Fic no. 123

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no. 123 Everybody’s got somebody to lean on

  • Date: 31 December 2021
  • Wordcount: 21317
  • Rating: explicit (explicit sex)
  • Fandom: FFX
  • Characters: Auron, Braska, OCs
  • Genre: slash, getting together, (emotional) h/c
  • Warnings: homophobia, disordered eating, suicidality, minor character death
  • Point in canon: spans a few years before Braska’s pilgrimage
  • Location: Bevelle

The most promising of the young warrior monks of Yevon gradually learns that some things are more important than his career. Pre-pilgrimage.

Notes: 2021 retrospective note: just managed to get this one edited and posted before the year rolled over, having started work on it in October. The get-together fic of my heart, with all the [unnecessarily dark and dramatic] themes I love, for my OTP whom I’m obsessed with. I definitely wrote this entirely for myself and I have no shame.