
ContentsElixirHigh PotionLast ElixirLionheart TonicPotionStoneskin TonicStrength Tonic


Affluent nobles obsessed with finding the secret to eternal life have created an unprecedented demand for this quality herbal concoction, heretofore rarely used outside battle. As such, its asking price has bloated to so great an extent that few soldiers can actually afford it.

Instantly restores all HP.

High Potion

Potent infusions of common herbs found growing throughout Valisthea, high potions are administered to seriously injured frontline soldiers when infirmary treatment is impractical.

Instantly restores 56% of maximum HP.

Last Elixir

Is it the easiest elixir to procure? No. But it is the last one you will ever need.

Upon KO, automatically restores all HP, fills limit gauge, and increases attack power by 10% and defense by 30% for 60 seconds.

Lionheart Tonic

It is said that one's own limits are made to be broken, but that doing so is easier said than done. Fortunately, there are ways of convincing the mind that such improbable feats are not only possible, but readily within reach—this tonic being one of them.

Gradually fills Limit Break gauge for 36 seconds.


Curative infusions of common herbs found growing throughout Valisthea, potions are administered to most frontline soldiers as an inexpensive and less dramatic alternative to the barber's blade.

Instantly restores 28% of maximum HP.

Stoneskin Tonic

The wave of euphoria induced by this foul-smelling brew grants those who drink it delusions of invulnerability. It is widely consumed by soldiers seeking to toughen their own hides, however briefly.

Increases defense by 30% for 108 seconds.

Strength Tonic

The wave of euphoria induced by this foul-smelling brew grants those who drink it delusions of power. It is widely consumed by soldiers seeking to bolster their sword arms, however briefly.

Increases attack power by 10% for 72 seconds.