Want to use this CSS on your own site?

The original aim of this page was to recreate the HD remaster design as faithfully as possible, but I’ve since added a few other things (e.g. styling for this <summary> element) so I can use it more widely on my FFX pages.

Like everything else on my site, this CSS is licenced under CC BY-NC 4.0: you can use and adapt it as you like as long as you do the following:

I would also prefer that this CSS be used for FFX-related purposes only, but it would be pretty weird to use it for any other reason I think.

Using the Sphere Grid

The Sphere Grid is used to develop your characters by activating nodes with spheres. Let's see how this is done.

Because this Ifrit's strength and HP are both high, it will win in a straight fight. Try fighting using your aeon's Shield and Boost commands.

Save current game?

Nodes that can be activated are the node at the character's current position and nodes directly adjacent to it.

This means nodes that are one step behind or ahead can also be activated.

Wakka HP 146 MP 25
Kimahri HP 1244 MP 98
Lulu HP 347 MP 116

Brother: Ov counsa nod!

-Introduction to Al Bhed-

Find Al Bhed primers to help you decipher the strange Al Bhed language.

Sycdan dra Al Bhed myhkiyka! Pacd uv milg!

Dhe dreasure chesd of dreams asks:

Fhad do I condain?

Bomb Eliqir Hi-Podion
Mega-Podion Sofd Chimera
Podion Remedo Ejil Eoe
