Fic no. 183

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no. 183 Don’t you think we tried to stop her?

  • Date: 20 December 2022
  • Wordcount: 3815
  • Rating: general (death references)
  • Fandom: FFX
  • Characters: Yuna, Wakka, Lulu, Kimahri, Chappu
  • Genre: gen, backstory
  • Warnings: death references, undertone of suicidality
  • Point in canon: from a few years before canon to the start of canon
  • Location: Besaid, Kilika, Luca

Yuna is convinced that becoming a summoner is her destiny. Wakka and Lulu take longer to persuade.

Notes: Written for FFX Secret Santa 2022, a gift for [ profile]lasanha-do-lidl.