Fic no. 198

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no. 198 The Zack Fair Fan Club: Post #3

  • Date: 9 February 2023
  • Wordcount: 4035
  • Rating: general (language)
  • Fandom: FF7
  • Characters: Cloud, Zack, Luxiere, Kunsel, Cissnei, Hojo
  • Genre: slash, in-universe social media
  • Point in canon: mid-Crisis Core, some time after the Modeoheim mission
  • Location: the Gaian internet

That’s right, post #2 has hit 40 pages so it’s time for a brand new post! Share the gossip about our favorite up-and-coming SOLDIER First Class, Shinra’s cutest, Zack Fair!!

Notes: Written for [personal profile]candyheartsex 2023, a gift for [ profile]Banah. This was a lot of fun and, while I was grabbing all the relevant CSS, taught me one or two cool things about the Chrome developer tools! Once I uploaded it to AO3 I found myself having to remove a lot of the finer points of the CSS to make it function properly as a workskin, so the version on my website is a bit closer to the intended design. I had a great time coming up with cringey 2000s-style forum signatures (actually, cringey everything) for this (and also ended up creating a dubious manip of Zack and Cloud and an old computer … if I had more than 0 art skills I’d have just drawn this, and if it wasn’t instrumental to the ✨Plot✨ I’d have left it out altogether, but what can you do).