Fic no. 118

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no. 118 Things Come Together

  • Date: 24 December 2023
  • Wordcount: 12820
  • Rating: general (references to death)
  • Fandom: FF16
  • Characters: Olivier, Dion, Clive, Joshua, Jill, Tarja, Goetz, Harpocrates, Josselin, Arthur, Aimee, Rodrigue
  • Genre: gen, canon divergence, h/c
  • Warnings: canon-typical references to death and suicide
  • Point in canon: after the coup
  • Location: mostly the hideaway

Olivier survives the events in Twinside, and is freed of Ultima’s possession. At last, he might ask his brother about the glorious dragoons.

Notes: Written for [community profile]yuletide 2023, a gift for [ profile]raininshadows. I’ve concocted an explanation for Olivier’s survival that may not align with canon lore around Ultima etc., but please suspend disbelief for the purposes of this AU.