Originally posted here on 2023-08-11.

Back in November the young Auron costume was announced for DFFOO and this obviously made me unreasonably excited. At the time, the delay between JP and GL was consistent enough to make it possible to predict the exact day the content would be released in the latter. Young Auron was supposed to be arriving early last month; I had been hoarding materials since he was first announced so I could obtain and max his new weapons and boards, pretty standard stuff.

Then, just before that very same “this July”, in the monthly livestream it was announced that some of the events wouldn’t follow that exact pattern anymore. Some of them were going to be earlier: great! We got Lightning’s FR and Astos’ debut earlier than anticipated, so that’s all good, I guess. But of course the delayed event was the Auron one.

Anyway, turns out I only had a month to wait in the end, because yesterday the DFFOO lads tweetexd that the new Auron stuff would be released tomorrow, i.e. today! Thus ends my free-to-play era (although I’m not planning on spending any more money on this game, honest …). Now, at last, DFFOO is the Braska’s pilgrimage simulator I always dreamt of.

The DFFOO art style is like … my least favourite out of the extant FF mobile games, but I’ll take it, even if he appears to have no nose and looks pretty bizarre side-on. Below, more pictures of my boy!

Firstly, some action shots:

The boys enjoying their latest victory on the beach:

A story scene that no longer makes sense:

A story scene that, on the other hand, now does make sense for the first time:

A bit of the story that I need no excuse to share again because, damn, it’s so cute:

And a useful reaction image for all occasions:

Given that Auron is now the most recently updated character, he’ll also be the strongest for a few sweet days, as he rightly deserves. I’m also prioritising black crystals over all others so I can make him even more stronk. I’m sure some new content will be released soon that completely nullifies this, but for now, I’m just going to enjoy getting to see my boy smashing everything with his big sword.

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