Braska’s pilgrimage fic recs

Here are some recs for fics set (mostly) during Braska’s pilgrimage, arranged into categories and then listed in alphabetical order. Please be aware that this page is not suitable for under 18s and chooses not to warn for potentially objectionable content.

Fics in which someone gets injured or suffers in similarly appealing ways are marked with the eyes emoji. A couple of the fics on this page have been taken offline, but I have copies, so get in touch if you need them.

I am not especially discerning, particularly when it comes to Auron/Braska.

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Oneshots: on the road

A Certain Way of Walking by rabbitprint

Author’s summary: “A brief look at why he might wear the robes that he does, and why he chose to leave Yuna on a Pilgrimage to defeat Sin. Spoilers.”

The Guardian was hesitant to leave at first. His frustrated concern had sent Auron rampaging through the kitchen in well-meaning search for dinner supplies, coming up with mismatched plates and some noodles that he'd falsified into a soup to urge upon his Summoner. Braska had sat on the couch and refused to eat. The smell on the air reminded him of fish, and the sea.

Available at: AO3FFN

Alignment by seventhe

Braska's eyes are heavy on his face. They are the only thing not-soft about Braska: his eyes have always been sharp, a grey so dark Auron thinks maybe they are the source of all of his iron; he is drawn to them like a magnet.

Available at: DW

And Some May Find Peace by Amberlee

Author’s summary: “Don't go to bed angry and don't die with a weight on your heart.”

There were all the times when Auron, confused or dazed from a magic attack, would look up at him with wide and hopeful eyes as he awaited a healing cast. Take his face in your hands, he would think, and just do it.

Available at: AO3FFN

Breathe by edenbound/shanaqui

Author’s summary: “Breathing is the last thing you let go of.”

‘Don't try shutting everything out.’

‘I'm not,’ he says, and that's the truth. Auron just doesn't understand how he's lost it all, paid out in faith and refunded in power.

Available at: LJLJ

Chill by Wallwalker

Author’s summary: “Braska carries the chill in his heart and asks his guardians to help keep it at bay, if only in a small way.”

‘That won't be necessary, but thank you.’ Braska closed his eyes, one hand drifting over his heart. ‘The cold... it resides in my heart, now. Your company would be... very welcome.’

Available at: AO3

Colourless by edenbound/shanaqui

Author’s summary: “On the way to the last battle.”

Jecht's wolfish grin has already faded into memory, and all their laughter is silent. All he has is dust, and ashes, and Sin.

Available at: LJLJ

Distracted by lassarina

Author’s summary: “The Final Aeon is a distracting presence.”

Auron was resentful and worried, turning fiends to mincemeat with a fury quite unlike his usual cold precision.

Available at: DW

Duty to You by verdictlesslife

Author’s summary: “Jecht and Auron discuss their parts of Braska's pilgrimage and come to a mutual understanding.”

He smelled like smoke and the sea. He, or one of the girls, had used his bandanna to pull his hair into an off-centered half-ponytail, a chaos of gravity-defining black; with his hair back, Auron could see his face unobstructed, the puckered scars, the shadow of scuff over his jaw. And when he leaned in, Auron could count each white tooth in his sharp smile. ‘This is a serious matter,’ Auron said when he at last found his voice.

Available at: LJ

Embers by sterilebear

Author’s summary: “Everybody has a weakness.”

‘What about me?!’ Auron’s tone was desperate. Childlike. Selfish. ‘About Jecht? About us?!’

Braska’s fingers stilled in his hair. Something seemed to have lodged itself in his throat.

‘What about you, indeed,’ he sighed, shakily. ‘That is the question.’

Available at: AO3

Foreign Fear and Flight Foresworn by cygna_hime

Author’s summary: “Jecht had never been as scared in his life as he was the first time he fought a fiend.”

If he lived long enough (which he might, 'cause if Braska was the type to let anyone die on his watch without having a go at stopping it, not only had Jecht been reading the man all wrong, but Auron had too), he might learn the ways of telling the things apart, but just at the moment, facing off against the weird dog…wolf…thing, he hadn't the faintest shadow of a clue if he had a reason to be scared or not.

Available at: LJ

Heartbeats and Hair Braids by hello_essie

Author’s summary: “Don't braid your bro's hair. Or do.”

‘Wow, you...definitely have a talent,’ Auron stammered. Jecht shrugged.

‘Yeah, I took a couple classes,’ he said. ‘You really think it looks nice?’

‘I’m going to regret taking it down,’ Auron said sincerely. He turned away from the mirror and gave Jecht a small smile. “Your request was unusual, but...I...mostly had fun. Thanks.’

Available at: AO3

Heartland by stharridan

Author’s summary: “In the heart of the Calm Lands, Braska listens.”

Braska closes his eyes and sighs as Auron slips a strong arm around him, pulls him close. Hesitant, yet bold: the gesture worked by limbs more suited to war than bed. Still, tucked under the shared covers, Braska turns, lays a hand upon Auron's bare chest, smiling at the warmth blooming from his palm.

Available at: AO3LJ

I don’t really like dudes, I’m just gay for Braska. by muggy_mountain

‘You didn't need my help to put on sun balm, Auron.’ And he said this with a smile he knew Auron could hear, as he traced the curve of two exposed shoulders in a way that Braska knew would break even a man like Auron.

Available at: LJLJ

Insult to Injury by Tenshi

Author’s summary: “Pilgrims on the High Road, and Jecht, being good at everything.”

‘Oy!’ Jecht's voice is grating, like his presence. For a moment I could have believed it was only the two of us on this pilgrimage, as it should have been, the summoner and his one loyal guardian. ‘You lost your bird!’

Braska straightens, and wipes rain from his face with an already drenched sleeve. ‘And I thank you for catching him, Jecht.’

Available at: personal archive

Invisible Ink by Eider/llamajoy

Author’s summary: “Tattoos, Braska can has.”

Jecht wonders why Auron is suddenly smiling; that never bodes well. Can't be because he's forgiven him for the shoopuf thing, that's for sure.

Braska, without even a hint of affectation, says: ‘I don't remember any pain... but I suppose it's different for everyone!’

Available at: personal archive

Linens by muggy_mountain

Yevonites always assumed his type were ever out for a quick gil. Ah well. The man wouldn't need money long anyway, in that state.

Available at: LJ

Peculiarities by stharridan

Author’s summary: “Braska lies awake and wonders.”

Now Braska wonders what he should do with Auron's hair as the guardian lies sleeping, snugly curled up against him. He takes a thin lock between his fingers, twirls it around, smiles in the dark as Auron shifts just the slightest.

Available at: AO3LJ

Promises to Keep by YoujiK33

Author’s summary: “Auron's thoughts as he hovers between life and death right after Braska's defeat of Sin.”

He is bleeding, and he is freezing, and he is weeping, and he does not know which of these is killing him. Blood in his mouth, blood on the snow, blood in the footprints trailing down the mountain, and when he touches the wetness on his face he feels a new shock of pain and realizes there is blood there too.

Available at: Yaoiville

Ruined Coats by Wallwalker

Author’s summary: “Braska, Jecht and Auron bond over ruined laundry.”

‘Why are you so worried?’ Jecht chimed in. ‘He looks fine. I mean, he looks great, even.’

The open admiration in his voice made Auron bristle - why, he didn’t know. Somehow, having Jecht flirt with Braska in front of him made him more embarrassed and nervous than even having Jecht flirt with him. And the happiness in Braska’s eyes as he smiled back to him in response was only making it worse.

Available at: AO3

Slow Thaw by ladysisyphus

Author’s summary: “Auron hates Jecht.”

He was considering making a written list of all the things he hated about Jecht, and the only thing that stopped him was the thought of how sad Braska would be if he ever found said list. Braska, bless him, wanted only for his two guardians to get along, much in the same way, Auron supposed, a loving parent would try to reconcile two feuding children. But Braska was compelled by his status to seek out and embrace the good in everyone's heart -- or, as Auron assumed was the case here, to make it up when there was none.

Available at: AO3

Swimming Lessons by justira

Author’s summary: “For the Kiss Battle Prompt: SCENE: A beach. Jecht definitely did not steal Braska's robes. This time.”

It felt so incongruous, the seriousness of the Pilgrimage weighing on him, the bittersweetness of it all, time-caught and fleeting, and yet he felt... He reached out, flailing out of the water himself, and Braska turned at his touch, the surf tugging around both their legs. ‘Braska,’ he said, unsure of where he was going.

Available at: AO3DW

Taking Refuge by owlmoose

‘Auron.’ Braska slipped out of his bedroll to sit in the dirt behind Auron, then held out his hand. ‘May I?’

Auron raised an eyebrow. ‘If it pleases you, my lord, but why would you take on such a menial task?’

Braska shook his head with a smile. ‘In comparison of what I'm asking of you, this is less than nothing. Please, allow me.’

Available at: LJ

the art of blitz by oryx

Author’s summary: “A brief respite in Besaid, teaching the best game ever played to some uneducated fools.”

Braska smiles, amused. ‘I became a priest at a young age, Jecht. Sport is not exactly an acceptable pastime for a man of the cloth. Not to say that some of us didn’t sneak out to watch a match now and then, though. We even had a secret betting pool every season that I… may or may not have been in charge of.’

Jecht is positively dumbstruck by this revelation. He turns to Auron almost pleadingly. ‘Well, what about you, Mister Serious? You can’t honestly tell me you’ve never played Blitzball either. I mean, come on.’

Available at: AO3

The Goddess Inside by auronlu

Author’s summary: “Praying in Macalania Temple, Braska meets Shiva's fayth -- who looks about as much like her aeon as Bahamut's resembles his.”

She circled around him, gliding above the floor. ‘Penance for the wife, eh? Lovely little daughter... you're leaving her behind?’

He dropped his eyes. ‘Bevelle Temple.’ He was not entirely happy with the arrangement, but he had been raised there himself.

Available at: AO3LJ

The One Who Goes by Emerald Embers

Author’s summary: “Braska knows sacrifice doesn't always begin with oneself.”

Auron was faithful, loyal, true, beautiful, and even if Braska was likely biased on the last point the others had to count for something.

Available at: AO3FFN

The Pros and Cons of Suffering by Emerald Embers

Author’s summary: “Because there's nothing wrong with devoting a story to Braska's rear.”

Another pause. Braska often wondered if Auron had some mysterious disease that caused him to fill his speeches with barely appropriate pauses.

Available at: FFN

Thermohaline by faceofstone

Author’s summary: “Sinking in the far North, led adrift by alien currents. There is no home waiting for Jecht, there never was, not on these shores.”

Braska is busy tending to a bonfire with his magic, which is funny because Braska himself is the fire, can't he see it. He shed all his manners and all the tame roles he played at the foot of Gagazet and has carved his path out of burning determination ever since, a beacon of hope, kindness, and a faith in something deeper than the bare lies Yevon forced him to uphold. Auron, too, is light and passion, desperate and loyal. Beautiful, in its own stupid way. Dumb as a rock. Inspiring. And it's Auron who takes off his coat, grunting and shivering on the windswept docks, and places it on Jecht's shoulders to put some warm, dry clothes on him and hope it helps.

Available at: AO3

The Sound of Silence by cygna_hime

Author’s summary: “There were three; now there are only two, and the silence of the mountain.”

Auron knows that if he speaks, he will shatter before Braska's eyes, collapse into the grief that stabs him like a knife every moment he hears no familiar voice speaking. The only thing he will be able to do is beg to die, rather than live on alone with all that has become his life gone, and he will not hurt Braska so.

Available at: LJ

Things Fall Apart by cygna_hime

Author’s summary: “This is the way the world ends.”

When Braska lifts his eyes to see what Auron sees, Auron moves, a red-coated shoulder placed between Braska's vision and whatever awful sight affected him so. ‘It's nothing,’ he says, callused hands caressing Braska's face, as gentle as only he and Jecht know Auron can be. ‘Don't worry, you'll be fine in a minute, you will, you--’

Available at: LJ

Threaten by beanbottles

Author’s summary: “Of course, Auron could be a threatening man when he needed to be. // ...But it takes more than that to paralyze monsters in fear, Jecht demonstrates (to Auron's annoyance).”

‘...Oh?’ Jecht's voice came from in front of him, having walked around to where he could see Auron's face again. ‘Is that a smile I see?’

Auron picked up his pace, ignoring the laughter coming from behind him. It was not.

Available at: AO3

To Not Sleep by cygna_hime

Author’s summary: “Jecht is cold and bleeding and would really like to go to sleep. But he can't.”

‘Braska,’ Auron says with something approaching his usual tone of voice, ‘is not dying of blood loss. Besides, he was not fool enough to go climbing a frozen mountain without a shirt, so he is not in danger of dying of cold as well.’

Jecht doesn't think he's dying of cold. Not yet, anyway. He's only just gotten numb enough that he's not screaming in pain. He should probably be worried about that, but Auron's worried enough for both of them, so he doesn't bother.

Available at: LJ

Unkempt Promises by Gargant

Author’s summary: “Auron listens to Braska and Jecht talk about their children, and understands. He listens to them talk about their wives, and he doesn't. But either way, he admires them. And either way, he doesn't want these moments to end.”

Auron tries to imagine if he could ever love a woman in his life. One proposed marriage already looms in his past, an offer he had rejected with as much careful dignity as he could muster. Even so it had led to his disgrace. Now he is here, following his heart and serving with honour, and the thought of marriage or female companionship is as foreign to him as the thought of ever abandoning Lord Braska's side.

Available at: AO3

untitled by anonymous

Be patient, the Teachings say, have faith, but Braska has only the memory of his wife’s body cooling in his arms, and his daughter watching solemnly through the pyrefly veil of the Sending; let Sin take her too, the Teachings say, and Braska can only answer, no.

Available at: DW

untitled by cindybug

‘Speak, Sir Auron,’ said Braska, and Auron opened his mouth and did as he was asked, knowing all the while that it would not change a thing.

Available at: DW

walk with me by synecdochic

Author’s summary: “Braska, Auron and Jecht are waylaid on their pilgrimage to perform one of a summoner's primary duties.”

‘You have to eat,’ Jecht said, stubbornly. Lord Braska doesn't eat enough to keep a bird alive; nearly every meal we've taken together degenerates into an extended session of guilt-tripping and pleading with Lord Braska to eat. Jecht had ignored it at first, but recently he had begun to leap into the argument full-force.

Available at: AO3

What Is Love? by sterilebear

Author’s summary: “In Spira, love is not defined by superficial titles.”

The summoner stifled a laugh. ‘It makes for hilarity, sometimes. Before our journey began, the mothers of young, unmarried women would notice how beautiful he is, and would approach him, asking for his hand.’ He laughed heartily, hardly able to continue. ‘He would turn red, trying to turn them down as politely as possible. I had to save him a few times.’ He shook with laughter. ‘Ah … you mustn’t tell him I told you that!’

Available at: AO3

When a Lovebird by vanishinghitchhiker

Author’s summary: ““Hey, is that the missus?” // “Yes,” said Braska. Then, because he felt a little bad about it, he looked back and gave a little wave. She didn't wave back, but they never did. // “Nice set of...” Jecht gestured, roundly, but Braska just nodded. It wasn't inaccurate.”

‘And she just looked up at, at this,’ he waved a hand at the view, at this coalescence of pyreflies with no sign of emotion, no pretense of life at all, ‘and accepted it. And I realized, someday, she won’t remember anymore what her mother was really like. She’ll have only my word, and this pale imitation. She won’t remember how her own mother smiled, or laughed, or sang, or covered Yuna’s ears when she swore—’

‘I like her,’ said Jecht, with enough gusto to make himself heard over Braska’s voice, which had been creeping gradually upward in volume. ‘Wanna borrow the camera sometime?’ He didn’t watch as Braska dried his eyes.

Available at: AO3

Worth it by drakonlily

Author’s summary: “Would you tell someone you loved them on their last night on the planet?”

Auron swallowed a knot in his throat. ‘Braska I… isn't there another way around this?’ He didn't mean the words to come out as they did, fast and in a rush. ‘Do you have to?’

Braska nodded. ‘This is how it has to be, Auron. You knew this when we began.’

Available at: AO3

Oneshots: pre-pilgrimage

For Love in Power by rabbitprint

Author’s summary: “The balance of power can be delicate, but Kinoc can tolerate being ordinary as long as there are worthwhile things up top.”

‘Are you taking the walk?’ Wen stammers after a moment, picking one of the cleanest euphemisms; going on your Pilgrimage suddenly sounds gauche when presented with Braska's poise, almost as bad as chewing the short road. He drops his hand after another awkward second. Braska had been too polite to mention the prolonged contact.

Available at: AO3FFN

Haunted by sterilebear

Author’s summary: “Try as he might, after losing her, there are some things Braska can no longer stomach.”

Braska does not meet his eyes, focused instead on something Auron cannot see in the dim light.

Available at: AO3

Riksa by ladysisyphus

Author’s summary: “Yuna's mother and Auron both hate fancy Yevonite parties, but really, who wouldn't?”

The party. Tonight. It's very loud.’ He spoke in short, easy sentences, and fairly slowly, unlike the rest of the Yevonites, whose single goal in life seemed to be a competition to see who could say the most in the shortest span of time. ‘I don't like loud parties. I like quiet better.’

Available at: personal archive

See You Through by Eider/llamajoy

Author’s summary: “Braska makes his best decisions in the bath.”

At last Auron could help himself no longer. ‘My lord--what can I do?’

There was the small smile again, self-effacing. Braska withdrew his hands but held his eyes closed; dim reflected light played across his eyelids, and the effect was ghostly. His reply was so soft Auron thought perhaps he talked to himself. ‘What, indeed. What can any man do?’

Auron clenched a helpless fist. ‘Braska,’ he said.

The strained silence dissipated like scattering pyreflies; Braska was laughing, and the bathwater danced around him. ‘Oh, Auron. I am sorry. You must find me very tedious.’

Available at: personal archive

Longer/multi-scene canon-compliant fics

apotheosis by oryx

Author’s summary: “Even at the end of everything, Braska is much too kind.”

‘You’re pretty damn obvious, y’know,’ Jecht says. He leans back in his chair, arms folded casually behind his head, a smug, obnoxious grin plastered on his face. ‘Always watchin’ him. Gettin’ all nervous when he leaves your sight and glarin’ daggers at anyone who talks to him for too long. It’d be kinda cute if it wasn’t so pathetic.’

Panic flutters like a caged bird in his chest, and Auron can feel his hands curling reflexively into fists.

Available at: AO3DW

A Single Foot of Earth by ladysisyphus

Author’s summary: “Up Mt. Gagazet and not necessarily down again, in the wake of Braska's pilgrimage.”

Jecht slept fitfully, waking far too often; Braska slept a little deeper, rousing himself every two hours to cast another cure spell on Jecht, who slept with his head resting against Auron's chest. Braska curled across their legs, placing his head in Jecht's lap, and Auron extended his cloak to cover the both of them. He himself slept sitting up and almost not at all.

Available at: AO3

Auron x Braska by 47thlight

Auron loved the timid touch of Braska’s fingertips pulling loose the tangles in his hair, soft tones vibrating in his ear to send chills down his spine for what was to come.

Available at: LJ

Dancing With A Ghost by Coeurlicue

Author’s summary: “Auron was prepared to face certain trials during the pilgrimage--falling in love with Braska wasn't one of them.”

A half-smothered laugh escaped through Braska’s fingers. ‘Are you hurt, Jecht? You should put some ice on it.’

Jecht groaned again, draping an arm across his eyes. ‘That’s cold, Braska.’

Braska’s laughter rang through the cavern, bringing warmth and life to the frozen stone walls. Auron found himself smiling, too.

‘Perhaps we should be… icer to him, my lord,’ he said, wishing he was better at delivering jokes.

Available at: AO3

Descent on Scraped Palms by Viktoriet

Author’s summary: “The frozen heights of Gagazet cannot collapse an indomitable will.”

Auron's brain urged his body to move, but his legs refused to budge. His arms hung like sandbags at his sides. Dry lips parted, his good eye half-lidded, he watched the fire choke itself out on the last charred twig in a pile of ash. Perhaps, he thought, I'll freeze. I'll become a part of Gagazet, and I'll stay here forever.

Available at: FFN

Designed to Fade by tuatha danaan

Author’s summary: “I have travelled a long road, from one world to another and back again. Now I must complete the journey.”

‘I know that I can trust him, and rely on him, and that he will always be there to protect me. So yes, I love him very much...’ I looked up to see him smiling gently at me, hopefully. ‘More than anything in the world.’

Available at: AFF

Festival of the Moon by Amberlee

Author’s summary: “When the Pilgrimage leads Braska, Jecht, and Auron to Besaid during the harvest moon; they must participate in a pagan ritual and it ends up changing them all.”

Sighing heavily, Braska said, ‘Well, that is the part that makes the celebration a fertility rite. They create a clear liquid laced with potent plant extracts. I am to bless a silver cup and the drink is then shared among those gathered.’ Braska's face flushed a bit and he hesitated before continuing. ‘It causes ones inhibitions to receded and blinds you to everything but your…physical desires.’

Auron's face was almost as red as his coat.

Available at: AO3

Final Fantasy X Shorts by Amberlee

Author’s summary: “Shorts, drabbles, and 100 word pieces with varying content.”

Auron's eyes narrowed. Suddenly, his arm brushed across the table top scattering utensils. A fork clattered to the floor and skittered under the table. Like a shot, Auron was out of his chair in pursuit.

A moment later, Braska chirped in surprise, his eyes wide. ‘Stop it,’ he hissed.

Available at: AO3

For the Widows in Paradise by coloredink

Author’s summary: “He does this for all the daughters in Spira.”

‘You will be a summoner, right?’ Yuna burst out. She looked up, and Braska was startled by the intensity of her gaze. Here was a girl that would move mountains and oceans, he thought. She would move Sin itself. All she would have to do was look at it, and it would bow before her. ‘And High Summoner!’ she exclaimed. ‘You'll be High Summoner! You'll show them!’ And she flung herself at Braska's knees, forcing him to sit down heavily. ‘You'll show them,’ she said, her face buried in his clothes.

‘Yes,’ said Braska, helplessly. ‘Yes. Yes. Yes.’

Available at: DW

In Blood and Gold by thousanth

Author’s summary: “The price of love is high, and is paid in blood and coin and reputation.”

Even when, finally, the snows take him, it is Braska he sees leaning down over his body. Braska, smiling in calm acceptance. Braska, outlined in gold, warm amidst the blizzard.

Available at: DW

mirror, sword, shield by mercuriosity

Author’s summary: “Armor is more than what you wear.”

Jecht's eyes catch his across the fire, and he raises an eyebrow. Auron drops his gaze, face burning. He feels ashamed, and angry at his shame; what does this outsider know of what he feels for Braska?

It's not what you think, he wants to say. It isn't his body.

Available at: AO3LJ

Sin Nombre by ArcadiaEclipse

Author’s summary: “Jecht finds out about Auron's sexuality in Macalania and gets curious. Auron lends a hand. Literally.”

‘Hey Auron. Does it..uh…hurt?’

The younger man frowned but refused to open his eyes.

‘I’m just tired.’

‘Nah, not that.’ Jecht was quiet for a moment and although he had prayed to Yevon countless times that the older man would shut up and leave him alone, this time Auron opened his eyes and looked at the man slumped beside him. Jecht was watching him and being remarkably quiet for once.


‘Just…Sleeping with a guy. Does it hurt? I mean you like it, right?’

Not currently available online

They Were the Dream Chasers by eternalbreath

Author’s summary: “How Lulu got her faith back.”

‘They have asked us not to,’ Auron said, voice angry. ‘It isn't because we didn't come here first. Summoning Valefor here is not a tradition only for those who become summoners at this temple.’

Lulu heard the weariness in Braska's voice as he said, ‘No, it is not.’

‘Man, we can't let them treat us this way,’ Jecht said. ‘I say we go for it.’ It was laid-back, a slow drawl, but Lulu didn't miss the hardness under the words, even worse than Auron's anger.

Available at: AO3

Trust In Gravity by Mithrigil

Author’s summary: “The trials of Braska’s pilgrimage started long before he even left Bevelle.”

Auron stands up from the board. ‘How dare you!’

‘How dare you. You spend more time in his room than ours, you moan his name in your sleep, and you walk out on chanting to meditate on him. Why pretend to serve Yevon when you’re worshiping him instead?’

Available at: AO3

Vilg Oui, Live by volta_arovet

Author’s summary: “A priest and his guardian come as missionaries to an Al Bhed camp, and the Al Bhed are going to do everything they can to convince the Yevonites to leave.”

She tastes it, and my, Netti is mean. There must be a full tablespoon of hot flakes in this. She makes a sympathetic face. ‘You're right, it is a little bland. Here you go,’ she says, passing Auron the hot sauce.

Auron looks balefully at the hot sauce, and Shaara wonders if he is about to cry. Instead, he steels his will, adds a splash of the hot sauce to his bowl, and gamely takes a bite. Shaara feels a strange sort of admiration for the little idiot.

Available at: AO3

What Stays & What Fades Away by Pochi

Author’s summary: “The High Summoner Braska and his Guardians. // This is the end of their story.”

He saw Sin fall, piece by piece, beyond Jecht's body, leaving blurred motion trails in its wake. Until the pyreflies came. The pyreflies were real. They didn't blur or smudge or smear; they wafted around him and danced and swirled like always, clear and beautiful as could be, singing their high-pitched, otherworldly song.

He didn't realize they were his pyreflies.

Available at: AO3


At Days End by gardensgnome

Author’s summary: “Braska and Auron training for the pilgrimage”

‘Are you arguing with your Summoner?’ Braska chided, trying to be stern as a chuckle escaped him. Auron was practically asleep and yet still managed to find energy to argue.

Available at: AO3IJ

Bathing Confessions by gardensgnome

Author’s summary: “The trio stop in at Rin's Travel Agency”

‘I will forgive you for lusting after my Guardian, Jecht,’ Braska whispered, smiling.

‘Wha?’ Jecht looked shocked as he stared over Braska’s shoulder to where Auron was now undressing.

‘It’s all right to want Auron.’

‘Not just…’ Jecht’s blush darkened and he stared down at Braska, exposed and unsure.

Available at: AO3IJ

Devotional by Fairy Armadillo

Author’s summary: “A summoner and a guardian watch each other.”

‘No, it's all right,’ Braska says quickly. He climbs out of the tub and goes to Auron, ignoring the pile of towels nearby. Naked and dripping, he slips his hands under Auron's coat, smoothing along his ribs. ‘It's all right,’ he repeats when Auron jumps and shivers. ‘You're magnificent like this. Don't be ashamed.’

Available at: Yaoiville

Drawn In by Mithrigil

Author’s summary: “They haven't had time alone since before the pilgrimage began. Now they do.”

One kiss opens the floodgates that Auron’s built up for years, and he takes Braska by the shoulders, holds him close, tight, here. Braska opens to him, welcomes him with a laugh that Auron can taste, somewhere under that heat and the fervor and the sense of something giving, at last. And no matter how close Auron presses, how hard he curls his fists in Braska’s robes, Braska doesn’t flinch away.

Available at: AO3

Goodbyes by Doreiku

Author’s summary: “Braska's last night in Zanarkand is full of grief and agony. His guardians wish to comfort him as well as be comforted.”

‘I understand-’

‘No. You don't.’ Jecht hesistantly pressed his mouth to Braska's bare neck, ‘I won't let go. I can't.’

Available at: FFN

Immaculate by sterilebear

Author’s summary: “Braska takes Auron’s virginity the way he does most things: gently.”

He gazed hazily up at Braska, admiring how beautiful he was like this, still sheathed within him as the last of the sensations ran their course, covered in a light sheen of sweat.

Available at: AO3

In the Calm Lands by Laylah

Author’s summary: “On their way to Zanarkand, Jecht, Auron and Braska comfort each other.”

And Braska is dragging Auron off him, putting his body between theirs, holding tight to Auron to keep him still. ‘Don't,’ he's saying, his voice soft but commanding, ‘please don't fight each other. Not for this.’

Available at: FicWadpersonal archive (Wayback Machine)

Knowing by Revulture

Author’s summary: “Inspired by this tumble post.”

He’d loved that Al Bhed woman most of all when she’d died, though he would never tell anyone that. Would never let Braska get wind of it. Had held him as he cried, shoulders shaking and that pretty brown hair so rarely uncovered and tumbling over Aurons’ coat, across his skin. He’d held Braska and cursed himself and when he’d finally put Yuna and Braska to bed he’d drank himself blind. Locked himself away in his room for two days and tried to forget what it felt like to hold him, tried to forget the scent of his hair.

Available at: AO3

Over the Mountain by ladysisyphus

And then, after Auron's cries had been muffled indeed by Braska's fingers, the Summoner collapsed against his Guardian, curled on his side like a child, weeping softly for his fate, for his daughter, for what his love for all the world had brought him to, and it was all Auron could do to wrap him in his arms and whisper declarations of devotion and assurances that everything would be all right, even when he knew it would not.

Available at: personal archive

Pretending by sterilebear

Author’s summary: “Loneliness breeds desperation.”

‘It’s… quite lonely, being a widower,’ Braska began, voice wavering. ‘I find myself struggling in more ways than one.’ He strained to get each syllable out.

Available at: AO3

Son et Lumiere by Carmilla

Author’s summary: “Auron and Braska enjoy a little time to themselves.”

‘I don't deserve you, you know.’

Auron looked up, eyes flashing fiercely. Their faces were bare inches away from each other.

‘Don't ever talk to me about what you deserve, when-’

Available at: AO3

The Last Warm Night by Laylah

Author’s summary: “Braska will summon the Final Aeon in the morning. He has little time left to show his appreciation to his guardian.”

/He's going to worry about you now/, the shadow of Jecht predicted, but even if there was still guilty and tension in Auron's face, all he said was, "Yes, yes, yes." His hands were shaking, clumsy, as he fumbled with the strings and sashes of Braska's robes, and at one point Braska thought he heard silk tear, but that didn't matter now -- he wouldn't need his fancy robes much longer. Right now, all that mattered was the fevered heat of Auron's skin, his harsh gasping breaths, this last private night before the dawn took all they had to give.

Available at: FicWadpersonal archive (Wayback Machine)

The More Things Change by Spindizzy

Author’s summary: “Jecht had never understood why women expected him to change after they slept with him.”

Auron was up all ready though, fully dressed and looking... Well, if you ignored the hickey high on his throat where nothing could hide it - and that had been completely deliberate; if Auron was going to kill him for marking him up, then Jecht was going to leave em all somewhere obvious - then Auron looked like nothing had happened at all. Still looked like a grumpy bastard.

Available at: AO3

Toxin by muggy_mountain

And he is home. Not his ratty monastery bunk in Bevelle. Not the night guard station. Not the countless, anonymous campsites or travel agencies. Home. His thoughts recede like a tide and he lowers himself into the grass, cradled by the smell of his mother's clover tea brewing and the clank of his father's hammer and anvil. He smiles up at the wondrous sky, full of promise and light and grinning like a boy. This is it. This is everything. All he ever wanted was to go back home.

Available at: LJ

untitled by owlmoose

All his life, Auron had wondered about this, about what it would be like, but never in his wildest imaginings had he pictured himself in this position, and he was still wondering just how he'd ended up here, lying on the ground under the starry canopy of the night sky, the grass of the Calm Lands scratchy against his naked back as Jecht's mouth closed around him.

Available at: LJ

Voyeurism by Doreiku

Author’s summary: “After being "kidnapped" by Braska and Auron, Jecht witnesses something he shouldn't see. Should never see. But he can't help enjoying it.”

‘Jecht may be awake.’ It was Braska's voice, definitely, but something was off. A whining… Begging tone?

‘My lord, I will not forgive you if you continue speaking of that drunkard.’ Auron's husky whisper responded, holding as much resentment for Jecht as earlier.

Available at: FFN

With Tired Souls, We Slept by Ponderosa & Blue_Soaring

Author’s summary: “He would wish for dreams had they been restful of late.”

The pads of Braska’s fingers pressed light against Auron’s skin and measured his heartbeat before moving up to cradle Auron’s jaw.

‘Thank you, Auron,’ Braska said, and he sent another wordless thank you to his other guardian, laying silent and still with too-even breaths.

Available at: personal archive (Wayback Machine)

Canon divergence AUs

Five Ways Braska’s Pilgrimage Doesn’t End by cygna_hime

Author’s summary: “Braska's pilgrimage ends in the Calm Lands, when he calls his Final Aeon. It doesn't end like this. (But it might have.)”

Braska no longer expects to survive to the top. He does not really need his staff. It is only a symbol of his power, of his life, a symbol he has chosen to leave behind on the cairn where all the rest of his life, bar the daughter he will never see again, lies buried. He only continues because he brought them up here with his stubbornness, and if he stops it will all have meant nothing. So he doesn't stop. At all.

Available at: LJ

The Many Adventures of Walking Man by cognomen

Author’s summary: “AU - "Keep on running/don't look back."”

‘It grew,’ Braska continued, eyes turned up toward the clouds running across the blue sky, racing each other toward the end of perception. ‘It just got bigger every day. I never thought I'd feel that way about anyone else - then Yuna was born.’ There was a long pause while Auron focused on keeping his motions steady and even. He found himself holding his breath, and couldn't quite force himself to breathe yet. ‘Then I met you.’

Available at: AO3LJ

We Bring The Fire by muggy_mountain

‘Turn it off,’ Braska croaked, his voice thick.

Auron complied and turned to his Lord, unsure of how to help him. ‘I don't think I can do this.’ Braska said rawly. ‘I never thought I could do this. I'm a fool and a murderer. Auron, I can't let you die for me --’

Braska is cut off by his own quaking self -- a string cut, a banner falling, soaked through with grief and misery.

Available at: LJ

Setting change AUs

Five Birds One Stone by acernor

Author’s summary: “Jecht says loudly ‘I’m not saying I’m not interested. You said a trade? What’s the trade? A blowjob for what?’ // Auron rolls his eyes, barely visible beneath the sunglasses. ‘The trade is you get a blowjob and I get a picture.’”

Jecht 12:05pm
did I agree to show up drunk 2 a party with Auron?

Auron 12:06pm

Braska 12:17pm
Yes, you’re going to be his DATE!

Available at: AO3

Syzygy by white_aster

‘Then what did you want to be?’

I could hear him smiling. ‘President. Or Senator. Or a scientist. Or an astronaut. Or a SeeD. Need I go on?’

‘You couldn't decide, then?’

‘No. I was rather a hyperactive child. Things would catch my interest and I'd read everything I could on them for a week, two, a month. And then something else would catch my eye. I think that my parents were hoping that it was a phase and that I'd grow out of it.’

Available at: DW

Misc (mostly post-pilgrimage)

And So It Goes by vanishinghitchhiker

Author’s summary: “They say it's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all. Never losing doesn't seem to be an option.”

He made a vague… noise, and kept his answer the same. ‘Your father was… a dear friend.’

‘Sir Auron.’ Though soft, her voice was halfway between stern and pleading. It was hauntingly familiar.

Available at: AO3

Cold Coming by uiggu

Author’s summary: “Before the place of souls, Auron takes confession from his own personal priest.”

Still, I didn’t think it would be so very terrible not to go. I didn’t think it would be this hard to be left behind. But it is. Oh, Braska, it is.

Available at: personal archive (WayBack Machine)

J by anonymous

Author’s summary: “Short insight(s?) into Auron and Jecht's relationship.”

The next morning it was back to Jecht instead of J, back to pretending the previous night had just been the usual wet (day)dream. Back to heated looks behind Braska's back, back to arguing about the most mundane things, back to hiding the tokens of their desire whenever they would practice their battling skills against one another, unless they were on their own. When that was the case, they would hide nothing at all.

Not currently available online

lives last by synecdochic

Author’s summary: “Sometimes, there are things that are better off not being said. Yuna runs across one or two of them when she has a conversation with Auron after Zanarkand.”

You could see it when you looked at him, the way his purpose was gathered around him like a cloak. You could see it in his eyes. We walked through the night, lit only by the halo of the moonlight, and the fiends and monsters drew aside for us as Braska passed by.

Available at: AO3

Some Rise By Sin by muggy_mountain/storyless

Author’s summary: “Jecht is going to be a hero.”

It was breaking him down, sneaky and slow-like, sea-salt on an old metal pier or closet moths on a blitzball jersey. He closed his eyes when it took over and thought about how all this destruction was really okay in the long run. The boy needed to hate him. He needed to piss the kid off real good.

Available at: LJFicWad

Spira Mirabilis by llamajoy

Author’s summary: “(a mildly pretentious fan poem, in a voice that would probably never use this poetic form. :p // but i post it anyway, because for some reason it was very cleansing to write, and sometimes the right words do come from the wrong mouths.)”

this final time, i cannot catch you. our blood mingles below the water's surface,
something huge moving beyond my skin. may you rest, my friends, unchanged--
unlike my heart. i am your fayth, braska, nothing left to summon. save spira.

Available at: personal archive

The Very Secret Diary of Lord High Summoner Braska by Amberlee

Author’s summary: “A parody. Read it.”

Delivered smackdown to sanctuary keeper only to find there is no Fayth here to work charms on. Instead, unsent bint Yunalesca says will make me a new super-spiffy Fayth for no money down and one pliant soul. Offered up Jecht immediately as is worthless.

Available at: AO3Yaoiville

untitled by anonymous

Author’s summary: “I keep misreading this as revenant kisses, so …”

The ghost-cage of his body acts of its own accord. His knees hit the ground, and he bows his head, muttering fragments of incoherent apology. His bones ache. He’s tired from the effort of holding himself up.

Available at: DW
