Fic no. 022

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no. 022 Unexpectedly intimate

  • Date: 21 May 2015
  • Wordcount: 963
  • Rating: universal
  • Fandom: UK politics RPF
  • Characters: Nick Clegg, Ed Miliband
  • Genre: gen
  • Point in canon: 2015
  • Location: Westminster

No relationships despite the title.
Nick is reluctant on his return to Parliament, but he receives encouragement from an unlikely source.

Notes: Written for [personal profile]lolitics_meme, in response to prompt, A nice fluffy story about these two comforting each other? They don't have to be in a relationship or sleeping together or anything, maybe just something gen like one of them is sitting in a cafe daydreaming and the other sees them and just joins them at the table and they kinda talk for a bit? About things that other people 'don't just get' about their position or about the future, etc. Or hot, emotional sex, I literally don't mind. This is based on video footage of MPs swearing in on the 20th of May, with some dialogue taken from this article.