Air dates

First series: late 1990 into early 1991

Second series: October 1991–end of 1991

Third series: into early 1992 (source)


Scrap Charlie

Cassette tape released in early 1992 (source: Our Father, p. 148)

Listen: parts 1, 2, 3, 4.

Scrap Ireland

Broadcast on Radio Ireland for its launch day, 17 March 1997 (source: “Scrap The Collection” booklet)

Listen: part 1, part 2.

Scrap The Tapes

“CJ and Mara’s search for ‘those tapes’.” Released for the first time (??) as part of Scrap The Collection.

Listen: parts 1, 2, 3, 4.

Press etc.

Interview in RTÉ Guide, early 1991

Interview in RTÉ Guide, late 1991


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