Originally posted here on 2022-05-09.

There are a couple of places online that list Auron, Braska and Jecht’s lines from the final battles in FFX-2, but nowhere seems to have the complete list, and the lists I’ve seen have a number of lines that are misattributed. It must be really difficult to transcribe them from the game, where there are all sorts of other noises going on and the lines are only triggered by specific conditions. Going through the actual sound files (is clearly overkill but) gives a much clearer impression of who says what, so obviously, that’s what I did.

Anyway, I think I might be missing a line or two from the Shuyin battle, so maybe this version isn’t complete either … but it’s more complete than others. I think. I’ll go back to it when I’ve finished going through every single line of dialogue in FFX.


As someone who, er, spends a lot of time listening to Auron’s voice, I can confidently say that … he sounds kind of weird here? I mean, in FFX, he just sounds very laid back most of the time, and really not at all like this, even in battles. He sounds extremely anxious here. Either Matt McKenzie just forgot how to do his Auron voice, or Auron reverted to his younger self on the Farplane.


Also known as “fake Braska” because it’s a different VA from the original one. Tbh I have no concept of a “Braska voice”, this is just the ones that were clearly neither Auron nor Jecht.


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