Originally posted here on 2022-07-09.

After last week’s teaser, fave number two finally became playable in DFFOO yesterday morning, and I spent a good hour in a hotel room in Poland diligently maxing him. Once again, I have a lot of unnecessarily pedantic quibbles with the actual storyline of the chapter, but will save those for the conclusion of this thrilling saga (a fascinating read, I’m sure) – this post is just a few notes on Braska as a playable character.

Maxing a character in DFFOO currently consists of:

Despite my yet-to-be-completely-divulged grievances about the storyline of the chapter, it’s always fun for lore purposes to see what the names of the equipment and abilities are. Braska’s weapons have the following names, ordered by ascending power:

His moves and unique passive abilities are, in alphabetical order because why not:

Sort of amused, sort of exasperated, that we have so little canonical Braska content that a number of these just have to be “things he said at some point in the game”. Similarly, the six voice lines we can unlock are sometimes a bit banal, probably because there really isn’t much choice.

Like in FFRK, his elemental type is fire, which is the same as Jecht here – Auron doesn’t appear to have an associated element, but he’s (he was?? rip) also fire in FFRK. I’m not aware of any in-world reasons for this, but I guess they’re just all such good mates Or Maybe More that they can’t possibly not share an elemental affinity.

Finally, here he is in all his glory:

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