Fic no. 153

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no. 153 Before The Storm

  • Date: 18 May 2022
  • Wordcount: 3404
  • Rating: general (fairly heavy on the angst)
  • Fandom: FFX
  • Characters: Auron, Rikku, Tidus
  • Genre: gen, missing scene, emotional h/c
  • Point in canon: mid-Yuna’s pilgrimage
  • Location: Macalania Woods

Faced with the spheres of his past, Auron struggles. Rikku tries to help.

Notes: 2022 retrospective note: One of the few unprompted fics I posted this year, inspired by this gorgeous piece of fanart in which Auron is suffering; strangely enough, I was immediately moved to write a fic in which, once again, Auron is suffering. Weaving this fic into the events of canon was fun although surprisingly challenging, and I enjoyed writing the Auron & Rikku interactions, which gave me a new appreciation for Rikku as a character.