Originally posted here on 2022-02-17.
There are a lot of lines in FFX that are meant to add tasty bits of backstory to the experience, but sometimes they just don’t work. A case in point:
“Since I was a child, I’ve always looked up to Lord Braska.”
This line! It does not make sense. According to Ultimania,1 Isaaru is 26, which would have made him 16 at the time of Braska’s pilgrimage – certainly not a child by Spiran standards, given that Yuna is on her own pilgrimage and Gatta is a full member of the Crusaders when they’re both 17. So if we follow this to its logical conclusion, Isaaru must have looked up to Braska some years before the latter began his pilgrimage. I guess it’s possible that Braska’s missionary work with the Al Bhed allowed him to make a name for himself, and maybe this is how Isaaru came to know about him? But it’s clear that Braska lost any favour he might have once had when he eloped with Yuna’s mother and became, in his own words, “a fallen summoner” (this wording is also a bit questionable timeline-wise, but I guess that’s maybe a topic for another post).2
Isaaru either a. didn’t hear about Braska’s fall in everyone’s estimation despite knowing he had gone to work with the Al Bhed in the first place, or b. didn’t think this was a problem despite every other Yevonite looking down on him for it, neither of which seems particularly believable. This and much more to be explored in my WIP which is currently 83k of largely unedited, totally disjointed scenes … yikes.
1. Tbh, I do usually consider Ultimania a slightly sketchy source of information because fanatical lore unpickers like me can see that a lot of the additional “facts” it provides can’t possibly be true. However, it’s pretty clear that Isaaru is a good few years older than Yuna, so even if he’s a bit younger than 26 there’s a pretty small margin of error here.
2. For a take that interprets “fallen summoner” to mean that Braska was already a summoner before his fall from grace, I can recommend Vilg Oui, Live T ⚤ 12k+
by volta_arovet. There’s a lovely scene where teenage Auron gets drunk and falls off a bench.