Upgrading to emacs27

Finally installed emacs27 on my laptop today, mostly because there were a couple of packages I wanted to try out (lastfm.el apparently works with emacs26, but I had no luck with it). Unfortunately this broke xresources-theme – no idea why this is … it’s a shame not to get nice colours that match my window borders etc., but I installed another nice theme instead.

I had a much bigger problem with actually uninstalling emacs26 in the first place and thought for a moment that I’d somehow fucked up my entire laptop and would never be able to use Emacs ever again (tbh, the worst news imaginable). Solution to this: uninstall emacs26 and emacs26-common first, ffs.

Once it was actually installed I had enormous issues with plank, which took a huge amount of fiddling around to solve, and I annoyingly ended up finding the answer in a throwaway comment on a StackExchange post that didn’t even look particularly relevant. Because I’m about to do all this all over again on my desktop PC (😬), this is what should be in /usr/share/applications/emacs27.desktop (the issues turned out to be with Exec and Icon, not StartupWMClass):

[Desktop Entry]
GenericName=Text Editor
Comment=Edit text
Exec=emacs %F

Also been updating my Dreamwidth posting function to make it extra tasty so I’ve spent several hours struggling through Lisp code. I have one more thing to attempt to implement, but it’s even more ambitious than the rest so I’m attempting to save it for later.