The lines from this part of FFX are “It’s all right. It’s been long enough. This is your world now.”, while the official subtitles from the kabuki are “I’m fine. I’ve kept Braska waiting for ten years. The world belongs to you all.” The first and third of those sentences aren’t significantly different between the two versions, so I used the lines from the game for those because they sound a bit more elegant and are better known; the kabuki’s version of the second sentence was the reason I made this gifset in the first place! Tfw your OTP’s shippiest moment in canon isn’t technically canon and only actually involves one of them in person … sigh.

Note to self

Re giffing: wow it’s been several years! Not something I ever engaged in that often, but here are some I made for tumblr in probably 2017. I never claimed to be particularly skilled, but they do the job. Hosting these new ones on my own site means I don’t have to obey arbitrary tumblr limits in terms of both dimensions and filesize, plus the usual ideological benefits of not using centralised social media infrastructures, et cetera.

I saw something that said (paraphrasing) “if you want your gifs to be smooth, make them 50 fps.” This is definitely overkill, which I realised during the editing process, but it would have been too much hassle at that point to go through deleting every other frame. Next time I should probably aim for thirty. I’m also not sure if I exported them correctly: they look kind of fast, but that’s in comparison with hours of staring at the playback window in GIMP, which was definitely chugging through them too slowly, so maybe this is right, idk.

The command for exporting the frames is ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -vf "fps=30" frame%04d.png. Steps to take before exporting: 255 colours/positioned dithering, then optimise.
