Fic no. 226

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no. 226

  • Date: 22 December 2023
  • Wordcount: 1181
  • Rating: general (death)
  • Fandom: FFX
  • Characters: Seymour, Seymour’s mother, Jyscal
  • Genre: gen, backstory, character study
  • Warnings: death; incesty vibes between a fairly young child and his mother
  • Point in canon: after Seymour receives the Final Aeon
  • Location: Calm Lands, Gagazet, Guadosalam

Call it, they said when they reached the plains. Summon the aeon, and vanquish Sin. But he could not call her, knowing she was his mother, and knowing she would be used for nothing but the renewal of this spiral of death.

Notes: Written for [community profile]yuletide 2023, a gift for [ profile]Salamander.