Comments for fic no. 097
Comments aren’t open for this fic. They’re still available on AO3, however, as this was written for an AO3-based gift exchange.
Archived comments
I often delete copies of my fics syndicated to other websites, so I archive comments here as a way of preserving them. If you left one of these comments and would like it to be removed from the archive, please email me.
My replies are included only if they were originally posted on this site.
złamyszeczka (evilmouse), 2021-05-30 [original]
Had to see how this pairing worked and you did it marvellously!
lucymonster, 2021-05-31 [original]
Ahahahahaaa this is wonderful!!! <<3
Bagheera95, 2021-05-31 [original]
Bahahaha. What a *perfect* pairing!!
Nabielka, 2021-05-31 [original]
The summary sounds in character for Dudley and indeed like a line Dudley could use to describe this to Harry, at which point Harry's tone with "you're dating Malfoy would likely be similar to Draco's here. I like how Draco's got himself a muggle adaptation of his name - I can imagine him making up a whole backstory for himself (perhaps with those helicopters from first year!), but he's still careless about bringing out his wand. Oh, it's charmed! Guess I've just cleaned up very quickly. I like how matter of fact Dudley is about magic at this point.
Lobelia321, 2021-06-11 [original]
omg You have no idea how this hit all my buttons at once and just about stopped my pulse. Drake! "So you're magic." "One of those sticks." This is all such a delight. And D/D is my HP fandom OTP and I love, love, love anything that doesn't make them seem ridiculous or evil. You made my day. And also: I love dialogue fic.
reeby10, 2021-06-19 [original]
Sorry for the late reply! But ahaha this is perfect! I love how chill Dudley is about magic at this point, even when he sees the guy he just slept with is a wizard. And Draco, poor boy just had an even bigger shock lol Thank you so much for writing this for me, I love it!! :D
Haha, I love this! Dudley's calm, take-it-in-stride reaction to Draco being a wizard, and Draco's of-fucking-course-this-is-my-life reaction to Dudley being Harry's cousin. Amazing.