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[ profile]whatiwouldnotgive, 2022-08-02 [original]

*Deep contented sigh* *leans my head against the window like a jane austen protagonist*
This was the loveliest fic. I'm still kind of in shock that this is for me, it's just absolutely wonderful. Your way of writing is so comforting and perfectly encapsulates what I love about Faramir and Aragorn as characters--that softness, the gentle strength.
This section in particular:

At length, Faramir smiled. “Nay,” he said. “For what man could resist the strength and beauty of my brother? I saw it in my father’s house, when we had lately come of age; the young men who visited could barely keep themselves from him. They brought him gifts, rare flowers and stones from all over Middle-earth; but he never paid them any heed. His dear brother was company enough.”

Aragorn understood the meaning of his words, and stilled his hand in Faramir’s.

“It is I who have shocked you,” Faramir said.

“I never had a brother,” said Aragorn.

Faramir laughed then, a sad laugh, and said, “Well, most men do not have such fondness for their brothers as I had for mine, Lord Aragorn.”

I JUST!!! the way this sent my brain rattling around my skull like a ping pong ball!! It's just. SO GOOD!! I could cry, I could scream!! The nuance of this conversation, aragorn's quiet acceptance, the worldbuilding you incorporated describing people trying to court boromir--it's everything I could've asked for. I feel so honored to have received this. thank you so much!!

[ profile]Hokuto, 2022-08-05 [original]

Oooooh, goodness, this is beautiful - you've captured the tone of canon so well, and this is such a lovely and hopeful moment for them! ♥

[ profile]regshoe, 2022-08-06 [original]

Aww, this is a lovely moment of hope and comfort. I like how quietly and easily Aragorn and Faramir understand each other (and don't shock each other, heh), and the lovely, painful mixture of grief and longing and comfort in their kisses. (Hee, and I love the image of all the young men throwing themselves and those valuable gifts at handsome young Boromir :D )

[ profile]Dreamofyouu_7, 2022-09-03 [original]

This is all I’d ever hoped for when searching for an Aragorn/Faramir fic. The writing is so tender and eloquent, I feel as if I am reading some long lost excerpt from something Tolkien himself wrote!

Absolutely heart-warming! Thank you so much <3