Fic no. 150

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no. 150 I Will Survive

  • Date: 18 April 2022
  • Wordcount: 12190
  • Rating: mature (sex)
  • Fandom: FFX
  • Characters: Braska, Auron, Rikku, Yuna’s mother, Yuna, Lulu, Cid, Wakka, Yunalesca
  • Genre: slash, poly, canon divergence
  • Warnings: non-canon deaths of canon characters
  • Point in canon: from just after Yuna’s birth, spans about 25 years
  • Location: mostly Besaid but all over Spira

Several years after Yuna’s mother decides not to visit her people, the family moves to Besaid. Braska and his wife find their marriage under pressure, faced with suspicion in their new community, their teenage daughter’s rebellious behaviour, and Braska’s nascent feelings for a dear friend. When Yuna declares her intent to take the summoner’s pilgrimage, the stakes are raised, and they find themselves not content with the mere defeat of Sin, but actively trying to destroy it.

Notes: Written for [community profile]fffc, in response to prompt, somebody lives/not everyone dies. Additional notes here.