Fic no. 197

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no. 197 Different Futures

  • Date: 6 February 2023
  • Wordcount: 2448
  • Rating: general (vague sex references)
  • Fandom: FFX-2
  • Characters: Gippal, Baralai
  • Genre: slash, reconciliation
  • Point in canon: after the girls meet Baralai in chapter 1
  • Location: Djose

Baralai pays Gippal a visit, and they clear up some misunderstandings.

Notes: Written for [personal profile]candyheartsex 2023, a gift for [ profile]ryulynn. I enjoyed thinking about the positions of the different sides trying to control Spira’s future during the game – it was fun using that as a rationale for the failure of communication in Baralai and Gippal’s relationship, and there’s something very satisfying about writing “getting back together after a de facto breakup” fic.