of hope for us all.

Guardians Scarf

With this tippet, dyed red for the flames of the Firebird and the blood of his fellow Rosarian brothers, does Sir Wade pledge not only his loyalty, but the loyalty of the Guardians of the Flame.

Hanged Man Signboard

The emblem of the Hanged Man, the tavern that sits in the heart of Lostwing—now in the depths of an aetherflood. It depicts a hooded, bound, and starved man hung by the ankles—perhaps contemplating how he will take his vengeance on those who made him this way. Now that Quinten strives to build a new future for the remnants of his Lostwing family, mayhap the Hanged Man will rise again—but likely under a different name.

Martelle Apples

A somewhat stunted, somewhat sweet apple grown from the blighted earth thanks to the dedication and perseverance of one woman—Martelle. Though she was to lose her life from the wounds she sustained in Kupka's attack on the hideaway, her legacy lives on in the saplings she saved from the ruins.

Martha's Rest Signboard

The emblem of Martha's Rest, personal fiefdom of the landlady of the Golden Stables, and an island of safety and security in a sea of anything but. It shows a sleeping chocobo—and the Guardians and Bearers of Rosaria can too rest easy, safe in the knowledge that they have a friend in Martha.

Medicine Chest

A beautifully carved chest that opens to reveal countless compartments full of tonics and tinctures. As Clive often proved a difficult patient, reluctant to come to the infirmary, Tarja commissioned this curio that he might take a part of the infirmary with him.

Model Airship

Mid's dangerous dream of flight, immortalized in miniature. Though the experiment ended in failure, Mid has "allowed" Clive to keep hold of the model so that once her renown has grown, he might sell the piece for an exorbitant amount of gil.

Rusted Battlehelm

Archduke Elwin's helm, worn in his victorious campaign to quell the northern uprising, and later laid to rest upon his memorial stone. Now it sleeps in Clive's chambers, a constant reminder of the bravery and selflessness of the man in whose footsteps he and his brother mean to follow.

Scholar's Bonnet

Vivian Ninetales's academic cap, awarded to her upon her graduation from the University of Kanver. Now Vivian shares her learning with Clive—the gift of the bonnet serving as a pledge that so long as they remain togehter, her knowledge shall be as much his as it is her own.

Snow Daisy Garland

A fragrant diadem, handwoven by Jill from flowers picked on the shores of Oillepheist Bay. The garland rekindles memories of a more innocent time and speaks of a love that can never fade.

Stolas Quill

Loresman Harpocrates's best-loved writing implement, whose ink has penned many a learned tome. It is said that the long quills of the stolas become imbued with the wishes it hears over its long lifetime, the words just waiting to pour out onto the page—so should the day come that Clive puts down his sword and picks up the pen, he shall not find his one and only insurmountable enemy in writer's block.

The Circle of Malius

A faithful reproduction of an ancient mural depicting the Eikons and their creator, Ultima. It is based on both an incomplete tapestry kept by the Undying in Tabor, as well as sketches taken by Joshua at an ancient fortress in Ash where the mural was most likely used by adherents to the now-vanished Malius faith.

The Oath

"Created" the day Clive pledged his allegiance to Cid, this crystal shard transfixed with twin daggers is a powerful reminder of a promise made, a friendship forged, and a legacy inherited.

The Triunity Accord

Signed in Port Isolde by representatives from Rosaria, Dhalmekia, and Sanbreque, this mutual accord sets the stage for a new age in Storm if not officially, then at least in spirit.

Veil Signboard

The emblem of the Veil, Northreach's far-famed house of ill repute. The town is the gateway to the imperial capital of Oriflamme, where waves of old money and new lap against the opposing sides of the great wall. However, the Veil's proprietor Isabelle knows it best as a safe haven in a storm—the town that took in her and the man she loved when the rest of the world shunned them.

Winter Mead

A gift from Gav, this potent potable is made from honey collected in the Northern Territories' short summers and fermented slowly over the next six moons. Despite an obvious inability to hold his drink, Gav has insisted that he be allowed to share the bottle when the time comes to crack the seal.