Fic no. 199

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no. 199 Love Conquers All

  • Date: 14 February 2023
  • Wordcount: 8026
  • Rating: universal
  • Fandom: FFX
  • Characters: OCs, Auron, Braska, Kinoc
  • Genre: het, backstory, worldbuilding
  • Point in canon: a few months before Braska’s pilgrimage
  • Location: Bevelle

When Izeel’s father suggests that she marry her friend and fellow warrior monk Auron, it seems like one of Bevelle’s better arranged marriages; but Izeel is already in a relationship, and is adamant that she won’t marry a man she doesn’t love.

Notes: Written for [personal profile]candyheartsex 2023, a gift for [ profile]Verecunda. About thirteen hours before reveals I started writing this fic for a specific Auron request, and then spent pretty much that entire thirteen hours writing it apart from a brief break to attend a rehearsal … I mean, what can I say, backstory about young Auron based on a single line from the game, that’s my kind of shit. Particularly enjoyable aspects of writing this included imagining an Auron who is actually not at all bitter or traumatised as a result of earlier events (really a novelty for me – even in the “Braska’s pilgrimage” setting as I normally write it, he’s, er, been through some stuff), as well as writing the whole thing from the POV of a female character who has cause a couple of times throughout the story to reflect on how she maybe fancies him, a little bit, but that’ll never lead to anything because she’s in love with someone else. Also a lot of this was about class differences and Wen Kinoc being a little shit, both of which also come under the category of “things I like to think about”.