Fic no. 075

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no. 075

  • Date: 13 February 2021
  • Wordcount: 1343
  • Rating: general (language)
  • Fandom: OW/British folklore
  • Genre: gen, modern setting
  • Point in canon: 2010s
  • Location: mid-Cornwall

There were always a few bizarre things going on back home, mostly stories your mate told you that never seemed like they could be true, but none of my friends ever had anything this weird happen to them. After I moved up-country for uni a couple of years later, I never heard about anything like it ever again.

Notes: Written for [community profile]chocolateboxcomm 2021, a gift for [ profile]Narya (Narya_Flame). This is a bit of an experiment, but I couldn’t waste an opportunity to post something with a large number of very specific Cornish references. I have taken the liberty of including a glossary but tried not to make it too infodumpy.
Several elements including the description of the piskies are based on this very informative post.