Fic no. 042

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no. 042

  • Date: 21–26 August 2020
  • Wordcount: 10061
  • Rating: general (blood/injuries)
  • Fandom: FF6
  • Characters: Sabin, Edgar, Duncan, Vargas
  • Genre: gen, backstory, angst, hurt no comfort
  • Warnings: self-inflicted injury
  • Point in canon: from when Sabin leaves the castle
  • Location: mostly South Figaro

Sabin takes his freedom, and leaves the castle, but the people who control Figaro are determined not to let him get any further. Wounded and grieving, he battles through the pain in the only way he knows.

Notes: (Mostly) fits with game canon but not with some details of extended canon. This story is my attempt to answer two questions: 1. Why did Sabin never get any further than South Figaro? 2. What are the actual effects of a potion?