The Patron's Whisper

ContentsTalk of the TeahouseRespectPillow TalkA Swelling ChorusA Prayer for Safe TravelsSafe PassageA TokenThe Bearer's PlightA Light from the HeavensA Pall LiftedNewfound PurposeA GiftA Fitting PerformanceFaith UndyingContinental AcclaimUnsigned

Talk of the Teahouse

Your merry band of outlaws and its dashing deeds of derring-do are all the talk amongst the leaders of the court. We have gathered together several items of worth, that you might continue your gallantry.

- Heartstruck Dowager


Our order is one built on pride, but that does not mean we are too proud to give thanks where thanks is due. We may have failed Martha once, but never again.

- The Bloodaxes

Pillow Talk

Such is the renown of Cid the Outlaw, that much of my clientele would rather spend their time prattling on about your endeavors than making any endeavors of their own. For that, I feel I owe you at least a portion of my earnings. A particularly enamored sort left this on the nightstand. May it serve you better than it did him.

- A Busy Courtesan

A Swelling Chorus

It used to be I would step into a tavern only to find myself overwhelmed with requests to sing of Dion the Bold or the Coeurl and the Serving Girl. But now, all anyone wants to hear of is Cid the Outlaw. You have made me a very rich man, my friend.

- Merry Mummer

A Prayer for Safe Travels

They say it is your men who keep the roads free of beast and bandit. As one whose livelihood is reliant on safe passage from market to market, my chocobos and I thank you.

- A Concerned Caravaneer

Safe Passage

Not long ago, I was accosted by footpads as I walked the Gilded Path, and would have perished alone in the desert had not the Cursebreakers come to my aid. I owe them my life. May this token serve them well.

- Traveling Terpsichorean

A Token

Many claim they wish to change the world. Few actually take it upon themselves to do so. You are an inspiration to us all.

- A Nameless Patron

The Bearer's Plight

Few are those who would strive to lighten the burden borne by the crystals' cursed, but if we are to survive the coming storm, we must stand together—Bearer and Brother—as you have shown us.

- A Friend in Northreach

A Light from the Heavens

The goddess Greagor teaches us that to walk with the wretched is an act of greater good. If we are to accept this truth, then one could not rightly call he who follows this path an "outlaw."

- A Humble Servant

A Pall Lifted

Hugo's men are gone, and with them the fear in our hearts. Once more shall the markets echo with mirth and merriment. And it is you who we have to thank.

- Dalimil Spicer

Newfound Purpose

Since I can remember, I have served none but myself—turned my back on the world for a handful of silks and a heavy purse. But where has that left me? It is hard to keep joy in one's heart when all those around you are without. Something must change. And that change must start with me.

- A Lonely Porter

A Gift

Enclosed you will find an item of high and strange order—one for which I require neither thanks nor recompense. Consider it a reminder of where loyalties are best placed.

- The Chapman

A Fitting Performance

Natalie reports an unexpected surplus in Dalimil's stores, and, as a means of showing the town's gratitude for past assistance, has expressed her distinct wish that one… "Lord Underhill" partake in their good fortune.

- Viktor

Faith Undying

We are the shadows that quicken in the firebird's wake, and from the shadows do serve our lord and those who would be His wings.

- The Undying

Continental Acclaim

If the drunken galley captain I shared a table with last night is to be believed, word of your exploits has made its way across the seas to the Great Continent. What is more, she claims there are those who would see you flourish—herself being one such woman.

- Gerath


Every epic starts with a single word. Every symphony, a single note. This is but the beginning, and fore'er shall your legend be told. Fore'er shall your legacy be sung.