On the server, emacs /var/www/tre/public/notes/YYYYMMDD/index.html or replace notes with e.g. ffx/meta. After the file opens, M-x m-dir RET RET.
If it’s going to /notes, expand the post snippet; if it’s meta, expand ffx (to do: other types of FFX post). Respond to the prompts for title etc. (if it’s meta, need the date of the previous one).
Paste in the copied HTML.
Go to somewhere near the top of the page and run M-x replace-string, then replace https://tre.praze.net with nothing.
Search for <user and replace by running M-x dwuser and M-x dwcomm as necessary.
Make any other ad hoc changes.
Probably select the whole buffer and then run M-x indent-region.
Meta needs the previous post to be opened, then expand metanext in the navigation footer (probably need to type a space after the index link).
If comments are off, C-c C-e k on <details id="responses"> but then go into <div id="federation"> and expand synd.
C-x C-f /var/www/tre/public/notes/index.html and expand notesindex in the relevant <details>, or C-x C-f /var/www/tre/public/ffx/meta/index.html and expand metaindex, as appropriate.
Sitemap will be updated at 3h UTC.
C-x C-f /var/www/tre/public/feed.xml, then expand rssitem.
Quit Emacs and then run curl -i -d "source=URL&target=https://fed.brid.gy/" https://fed.brid.gy/webmention.