Fic no. 143

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no. 143

  • Date: 16 February 2022
  • Wordcount: 1102
  • Rating: universal
  • Fandom: FFX
  • Characters: Braska, Yuna
  • Genre: gen
  • Point in canon: not long before Braska’s pilgrimage
  • Location: Bevelle

Braska agonises over how to tell Yuna he is taking the pilgrimage – but it turns out that she understands his vocation.

Notes: Written for Final Fantasy Kiss Battle 2022, in response to [personal profile]althea_valara’s prompt, Braska & Yuna, shared destiny. 2022 retrospective note: the events in this fic don’t fit my headcanon re Braska and Yuna’s reasons for taking the pilgrimage, but I had a lot of fun writing it anyway!